From last round I missed a perspiration to see what the big baddy is upto GM, I want to tack him.
perspiration 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15
Then the bite saves from that round.
Fort save 1 DC13 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10Made Fort Save 2 DC13 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24Made
Then a heal check to see if she spots there are bad things in their bits
Heal1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12
Ok next round, time to make them run.
Round 4 Initi 9
Aannra moves,
Acrobatics 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (13) + 14 = 27 Past the Blue Skelly-wag
and then she's off to the left passage, stopping at the end she calls back out, to the bad guys.
She dos a pretend yarn.
I made a mistake, She dos not get one of the +4s Wisdom mod+1 level to AC Monk as I said, because she must be unarmored and unencumbered. But I can fix this for that last round by spending 1 Ki point, to Give herself a +4 dodge bonus to AC for 1 round. Ki pool now 4/5
Its very short lived and needs prep, 4 rounds and stuff starts wearing off fast. Thing is she dos very little damage, she's not a hard hitter she is just very hard to hit. Average DMG from her blaster is 8 points of DMG, no where near as much as the others can lay down. So this is her shining moment, as the Air-born Trooper said when told informed he his fellows where surrounded "Where Paratroops Sir we'er meant to be surrounded" This is how I see her being made, she's shock troops stuff sent into course problems behind enemy lines, fast and lightly armed. The others will do most if not all of the killing her, her job is to brake or hold the enemy attack until they get to her.
I hope you see where I'm coming from, Its why I did not ask for a BFG or light sword for her. :)
10 base +10 dex 30 [4 from animal +2 metamorth changed as I forgot she can do thicken skin as a class thing] +1 feat Dogue +4 class monk even adds to touch. +4 force shield adds to touch so that's 29 toutch AC, add thicken skin +1 NA 4 rounds and +4 internal armor gives 34 normail AC. I was off by one normal +6 temp just lost on making the save, HP 4 rounds and fast healing 2 -1 round.
Aannra dos a strange kind of dance moving around the blows and attacks of the undead as only a replicant can, pulling them away from the others as they try to get into the room..
"get in here I can't keep this going for ever"
Her aim was simple, distract the big evil guy. That wave of pain had hit them all, she had to protect, it was in her imrinting. Most of all Velnen, this is what she had been designed to do, top of the line replicate, close to a million credits worth of RnD,
She back flipped over an arm, dlipped indef a blade push off the chest of another and landed on one hand, pushing off again as another undead tried to grave her. Time is what the others needed and she was giving it to them. Wile the big bad undead making guy thing was trying to kill her it was not trying to kill the others, time was all they needed.
Aannra gos into the safe room and find a spot, there she takes out from her pouch all the food and drink she been keeping for the group.
A jug of wine.
A small cask of ale.
Two loaves of bread.
"I will be 16 days old tomorrow, only 21% of Replicants survive this long after drop onto class X hostile worlds."
She then takes her cloths off, her tattoo covers her modesty and has a wash head to foot.
once down she checks all her kit, bring it out checks it and repacks.
She then pulls out her gun and study's it, she talks to it and it talks back, then it says "power mode inactive"
She thinks a moment then says.
"Activate power mode"
"Power Mode Activated, warning Power Mode may deplete power cells until reached"
A light comes on the Blaster.
Aannar holding the blaster sidewards presses the tigger.
There is a defaming whine then boom sound as it shoots the wall.
Gun 1d6+1d4+1 Force + Power Energy ray 5pp used 4d6 force 5d6 + 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (1, 3, 1, 5, 4) + (4) + 1 = 19 Force hits the wall. 5 power point used
Aannra drops the gun with an "Ouch!!" as bits of stone work fly off the big dent in the wall.
"It sucked power out of me!"
"Cells now recharging, moral mode reinstated"
Says the blaster then powers down. for 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5 rounds,
She puts the blaster away once it powers up again, but dos not use the power mode again. What ever it did it seemed to have shaken her. She sits down in the lotus position and gos into a deep trance for 4 hours. Then wakes getting up she dos exercises and drills.
Aannra comes over, she seems whole just covered in dust and bits of rock.
"Jellena, you missed it, we got blown up, the crazy guy is hurt and Senva, yes Senva and Foxy, he's over by the crazy guy. Anyway boom! and the roof came in, so where stock here again."
She nods then go's over to Velden checking him, then asks
Power Natural healing 1pp used 3+2=5 HP back now 23/23
The rocks hit Aannra but she ignores the pain, pulling parky out, once out he hugs her and runs off. She Stands back and with eyes closed lets her replicant healing systems work.
The light comes 1st then the Boom, Annra just dos not have time to react.
Reflex save DC161d20 - 8 ⇒ (4) - 8 = -44d6 - 5 ⇒ (1, 3, 1, 2) - 5 = 2 Fire DMG Note: the -5 from holding gun.
Then the wall of flame hits her, her replicant defiance reactions and encoding kick in, she moves.
Reflex save DC 121d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12 Made no cave fall DMG -> the she Acrobatics1d20 + 13 ⇒ (18) + 13 = 31 Out of the way into the Dungeon main
she moves though the flames coming out of the blast, flipping backwards and out of danger as the cave falls in on itself, she lands on her foot like a cat looking back at the others running out of the flame or picking themselves up.
See I told you the GM really really dos not want us to stop this Dungeon crawl - 11d6 for some OUCH! Hehe
Annra stands and then lets her mind work to heal the heat damage to her Bio-systems.
"Velden?" she all calls a worried tone.
2DMG fire to Aannra, her Psi healing will fix that in 2 rounds GM, now back to work fast hehe
Its round 5 Two of us have done actions
the map is upto date,
Jacks waiting for round 7, if five comes in again and saves the day,
I'm going after the GM-PC for plot hogging.
so round 5 and we are about to be burned to a crisp by three Gobo mage's and a mass of them behind. This is GM payback for wanting out of the D&D1 dungeon crawl
Just A Reminder: lets not forget to put ROUND X at the tops of our posts for the GM, so our actions are know per round, I know not everyone can post all the time, so thinks can get mixed up and confusing otherwise. :)
Annara looks to see if the others have come back from the Frog hunt.
Moves back as Velen says, gun up and trained on the opening,
She fires a shot into the darkness it has a low dull red glow, the red light shows up a little of what's a head.
Checks her gun, she seems to have very little equipment compared to the rest of you. A gun like thing, a dagger and short sword, two small belt pouches and a tattoo like jump suit. The rest of you have packs, masses of weapons and items. She looks around at you all then at Velden.
"I'm Ready Velden"
To the new comers she seems to have a close bond with Velden, looking to see what he says about things, much like a child to a parent.
"Off with Jack, she said they would look for in the electric room with water. She eats Electric so... any way Mr pygmy how did you and the others get in here, and you better say fast or my big chum here will pull off you head pop! and &##* down your neck"
She says this with a happy smile, thinking she has the language use right, but being just 15 days old and still trying to get the hole life thing right she makes mistakes with tone and wording sometimes/most of the time, all right always just about, :).