
Addicted2Fail's page

Organized Play Member. 91 posts (113 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 aliases.

Dark Archive

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Female Human Rogue (Investigator) 1 | HP: 8/8 AC: 13 | F: +0 R: +3 W +4 | Init +1 Perc: +6

Fighter, Rogue, Cleric, Gunslinger and Sorcerer. i like it

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Get him arrested.

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Just made some calculations for fun. If you have done anything similar please post.

Human Stormborn Sorcerer at lvl 20

All feats taken are 'Fleet'

Can use lightning form thingy to travel 14000ft in 2 minutes once per day. Thats one way to leave your party for dead and get away.
