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From Shore to Sea GM All-powerful dictator of reality 4
![]() Marcos Farabellus peels away from a mock combat where he has been instructing raw recruits, "Good, you're here. Let's walk and talk..." He picks up a towel and wipes his hands as he leads you through the corridors of the Grand Lodge. ![]()
From Shore to Sea GM All-powerful dictator of reality 4
![]() Hmm, that's an interesting title, maybe this is a desert adventure? ![]()
![]() I have two reserved slots so am looking for four more players. This is a module but I am running it for Pathfinder Society play.
It is for characters of level 5-7. I would like to see daily posting and for players to follow the principle of Always Be Posting. That means that even if your character has nothing to do on a functional level, you post about their thoughts, fidgeting, conversations or other fun stuff. ![]()
![]() I was just having fun getting to level 2 and having a monstrous mount. Now I have no clear idea where to go for feats and equipment. I went for a kind of strength-based switch-hitter ranger.
He has just hit level 3 but I have not done skills or feats yet. sheet:
Seldiir Elberion Male human (Chelaxian) ranger (sable company marine, shapeshifter) 3 (Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Combat 43, Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 126) NG Medium humanoid (human) Init +7; Senses Perception +7 -------------------- Defense -------------------- AC 18, touch 12, flat-footed 16 (+6 armor, +2 Dex) hp 28 (3d10+6) Fort +4 (+1 trait bonus vs. drugs or poisons), Ref +5, Will +2 (+1 trait bonus vs. mind-affecting effects) -------------------- Offense -------------------- Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor) Melee club +7 (1d6+4) or . . dagger +7 (1d4+4/19-20) or . . greatsword +7 (2d6+6/19-20) Ranged darkwood composite longbow +6 (1d8+4/×3) Special Attacks combat style (natural weapon[APG]), favored enemy (humans +2) -------------------- Statistics -------------------- Str 18, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 10 Base Atk +3; CMB +7; CMD 19 Feats Endurance, Improved Initiative, Monstrous Mount, Power Attack Traits secret revolutionary (cheliax), tracker of the society Skills Acrobatics -1 (-5 to jump), Climb +8, Handle Animal +4, Heal +5, Intimidate +4, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +4, Knowledge (geography) +4, Knowledge (nature) +5, Perception +7, Ride +5, Spellcraft +4, Stealth +3, Survival +6 (+8 while in your favored terrains), Swim +5 Languages Common SQ shifter's blessing (form of the bear), track +1, wild empathy +3 Combat Gear potion of cure light wounds, wand of cure light wounds, acid, alchemist's fire, holy water (2), vermin repellent[UE]; Other Gear mwk agile breastplate[APG], club, dagger, darkwood composite longbow (+4 Str), greatsword, backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, fishhook (2), flint and steel, mug/tankard, sewing needle, signal whistle, string or twine[APG], thread (50 ft.), trail rations (7), waterskin, whetstone (2), 2,214 gp, 9 sp, 8 cp -------------------- Special Abilities -------------------- Endurance +4 to a variety of fort saves, skill and ability checks. Sleep in L/M armor with no fatigue. Favored Enemy (Humans +2) (Ex) +2 to rolls vs. humans foes. Form of the Bear (Su) The ranger’s muscles enlarge and tighten, and his facial features become more ursine. While in this form, the ranger gains a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength, but his base speed becomes 20 feet. Power Attack -1/+2 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage. Track +1 Add the listed bonus to Survival checks made to track. Wild Empathy +3 (Ex) Improve the attitude of an animal, as if using Diplomacy. Any other advice or ideas? ![]()
From Shore to Sea GM All-powerful dictator of reality 4
![]() Introduce your characters here. I have been having hectic times with COVID-19 affecting my work.
Please introduce yourselves and post your character information here:
Please have your initiative, saves, perception and AC showing beside your avatar. ![]()
![]() I have Bard 2 / Swashbuckler 4 and I have been using piranha strike with my rapier for two levels.
Any feat ideas?
Any help gratefully received! ![]()
From Shore to Sea GM All-powerful dictator of reality 4
![]() It's good to talk. It's also good to dot and delete in the gameplay thread. ![]()
From Shore to Sea GM All-powerful dictator of reality 4
![]() Something strange has occurred on an archaeological dig: it's pathfinding time! ![]()
![]() Hello, I requested a few months ago that my subscriptions would end with the final PF1 products. Today I received my subscription cancellation e-mail, followed by an order e-mail containing 2 PF1 items and 2 PF2 items. Can this please be corrected so that I am only charged for, and only receive, the PF1 items? Cheers, GE ![]()
![]() As I expect would happen to most groups, Gogmurt sent his little bird to warn Ripnugget. So, the door to the stockade is barred. Is there any way to get in besides getting an axe and bashing in the door?
I am GMing and want advice on what options the PCs have? ![]()
![]() So, I have a few questions about this boon. 1. Do I have to apply it to the PC that I used in outpost? I assume so but the boon is filled out without naming a character. 2. Planar Guide:
This says I have spent the qualifying time on Plane X but not that it unlocks Planar Infusion. Can I take the feat with this boon? Can I take improved and greater as well? 3. Planar Conduit:
The wording of this is what makes me sceptical about how to approach Planar Guide... Any guidance is much appreciated. ![]()
From Shore to Sea GM All-powerful dictator of reality 4
![]() Marshall Trellis looks over her spectacles and grunts disapprovingly, "And this is your squad, is it?" dot and delete, Talons: you know the drill! ![]()
![]() —Horvus Arbenchal, Den of Vice: An Andoren View of the Southern Slave Trade wrote: Katapesh is prouder than any other city in the world of the sins it sells in its streets. Its gold-lined coffers overflow from the blood and scars of a million slaves, and its people think nothing of consorting with the monstrous or immoral if it means getting a better price. Theirs is a conscience wiped clean by greed, their transgressions absolved by the only god they truly worship: the flickering gleam of gold."
20 point buy
This is some mission impossible / oceans eleven / dirty dozen / seven samurai type of situation. I want you to co-ordinate with the rest of the group to make a well-rounded party. No lone wolves, no brooding silent-types. Your character must also make sense as Twilight Talon (the undercover branch of the Eagle Knights). No occult classes - i don't have it.
3pp - probably not but if you've got a great idea which fits, ask me. Characters are level 6: give yourself standard WBL. I reserve the right to add more stipulations as they occur to me.
PFS now: see below! ![]()
![]() I just got a promotional e-mail for the https://www.drivethrurpg.com/m/product/247882. Not only does Paizo’s game feature ‘wayfinders’ as objects and have a fan-produced magazine called Wayfinder, but Wayfinder is very close to Pathfinder as a name. I don’t see how this could be an accident and, with D&D as most people’s first game, I could imagine players coming to WotC ‘Wayfinder’ content before they discover PF. Paizo have always seemed very positive and friendly toward the d&d team. This is... surprising? ![]()
![]() Hello, We need to replace a long-standing member of the party as we approach the final quarter of the adventure. Ideally, we are looking for someone to take over Helaku so that we can get through this (character death notwithstanding) with the group that began. If nobody is up for that, then maybe we can get a new character in: I've got some fun ideas for how to include someone. If you are interested, let me know here! ![]()
From Shore to Sea GM All-powerful dictator of reality 4
![]() Plenty of time before we get started. Introduce your characters here, if you have a stable or are making a new character then you might want to discuss your choices with other players. Would you, please, also share PFS ID numbers for your characters once you have decided. ![]()
![]() Hello, I am recruiting for the level 1 evergreen Wounded Wisp. I already have two players, JAF0 and Big Joe, and am looking to recruit three more. Selection will be given by a loaded lottery, with preference given to new players and players who have a proven record of ace roleplaying. As this is a level one scenario, feel free to just post your name and character ideas. I don't mind people creating characters after they have been chosen, as long as they don't take too long about it. Applications will be open until the end of Wednesday 12th July, although I reserve the right to close applications early. table notes:
I like the opportunities for roleplay that pbp offers: if you just want to silently roll dice then that will kill my buzz. I will check-in at least twice a day. Please, regard once-a-day as a minimum (barring emergencies, naturally). This will be only my second time GMing PFS although I have done a fair bit of GMing, both face-to-face and play-by-post. I welcome advice and support from players with PFS GMing experience. That said, please keep it to the discussion thread and/or PM. I will use google slides to host maps, unless people would prefer photobucket? I make maps in maptool sometimes and reserve the right to use vision-blocking in encounters where this might enhance the experience. Be aware that vision/light rules may come in to play. I will use spoilers with DCs for a lot of skill checks. Please, respect others investment in skills and resist the urge to peak if you have not made the check.
fundamental principles:
These are stolen from Trotter Flaxseed. 1. Posting Frequency: Before signing up, consider how much time you can devote to the game. I prefer players who can post once per day on average. I understand that everyone occasionally has a busy day and just can't find the time to post. I try to avoid this but even as the GM I sometimes miss a day. But not posting for several days is not acceptable. It slows the game down and makes it less interesting because your character will be left behind in the action. And if you disappear during combat and hold things up for a day, I will skip you and move on. 2. Posting Quality: Take advantage of the medium and write some description. Tell us what your PC is doing or what they look like; put up some dialog and start a conversation with your fellow PCs. It makes the game immensely more engaging, immersive, and entertaining. Here is a great example of PCs coming to life with some great description and dialog. I hate to call someone out on bad posting etiquette when the player in question has been making an effort to be better about posting quality lately, but do not ever do this. Isn't the first example so much more fun to read than just a post with some empty dice blocks in it or a post with nothing but ooc text? I will admit, it can sometimes be hard to spice up combat posts. But here is some great simple advice on that. Bottom line: be willing to make an effort role-playing in my game. If you aren't up to that challenge, please consider playing a different game. If you aren't much of a writer or are new to PbP, don't be intimidated. I/We will help you improve! But if you sign up for my game and make too many posts with just dice or just ooc text, I will give you a warning and if your quality doesn't improve I reserve the right to ask you to leave the game.
Indicate your interest below! ![]()
![]() So... My pbp is fun but it's going kind of slow. I asked for a minimum of a post a day, and I'm checking the thread three or four times a day. Unfortunately, my five players have managed six posts between them this week. I'm running Gallows of Madness as a PFS game. I'd really welcome some advice, what could I do more/better/differently to get my players posting regularly? ![]()
From Shore to Sea GM All-powerful dictator of reality 4
![]() In his usual terse manner, Venture-Captain Ambrus Valsin requests an audience in his office. He wastes no words once the last invitee has closed the door.
You have 24 hours the make purchases and complete other tasks in Absalom, play will reconvene in Saringallow so don’t feel you need to prepare for the voyage. Prior knowledge:
dc10 knowledge (geography):
Isger lies between two of the most powerful economies of Avistan: the merchant Kalistocracy of Druma to the north and Cheliax to the south. Isger also controls the only gap between the Five Kings Mountains and the Menador Mountains. As a result, Isger has the Conerica Straits, one of the most profitable trade routes in Avistan, running through the centre of it. Mountains
Places of interest
dc10 knowledge (history):
Isger Isger was founded in 2133 AR, after Taldor's Seventh Army of Exploration defeated its indigenous inhabitants, the Isgeri. The Isgeri fought the Taldans tenaciously, but were eventually conquered and pacified. In recognition of their great courage and determination, the Taldan crown named their newest province after the tribe. Trade with Tar Khadurrm
Thrall of Cheliax
Exploitation of resources
Goblinblood Wars
After the war
dc20 knowledge (history):
The town was founded as a garden estate by the noble Chelish Sarini family long ago. They named it Sarini's Hollow and brought in peasants to maintain and farm the land and to act as servants for the more influential members of the noble house. When these nobles began dabbling in diabolism and witchcraft, the local populace became concerned, but when virgin daughters began to be found drained of all blood, the peasants rebelled and hanged all the Sarinis. They renamed the town Sarini Gallows, but over the following century the name evolved into its current form. Chelish nobles are still treated with great suspicion in Saringallow, and any members of House Sarini relocating there are quickly convinced to find a new place to live. dc15 knowledge (nobility): House Sarini is one of the better-known noble families of Cheliax. Nicknamed the "Fools of Thrune" or the "Lapdogs of Hell", they are known for producing cruel and macabre fools and jesters who serve the crown. Members of the house are often sent to amuse crowds at public executions in Egorian, entertaining the common folk with their dark and violent humour. It is currently unknown whether members of this house do this voluntarily, or if their debased profession is a result of an offence against House Thrune. ![]()
From Shore to Sea GM All-powerful dictator of reality 4
![]() Discuss your character ideas for the adventure here. I'd like to begin play on Wednesday the 8th, Saturday the 11th at the latest. Welcome to the game. ![]()
![]() I am going to run the Gallows of Madness module for PFS. This is a series of three linked PFS scenarios, each of which works as a stand-alone as well.
I have promised a slot to PDXCook but otherwise I will leave this open until midnight GMT on the 4th March. If there are a lot of applications I will run a lottery, if there aren't enough then I will start touting for players in Flaxseed. As this is a level one module, feel free to just post your name and character ideas. I don't mind people creating characters after they have been chosen, as long as they don't take too long about it. Table Notes:
I like the opportunities for roleplay that pbp offers: if you just want to silently roll dice then that will kill my buzz.
I will check-in at least twice a day. Please, regard once-a-day as a minimum (barring emergencies, naturally). This will be my first time GMing PFS although I have done a fair bit of GMing, both face-to-face and play-by-post. I welcome advice and support from players with PFS GMing experience. That said, please keep it to the discussion thread and/or PM. I will use google slides to host maps, unless people would prefer photobucket? I make maps in maptool and reserve the right to use vision-blocking in encounters where this might enhance the experience. Be aware that vision/light rules may come in to play. I will use spoilers with DCs for a lot of skill checks. Please, respect others investment in skills and resist the urge to peak if you have not made the check.
basic principles:
These are stolen from Trotter Flaxseed
1. Posting Frequency: Before signing up, consider how much time you can devote to the game. I prefer players who can post once per day on average. I understand that everyone occasionally has a busy day and just can't find the time to post. I try to avoid this but even as the GM I sometimes miss a day. But not posting for several days is not acceptable. It slows the game down and makes it less interesting because your character will be left behind in the action. And if you disappear during combat and hold things up for a day, I will skip you and move on. 2. Posting Quality: Take advantage of the medium and write some description. Tell us what your PC is doing or what they look like; put up some dialog and start a conversation with your fellow PCs. It makes the game immensely more engaging, immersive, and entertaining. Here is a great example of PCs coming to life with some great description and dialog. I hate to call someone out on bad posting etiquette when the player in question has been making an effort to be better about posting quality lately, but do not ever do this. Isn't the first example so much more fun to read than just a post with some empty dice blocks in it or a post with nothing but ooc text? I will admit, it can sometimes be hard to spice up combat posts. But here is some great simple advice on that. Bottom line: be willing to make an effort role-playing in my game. If you aren't up to that challenge, please consider playing a different game. If you aren't much of a writer or are new to PbP, don't be intimidated. I/We will help you improve! But if you sign up for my game and make too many posts with just dice or just ooc text, I will give you a warning and if your quality doesn't improve I reserve the right to ask you to leave the game. Indicate your interest below! |