Man with a Pickaxe

Agatsu Hulla's page

128 posts. Alias of adsapiens.

Current Campaigns

JasonX's Giantslayer

The town of Trunau faces trouble. Can our intrepid adventurers save the day?

Pathfinder Endless Encounters Thread

Serpents Skull-Table 1

Wrath of the Righteous Part 2: Sword of Valor

SECTION ONE: Crusader's March
Now invested with righteous mythic power, Our Heroes are tasked with their first mission. Lead an army to recapture the citadel city of Drezen, lost in the First Crusade, and the crusaders’ Relic of power!

Current Strategic Map: STRATEGIC OVERVIEW

Current Tactical Map:

It's Going Down...For Real (inactive)


The Path of Three (inactive)

It begins with the preparations for the auction of the Sun Orchid Elixir...