Deka An-Keret

Aerys_K's page

14 posts. Alias of Kulko.


F Human Fighter | Friendly | Wants help curing alcoholism


1.3 -> 2.0
Saved 1->2

Deck Upgrade:
Blessing 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 567 Sands of the Hour -> TBD


F Human Fighter | Friendly | Wants help curing alcoholism
Gregor Kardoff wrote:
Gregor was glad to see Aerys. How are you doing? You going to join Capt Kartassa's crew? then when she says the Capt would like to see them about Shiv. he nods. very well.

"I think so. its been always tough to earn your place in the power politics of the Shackles as a woman, but I want to command my own ship and so I have too. Lady Kassata has manged just that I hope she can help me fulfilling my own wishes. And she even has agreed thatIshirou can stay with us, despite his history from Bloodcove."

Aerys leads you to the harbour where a rowing boat brings you on board of the Last Hurrah.

F Human Fighter | Friendly | Wants help curing alcoholism

"I think it has something to do with that snake temple you found on the Shiv. She has been asking me questions about it for some time now."

F Human Fighter | Friendly | Wants help curing alcoholism

Next morning you enjoy your breakfast at Sargavas Club and discuss the next steps, when Aerys steps up towards you.

"Hello friends! How is your time in Eleder? Were you able to clean Jasks name with the authorities."

After listening to your experiences with the Praetor she changes the subject.

"Actually I have been looking for you. You remember Captain Kassata from the Last Hurrah? She wants to speak about an offer she has for you."

F Human Fighter | Friendly | Wants help curing alcoholism

When Father Kerndrew falls for Kassatas trap and names the wrong captain for the Jenivere, you see Kassata smile deviously. But before She can repl, Aerys steps up.

"Of course our fine priest here meant Captain Kovack. You must excuse us, its been almost three months since we last met the Captain or first Mate Devers. Most of the crew perished in the shipwreck and as Father Kerndrew mentioned The Captain was captured and lured away by that serpent woman."

F Human Fighter | Friendly | Wants help curing alcoholism

Know Local Davor: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19
Know Local Shalissa: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 10 = 15


Sargava is paying the Free Captains to protect their colony from Chelax and other enemies.
Of course you are not yet technically in Sargava.

When Aerys spots the ship, she sqints trying to make out its design and then the details.
"Ah yes The Last Hurrah. As far as I know it is Captain Kassatas ship. She is one of the Free Captains, although a more recent addition to their ranks."

F Human Fighter | Friendly | Wants help curing alcoholism

"Trampled grass, some blood on the ground. And Tracks leading us towards this trail. Which is how we came to this place." Aerys tells you a bit more details.

"I shouldn't have let her leave alone, illness or not. we must find her before it's to late."

F Human Fighter | Friendly | Wants help curing alcoholism

"Tahnks, you are two kind. These are just the random musings of an amateur."

Aerys blushes at the compliment, but Shalissa is right, it is a really compelling story of the strength of personality against incalculable

The next time (Not now when you will have time to spend with an NPC to learn a new feat you can also choose Aerys. Reading the Cantos with her will give a +1 Will vs. Compulsion

F Human Fighter | Friendly | Wants help curing alcoholism

"What do you Mean? Nothing is wrong, leave me alone."

Aerys is brusquely turning Davor away. but he can see her hands shaking and herself sweating when she returns to the cave.

Later you can also see her searching for something in the depot you have secured from the Jenivere. When she apparently comes up empty she curses loudly.

Gregor, Kerndrew:

Later in the evening you notice another strange behaviour. When sitting on the campfire Shalissa starts telling something about her first few days on the island, and her ship the Tatooed Lady. While hearing about the ship Aerys grows very silent and you later catch her looking out west towards the tip of the island where you found Shalissa

F Human Fighter | Friendly | Wants help curing alcoholism

"So what else did you find? Anything about that Ghost? I think I saw it back on the beach a few days ago?"

F Human Fighter | Friendly | Wants help curing alcoholism

"I am certainly not a pirate! They won't even let me captain a Merchant ship back home in Port Peril. Why do you think I left for a sorry province town like Sargava." Aerys shoots daggers at Jask with her eyes.

Note: Sargava might not hold a candly to a city like Absolom, but from what you have seen Port Peril is also not much to write home about.

"But I do know Avret Kinkarian. He was a famous pirate captain. He and his ship, the Brine Demon, were very successful raiding sargavian ships. I think they caught up with him about 8 years ago and he was never heard of since."

F Human Fighter | Friendly | Wants help curing alcoholism

"The last one fled up that way. I think it was limbing slightly when it got away." Aerys points out showing up the eastern side of the cliff.

Survival DC 12:

You find the tracks going into the jungle in a southeastern direction. You can easily follow them for half an hour, when they lead ontop a rocky patch of higher ground.
Survival DC 17

You are able to find the tracks again and follow it up the small cliff.
Describe how you proceed or if you just want to start battle.

Taking 10 is an option, Taking 20 too, but then night falls and the second check gets a +6 modifier.

F Human Fighter | Friendly | Wants help curing alcoholism

I have added alias to all NPCs and a few infos in the profiles hope that helps keeping the people apart.

F Human Fighter | Friendly | Wants help curing alcoholism

"I was going to chase it away! It was staring at me, trying to decide who to attack us. Horrible Bird on this horrible island"
Sorry for the misunderstanding. Also Aerys is currently Frightened so no use tomorrow.