Orc Mystic

Aktuh's page

266 posts. Organized Play character for Watery Soup.


AC 27 | HP 100/100 | P+17 (+19), F+16, R+18, W+16 | Recall: A+20, N+16, O+21, R+16, S+20 | Explore: Investigate, duh | DV, 25' |


Hero: 1/3 | Investigations: Melota, open | Active Conditions: lovesick 3


open | male (he/him) deep orc (Menador) investigator (forensic) 9 | ◆◇↺ |

About Aktuh

Character Summary

Aktuh is an orc who fell in love with a human woman, Melota. He was framed for murder, and she disappeared while he was defending himself in court. He travels the world to try to find where she went.

Aktuh is a lovesick orc who is very offended by violence and death. It is intentionally ambiguous whether Melota returns Aktuh's affection.

Canonized roleplay:
Clue #1 (#2-01): "Aktuh recalls hearing Melota mention something about the River Kingdoms. Unknown if it is where she is from or where she is going."
Clue #2 (#1-08): "Shadows"
Clue #3 (Q06): "Syringe"

Casting: Michael Dorn (Lt. Worf from Star Trek: TNG)

Theme Song: TKA, "Slipping Through My Hands"

Character Inspiration: One of my favorite writers from Star Trek TNG is Ronald D. Moore, who took the Klingons - a 1-dimensional, bred-for-war foe from TOS - and transformed them into a beautiful society, full of traditions, lore, and ... love! Lt. Worf requests a Klingon opera "Aktuh and Melota" in the TNG episode "Unification Part II".

Background Narrative:
Aktuh took one last look at the empty chair behind him. It was reserved for Melota, but she wasn't coming. He stood at the defendant's table and looked the judge in the eye - not with anger, since he knew that scared humans, but with resolve.

"I plead not guilty, Your Honor, and I intend to refute the court's evidence with reason, with facts, and with logic."


Aktuh grew up in the Menador Mountains and was used to scorn. Unlike their kin in the Hold of Belzkin, the Menador orcs were rarely the instigators of conflict, but they were often blamed for any trouble that occurred. He took lessons from a passing human (Nina Jaribu, 2358909-2003) on human etiquette. He learned how to bite his tongue when humans referred to him as "clean" and "articulate." But most importantly, he learned from a very early age which settlements would trade with them, and what their orc-specific markups were. It was on one of these trips that he saw Melota for the first time.


Her smile meant everything to him. They talked for what seemed like hours, ending only when his companions warned him that they had to finish all their trading and negotiations before dark, because orcs were barely tolerated in town during the day. Aktuh went back to his cave and dreamed about her for weeks on end. The next trip to town couldn't come soon enough. He read human books about love and human poetry about love.



The prosecution presented evidence of murder of a human. Aktuh, acting as his own advocate because no human, elf, or dwarf would take his case, refuted it all - there was murder, but Aktuh was nowhere near the site at the time the murder occurred. The prosecution presented eyewitnesses testimony, which fell apart under Aktuh's deft cross-examination. The prosecution presented analysis of the murder wounds. Aktuh examined the wounds himself, presenting evidence that the wound was caused by a serrated blade, and not his shortsword.

The day that he was declared not guilty and released should have been the happiest of his life. Instead, it was the saddest. He stood in front of Melota's family's house, free to love, but they had fled.


male (he/him) deep orc (Menador) investigator (forensic) 9
Home Region: Menador Mountains (Eye of Dread)
Background: barrister
Senses: darkvision (ancestry), normal hearing
Speed: 25’

AC 10+2+[3+3]+9 = 27
Max HP 10+(8+2)*9 = 100
Perception +6+2+9 = +17 (+1 vs fine details, +2 to Seek)
Fortitude +4+2+9+1 = +16
Reflex +4+4+9+1 = +18
Will +4+2+9+1 = +16
Resistances: evil 3

Melee: +1 striking returning light hammer (+15, 2d6+3 B, agile, thrown 20')
Melee: shortsword (+16, 1d6+3 P, agile, finesse, versatile S)
Ranged: +1 striking returning light hammer (+18, 2d6+3 B, agile, thrown 20')
Ranged: +1 striking ghost touch shortbow (+18, 2d6+2 P, deadly d10)

+18 to hit, +3d6 precision to damage


STR 0 DEX +4 CON +2 INT +4* WIS +2 CHA 0

Ancestry Feats: Orc Lore, Scar-Thick Skin [bleed DC 10], Athletic Might [Swim S->CS]
Class Features: Clue In, Devise a Strategem, Pursue a Lead, Strategic Strike
Class Feats: Known Weaknesses [Recall Knowledge with Devise a Strategem], Medic Dedication (BM 2d8+10+5+9), Doctor's Visitation [1 action Stride + BM], Shared Strategem [ally gets OG to target], Archaeologist Dedication
General Feats: Thorough Search [+2 Seek @ 1/2 speed], Expeditious Search [2x fast]
Skill Feats: Forensic Acumen, Combat Climber, Terrain Expertise (Underground), Additional Lore (Orc), Battle Medicine, Group Impression (Make an Impression 2 targets), Assurance (Medicine), Continual Recovery, Treat Condition, Ward Medic, Holistic Care, Magical Crafting, Trick Magic Item, Arcane Sense (detect magic (3rd))

Skills: +training+ability+level+item =
• Acrobatics +2+4+9 = +15
• Arcana +6+4+9+1 = +20
• Athletics +2+0+9 = +11
• Crafting +4+4+9+1 = +20
• Deception +2+0+9+1 = +12
• Diplomacy +2+0+9+1 = +12
• Intimidation 0
• Lore, Circus [hireling] +4+9 = +13
• Lore, Legal [background] +2+4+9 = +15
• Lore, Orc [feat] +6+4+9 = +19
• Lore, Pathfinder Society [PFS] +2+4+9 = +15
• Lore, Theater [hireling] +4+9 = +13
• Medicine +4+2+9+1 = +16 (Assurance: 10+4+9 = 23)
• Nature +4+2+9+1 = +16 (+1 to Recall vs plants)
• Occultism +6+4+9+2 = +22
• Performance [hireling] +4+9 = +13
• Religion +4+2+9+1 = +16
• Society +6+4+9+1 = +20 (+1 to Recall vs giants or ancient history/people/cultures)
• Stealth +4
• Survival +2+2+9 = +13
• Thievery +4+4+9 = +17 (+1 to Pick Locks and Disable a Device)

Languages: Common, Orcish, Goblin, Jotun, Sakvroth, Fey

Gear: adventurer's pack (backpack, bedroll, belt pouches (x2), chalk (x10), flint and steel, rope (50'), rations (x14), torches (x5), waterskin), wayfinder, +1 resilient studded leather, shortsword, +1 striking ghost touch shortbow, periscope (crafted 1), onyx dog figurine (crafted 1), pendant of the occult (greater), +1 striking returning light hammer, magnifying glass, thieves tools (infiltrator), hat of the magi, ventriloquist's ring, healer's gloves, healer's toolkit (expanded), spacious pouch I, choker of elocution, primeval mistletoe, shining symbol, diplomat's badge

Pathfinder Provision: 5th rank scroll of breath of life

1.1. 2-01 Citadel of Corruption
1.2. 1-15 The Blooming Catastrophe (GM)
1.3. 1-08 Revolution on the Riverside (GM)
2.0.1. Q06 Archaeology in Aspenthar
2.1.1. 1-11 Flames of Rebellion (GM)
2.1.2. Q04 Port Peril Pub Crawl
2.1.3. Q13 Falcon's Descent (pregen)
2.2.3. 1-06 Lost on the Spirit Road (GM)
2.3.3. 2-05 Balancing the Scales
3.0.4. Q12 Putrid Seeds (pregen)
3.2. 1-03 Escaping the Grave (GM)
3.3. 1-22 Doom of Cassomir (GM)
4.1. 2-17 Lost Maid of Anactoria
4.2. 2-14 Lost in Flames (GM)
4.3. 2-03 Catastrophe's Spark
5.1. 2-18 Fanciful March of Urwal (pregen)
5.2. 2-15 A Dirge for Sarkoris (GM)
5.3. 2-23 An Agent's Obligation
6.1. 2-16 Freedom for Wishes (GM)
6.2. 3-09 The Secluded Siege
6.3. 3-98 Expedition into Pallid Peril
7.1-7.3. Malevolence (GM)
8.1. A Fistful of Flowers (GM)
8.2. A Few Flowers More
8.3. 4-07 A Most Wondrous Exchange

Item Access:
katana (U, 2 gp)
alignment ampoule (U, 4+ gp)
hunter's bane (discounted, 5 gp, limit 3)
scroll of darkness (discounted, 6 gp, limit 1)
beacon shot (discounted, 8 gp, limit 5)
metalmist sphere (U, 11+ gp)
putrid sack of rotting fruit (U, 12 gp)
capsacin tonic (U, 17 gp)
pummeling snare (U, 25 gp)
sky serpent bolts (U, 25 gp)
archaic wayfinder (U, 30 gp)
Golden Legion epaulets (U, 55 gp)
envenomed snare (U, 60 gp)
sealing chest (U, 75+ gp)
globe of invulnerability spell (U)
holy prayer beads (U, 160 gp)
misdirecting haversack (U, 200 gp)
wand of fey flames (U, 360 gp)
encompassing lockpick (U, 450 gp)
starless scope (Q, 650 gp)

Chronicle Boons:
Deathtouched Explorer: All of your characters gain access to the following Rare backgrounds from Pathfinder Book of the Dead: Scion of Slayers, Tomb Born, and Willing Host. If you select the Willing Host background, use the following clarifications to streamline play. For organized play purposes, the spirit doesn't ask for things that are beyond your means or that would be disruptive to the flow of the adventure (for example, they don't require you to provide a gourmet meal while your group is on the road). Since organized play games typically do not track the costs of every meal that characters eat, you do not need to pay additional money to procure sensory experiences for the spirits. You can choose to spend money on the spirits' requests for roleplaying reasons if you wish.

Devil's Keep (advanced): You are the rightful master of the infernal keep known as Diggen's Rest. Once per adventure, you may use the following reaction.
Infernal Detonations (reaction) Trigger A creature within 30 feet of you targets you or an ally with an attack; Effect The creature takes fire damage equal to 1d6+your level (basic Reflex save). The DC of the Reflex save is equal to your spell DC or your class DC, whichever is higher.

Doom Averted: When your dying value is increased to exactly the amount that would kill you, this boon automatically activates. Check the box that precedes this boon and decrease your dying value by one. [ ]

Finadar Leshy: You have gained access to the Finadar Leshy background for all your characters.

Fluent in Cyclops: You've come into contact with cyclopes or their cultural artifacts, and you get the sense that you could pick up their language with a bit of study. You gain access to the Cyclops language, allowing you to learn Cyclops the next time you gain a language (such as through the Multilingual skill feat).

Fruit Basket: Check this box when setting out on an adventure to receive a piece of specially treated baobab fruit. During that adventure, you or another character can use an Interact action to consume the fruit, which functions as a lesser elixir of life. If you do not consume the fruit during that adventure, it spoils. [ ]

River Kingdoms Politician: Upon completing an adventure set in the River Kingdoms or Razmiran, you may check a box next to this boon when using your downtime to Earn Income to participate in the political intrigues of the region, allowing you to find an Earn Income task of up to your level +1. When all three boxes are checked, this boon will have a special effect in a future scenario. [ ] [ ] [ ]

Secrets of the Jistkan Alchemists: Whenever you Craft an item with the alchemical trait during Downtime, after rolling, you can check a box that precedes this boon to increase your degree of success by one. [ ] [ ]

Team Player (reaction): Trigger – an ally fails a check on which you Aided; Effect – The ally can reroll the check and use the better result. [ ] [ ] [ ]

Traveler of the Spirit Road: Whenever you would critically fail a check to Hide, Sneak, Sense Direction, or Track while in a forested area, you may check a box next to this boon as a free action to treat that check as a failure instead. [ ] [ ] [ ]

Hireling (Expert, Professional): Dance Coach (Performance, Theater Lore, Circus Lore, Fascinating Performance)

AcP Boons:
Adversary Lore (4 AcP; giant, plant): It doesn’t matter how powerful your weapons are if you don’t know where to strike. Before an adventure, you take time to study a certain category of creatures, making it easier to recall their capabilities later. When you purchase this boon, either select one creature type from List 1 below, or choose two creature types from List 2. While this boon is slotted, you have a +1 circumstance bonus to Recall Knowledge about creatures of the selected type(s). If your Reputation Tier for the Vigilant Seal faction is 4, this bonus increases to +2.
List 1 aberration, animal, beast, construct, dragon, elemental, fiend, undead.
List 2 astral, celestial, ethereal, fey, fungus, giant, monitor, ooze, plant.

Combat Mentor (0 AcP): While working with less experienced Pathfinder allies, you provide pointers and lead drills that ensure your newer colleagues’ attacks strike true. For any PCs benefiting from a Level Bump and whose levels are lower than yours, you increase the Level Bump’s modifier to attack rolls and spell attack rolls to 2.

Curse Breaker (4 AcP): You have been entrusted with an accursed item from the Society’s vaults, and you can spend your time in the Grand Lodge patiently unraveling its malign influence. When you acquire this boon, choose a permanent magic item of your level or lower to which you have access. You can spend Downtime erasing the item’s stubborn curse. This uses the same rules as you would to Craft the item, with the following exceptions. First, you must use Arcana, Nature, Occultism, or Religion in place of Crafting for all purposes. Second, you only need to spend 2 days of Downtime before attempting your first skill check and subsequently beginning to reduce the item’s effective cost. You can uncurse more than one magic item with this boon, but you must finish uncursing one item before beginning the next.

Heroic Defiance (0 AcP): When you spend your Hero Points to avoid death, you can choose to immediately wake up with 1 Hit Point.

Hireling (4 AcP): You have recruited a non-combat hireling who can assist you with a certain set of skill checks. This ally performs the selected skills with a total modifier equal to 2 + your level, and they are considered trained in the skills. You must expend any actions and be in range to perform the action yourself, and any consequences of these actions affect you (such as falling when using Athletics to Climb). The hireling doesn’t have or use its own ability modifiers and can never benefit from item bonuses, status bonuses, or fortune effects. Abilities that grant you a circumstance bonus do not grant that circumstance bonus to your hireling even though you are using your action to attempt the check. You cannot aid your own hireling. You cannot use the hirelings skills except recall knowledge in combat, and the hireling cannot be affected by, or affect combat, and cannot be harmed unless willfully endangered, and has no effect other than performing the selected skill checks. When you purchase this boon, you select one skill as well as one Lore skill. The hireling can perform only these skills checks.

Hireling, Expert: When you gain this boon, select one Hireling boon you possess. The selected ally’s proficiency for their selected skills improves to expert, and their modifier to skill checks increases to 4 + your level.

Hireling, Professional: When you gain this boon, select one Hireling boon you possess. The selected ally adds a second Lore skill to the list of skill checks they can attempt. In addition, select one skill feat whose prerequisite is being trained in one of the hireling’s selected skills. The hireling gains the benefits of that skill feat when attempting skill checks.

Leader by Example (legacy): Pathfinders don’t always find adventure on their own; they often need someone to lead them to where the danger lies. As their guide on perilous treks, your renown grows. When you GM an adventure that grants at least 4 XP, you earn 2 additional Fame and Reputation with the Vigilant Seal faction. You can qualify for the benefit when you run multiple adventures that grant fewer XP so long as the total XP at least equals 4. Special You can benefit from this boon only a number of times equal to your current Reputation Tier with the Vigilant Seal faction. Each time you fulfill the requirements of this boon, mark it on your Chronicle sheet along with the associated Reputation Tier. You can only earn additional Fame and Reputation with this boon for one character per adventure you run, even if you have multiple characters who could benefit from this boon.
Tier 1: #1-11 Flames of Rebellion
Tier 2: #2-14 Lost in Flames
Tier 3: pending

Resist Corruption (legacy): No matter whether you’re a shining beacon of good or a jaded pragmatist with a mission, you must be prepared to shield yourself and your allies against unholy energy. While this boon is slotted, you and any adjacent allies gain resistance to evil damage equal to your Reputation Tier with the Vigilant Seal faction.

Treasure Bundle Insurance (4 AcP): Even when your careful searching doesn’t uncover all of a site’s valuables, you’re able to appraise, repair, and certify what you did recover to maximize their value. You can check a box that precedes this boon at the end of a scenario when you and your allies recovered 9 or fewer of the adventure’s Treasure Bundles. Increase the effective number of Treasure Bundles recovered by 1 for the purpose of calculating the group’s gold piece rewards. The total number of additional Treasure Bundles provided by this boon cannot exceed the adventure's maximum (10, for a typical scenario) [ ] [ ] [ ]