I can't begin to express the relief that Paizo taking this seriously brings to me. It shouldn't I guess. I'm 2,800 miles away. No one at Paizo could pick me out of a lineup, maybe Mark Moreland or the lady who used to bring cookies to GenCon for GM’s, if she’s even around. I got disgruntled with PFS around Season 3, right after Josh Frost left. Stopped reporting one-shots. That was my protest. No reason really to protest other than Josh spent time at the Crowne with a room full of first time Pathfinder GM’s having cocktails and swapping stories from our tables.
Alex MacKinnon wrote:
It's updated!
Aaron Shanks wrote:
Thanks for the update Aaron. Looks forward to adding the Specials to my subscriptions
Elfteiroh wrote:
Well heck. I use HeroLab Online for Character generation and the spell decks to build "Spell Books". I don't always know the source of the spell which is the primary reason for using cards to build decks. I just want to be able to sort the APG spells into the 5 boxes and be able to build a spell book to manage this. I hope your source is wrong or this changes before production. - my two cents
Can a Wizard deduce when someone using the Occultism Spell list casts a spell that she knows? For example a Bard casts Mage Hand (from the Occultism spell list) can a Wizard with Mage Hand on her spell list (Arcane) determine that's what's being cast? Is that automatic? Is it an Occultism Lore check? Bards use magic in a far different way than Wizards, so even if the result is the same is the process for getting there the same or different? THe wizard would have memorized the gestures and words to bring the spell forth while the bard knows how to bring it out by weaving a magical melody..
My group is ascending into Kraggodan next session. We've had a handful of deaths and resurrections. We started with 6 players, at this point it's 10 minutes to complete a round of combat with all the mathiness that comes with being level 10+. One player has recently died in an ambush on The Long Road and will probably drop so it'll speed things up a bit. We should wrap in time to start Kingmaker for 2nd edition when it ships.
I know it's Seven years after this column first appeared, but it appears the spreadsheet paizo used to have for submitting minis has disappeared. I followed Vic's link and it's a forgotten corner of the website, probably because Paizo stopped buying minis. I really just want the spreadsheet as a way of cataloging minis.
Valdacil, This sounds pretty darn good. My party of 4 struggled with the Sandman, but otherwise pretty good RAW. We play in person so they get a wall of text or two in email format between games, usually the PF journal in the back of the module and some collected information scrubbed from the pages and pages of backstory writes into these campaigns.
I'm within a month/month and a half of wrapping up both ROTR (6 players) with one group and Emerald Spire (4) with another. I'm considering running 'Kingmaker' with both groups of players but using a larger map. I thought this might lead to some cross kingdom intrigue, perhaps trade routes and border skirmishes. Has anyone gone down this rabbit hole already? Starting to prep it now. But if someone has done this already, I'm good with not reinventing the wheel. Suggestions?
It appears the response to this ruling has been decided. In my quest to play or run 50 in 50, I've struck out in the the last 3 states I've been in. Philadelphia, Little Rock and Phoenix, their game stores near their respective colleges no longer offer Society games, even if I offered to GM. It's a shame. I'll be back in Philadelphia tomorrow and I'll be swinging by Redcap's to see what games are afoot!
Ultimately players want chronicle sheets. That's their "loot". Kick down doors, kill the monters, take their loot. Chronicle sheets give their characters the ability to kick down secret doors, kill bigger monsters and take MORE loot. Lather, rinse repeat until you reach "LEVEL 12" and choose Countryside Acres or Millionaire Estates, or the 4 part Level 12 PFS adventure that sends them to the history books. Removing the rewards seems unjustified. Here's what I think is a more likely scenario... I can see the possibility of Game stores that run a significant number of games no longer reporting their games. Their players will continue get chronicle sheets for adventures they run and enjoy, ignoring the replay rule. The GM star rewards are really minimal at best. 1 or two extra scenarios a year, one of which requires a convention or large event at best, so the impact on GM's not reporting is minimal. Most GM's I know do it because they love the game. Players will take their characters to other shops and conventions have the necessary chronicle sheets and be able to enjoy their games. Overall, players will still play and have a blast in a great enviroment with excellent adventures. Paizo will not get the games reported by their most avid fan base which is probably a shame, but the only other viable option is report the games and turn away avid players unless there happens to be a scenario released that week. Given the two options of turning a player away who's bringing a character that hasn't played (but the person has) or simply not reporting it. I choose to not report it and have a good time of it. That player is not going to "Game the Table". He's going to spend a couple hours with friends (new or old) playing in an adventure, roleplaying another class. Remembering Paizo and PFS in a good light, as opposed to being turned away. Will I get to the mythical 5 stars this way? Probably not. Will my players and the players at my table have a good time? Hell yeah. And that point isn't it? Regards Alex
In my quest to play or run 50 scenarios in 50 states, I've played in that Philly store. That was one of the best games I've had the pleasure of playing in. The regular Monday group is composed of rabid PFS fans, devouring content and going by the come in and play mindset. We had a new guy at our table and the GM and players just rolled with it helping the rookie out all the way through. Every player got it's moment to shine and moment to get laughed at. (Stuck in a window comes to mind) Anything that would dampen that environment is bad for the Society as a whole. I would gather that that store is singly handley responsible for PFS at the University of Pennsylvania and to top it off the owner stays on PFS forums. Some of your strongest supporters... I'd love to see AP's and Mods converted to PFS for more content. Even in our little group back home we frequently run into overlap adventures. - MORE CONTENT, MORE CONTENT! =)
So I find myself in Mililani, Hawai'i next week and I'm looking for a PFS game to run or play in. I'm looking to play one or run one in all 50 States so I am hoping this works out, and I don't have to recruit people in my hotel bar to play. Please leave me a message here or ring me up at (727)520-4926
I swear by HeroLab for PFS. I found it easy to use. Character creation in 5 or 10 mins. I have it installed on both a laptop and a desktop (you simply get a second registration for free, there's a menu inside the app for it.) all the AP's, all the books and supplements. The ability to automatically grey out the feats and traits unavailable to Society. The character sheet is intuitive with the most commonly used items upper left or in bold. If you choose to use a pc while playing all the situationals can be easy applied (slowed, entangled, poisoned). items can be bought or sold for 0% / 50% / 100% or you can set a custom price. It has journal tracking for Society adventures - including Prestige, experience, gold. No I am not a shareholder, just a happy user
Thanks to the Red Caps Gaming Group for a great time in “The Infernal Vault”. Moments to remember
Thanks again guys. I had a blast. Special thanks to Adam for running it.
For crack mainly. Herald's pretty much my dealer. Actually, I started playing again to find something off the computer to do with my son. Herald was GM'ing us. I volunteered to run a few at GenCon and then decided I better figure out how to GM PFS. I ran one or two a week until GenCon, I loved it, and now although I travel a great deal, I try to sneak back into the weekly event I started that Herald now runs.
I do remember first starting out GMing and posting some permutation of the question above. The reward was the god-awesome most important thing to GMing when I first started. I had to have the reward to make my Fighter get to 6th. A dozen or more scenarios GM'd later, it's less about the reward and more about the fun. I think GMing grows on you. It still matters to me, and I routinely have to decide which character I'll apply the reward to, but the GM with another dozen scenarios ahead of me, he rarely even uses the reward anymore. We both GM. We both occassionally get to play. The reward simply lets us have a character of the appropriate tier to game with. Just my two cents. See y'all at GENCON BABY! Alex |