Orc Mystic

Aktuh's page

266 posts. Organized Play character for Watery Soup.

Current Campaigns

(#Q-06) "Archaeology in Aspenthar" (inactive)

The Ruby Prince has banned much of the archaeology that once took place in the nation of Osirion. Rather than quelling the demand for access to the mysteries of ancient Osirion, this created a new market among Osirion's neighbors. Prince Zinlo, ruler of the city-state of Aspenthar, has offered several potentially interesting contracts to explore and document ancient sites within his holdings. As the PCs are sent to secure one of these sites, will they uncover new secrets long lost to modern recollection, or will they find that the Prince Zinlo's offer truly is too good to be true?
Maps > "Archaeology in Aspenthar"
Resource > Action / Activity Summary
Resource > (GM Numbat's) Org Play PbP intro
Resource > (GM Doug H's) PFS Society Guide Reader
Resource > Joining Pathfinder Society: Faction, Training, Network Items, and First Boons
Action Symbols > Single (◆), Double (◆◆), Triple (◆◆◆), Free (◇), Reaction (↺)
Status Symbols > ♥️ hit points, ☘️ hero points, ✋ held items, ⚕ status conditions

GM ZD PFS2: #2-01: Citadel of Corruption [Game day IX] (inactive)


Treasure Bundle:

▫▫ Area A6, page 7: 2 Treasure Bundles for defeating
the dragon spirit encounter
▫ Area A7, page 9: 1 Treasure Bundle for finding the
lapis lazuli
▫▫ Area B2, page 10: 2 Treasure Bundles for defeating
the abyssal fungi
▫▫ Area B3, page 10: 2 Treasure Bundles for earning at
least 20 Research Points
▫▫▫Area B4, page 12: 3 Treasure Bundles for defeating

PFS2e Q4 - Port Peril Pub Crawl (KS) (inactive)

Tier 1-4
Subtier 1-2
14 Challenge Points

[Gameday XII, PF2/Farol] #4-07: A Most Wondrous Exchange! (inactive)

[GD XI, PFS2, MTS] GM Blake's 3-98: Expedition into Pallid Peril (Tier 5-6) (inactive)

[PFS2, Outpost04] 1-03 Escaping the Grave (GM Watery Soup) (inactive)