The Path of Three (Inactive)

Game Master Me'mori

It begins with the preparations for the auction of the Sun Orchid Elixir...

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So that didn't happen. You're up Yorick. This is my character. Going to be Warlord and prestige into Dragon Fury. When build is decided I make the switch but the backstory is what I came up with for the other group. But there hasn't been a lot of traffic recently so finding a third might be hard.

It's understandable given the holidays. I'll read up on yours tomorrow and come up with something that works with it! Do you want to set up another discussion or should I PM you?


I have nothing else to submit, but I'm still watching.

PM until a third is found.

Cool I'll PM you tomorrow.

Anyone else up for a third for joining Zayne's and my mercenary band?

'Tis the week! Currently we have:

Interest (thus far):
• Ozyar
• YoLlama
• Ashe
• Monkeygod
• The Pale King
• Raltus
(If any of you are still interested, please post to let anyone else checking in to know who is still viable, please.)

Looking for more:
• Zayne Iwatani, YoricksRequiem

Confirmed Groups:
• Crayfish Hora, The Chess, Burnscar

I'll likely let the week end and make announcements next Monday, though I would appreciate anyone still following this thread to post your character ideas, even if you're not in a group, so I know who is actually still following this. I know the holidays get hectic and things fall by the wayside, but I'd not miss out on someone just because things got busy for them temporarily.

Out of curiosity, Crayfish, have you heard from the other two members of your group at all? I've seen no one but you, Zayne, and Yorick (alas..) post in this thread in the past two weeks Should that be the case, I'll default to taking you three.

I'm still around. I just don't clog the recruitment threads, usually ;)

Fair enough. I was getting worried that the holidays had consumed everyone.

The Lost Voice wrote:
I'll likely let the week end and make announcements next Monday, though I would appreciate anyone still following this thread to post your character ideas, even if you're not in a group, so I know who is actually still following this.

I just sent my idea over to Zayne - if he's good with it, we'll get ours posted today/tomorrow. It might be useful for a potential third to see what we have in mind!

Very well.

• Crayfish Hora
• The Chess
• Burnscar

Please head to the discussion thread, and repost your individual character concepts, as well as your group story.

Thank you to all that submitted, as I know this is a system that does not see much playtime, and I'll see you in the next recruitment, perhaps.

Thanks for the invite!

In the event that those chosen do not report in within a week, alternates will be:

• YoricksRequiem
• Zayne Iwatani

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