
APOPHIS1989's page

Goblin Squad Member. ***** Pathfinder Society GM. 35 posts (38 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 25 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

So much fun! Thanks for organizing the event!

Grand Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Of course I'd get a 20 on day that three others do! I now understand the fickle nature of paizo dice roller...

Grand Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

How did I not know you've been doing this! Does this mean I can get some of the pdfs you contributed to for free? If so, I'm in!

Grand Lodge 4/5

So a new suli boon with a dilettante boon... I'll have to check which ones I have after Gen Con when I post my trades! P.S. Breeze kissed is the best!

Grand Lodge 4/5

Can someone explain what a super suli/elemental paragon is?

Grand Lodge 4/5

I remember a similar experience with my first PFS session. Mists of Mwangi... My Elf Ranger, a half-Orc Barbarian, a Human reach Fighter, and a Halfing Alchemist fail "the save" and everyone but one dies. The one left standing is then paralyzed. TPK... But for some reason, I kept playing, and eventually became a VO! I've since never had a character die, even though my second character took the Risen Guard vanity. My point is, don't let one GM or one scenario turn you away from the many that are present in PFS!

Grand Lodge 4/5

Spirit of Shadow Lodge
Favored Monument
Moment of Glory
Lingering Resonance
Seen it Once
Elemental races

PaizoCon 14 GM boon
On-The-Job Training
Possibly other new boons

Grand Lodge

It turns out that I read mysterious stranger incorrectly, it adds CHARISMA damage to firearms! That means if I continue barbarian for a few more levels, I would add BOTH charisma AND dex to firearm damage!

Grand Lodge

Devo wrote:
Mending takes 10 minutes to cast. Unfortunately for PFS, you can't buy a potion above minimum level, which means no potions at 3rd level (is a pistol 3 pounds?) You could probably buy potions of Heightened Mending, though, to get around that.

10 minutes is still better than an hour!

Grand Lodge

cnetarian wrote:
there is a magic item (monkey belt?) which grants a prehensile tail. It does take up the belt slot so the DEX belt is off the table but it has a built in +2 DEX bonus and there is a higher powered +4 DEX version. haven't checked the pricing to see how it fits with society fame price limits but it might be a viable option for reloading.

I considered it but was worried about the time limit of the prehensile tail, and the greater version adds +2 to strength, not dex...

Grand Lodge

Kaouse wrote:
I believe there's an actual weapon called a "Pistol Swordcane" that you can use. Seems like it might be the best way to consolidate feats and whatnot.

That item is very confusing. I'm not sure there is even a blade attached... Regardless, pistol in one hand, rapier in the other is what I'm going for.

Grand Lodge

zanbato13 wrote:
APOPHIS1989 wrote:

I didn't think about mending! That's a great idea!

The Juggler bard archetype allows you to wield 3 one handed weapons simultaneously. If you only wield two, you are treated as having a free hand.

Does that solve the open hand problem?

With alchemical cartridges and rapid reload, I believe so.

Grand Lodge

I didn't think about mending! That's a great idea!

The Juggler bard archetype allows you to wield 3 one handed weapons simultaneously. If you only wield two, you are treated as having a free hand.

Grand Lodge

I also missed that juggling requires concentration! During rage, I would have to make a sleight of hand check not to drop a weapon... which I can't do without the skilled rager feat!

Grand Lodge

I will be missing the quick clear deed, so if I misfire, it will take an hour to repair! If I wait until level 7 for fencing grace, I could take amateur gunslinger to get it...

Grand Lodge

I don't think musketeer is a legal archetype or monkey goblin a legal race, unfortunately. I can still make it happen by 6th level with:
2 levels bard for free hand
2 levels barbarian for not provoking with pistol in melee
1 gunslinger for dex damage to firearm
1 swashbuckler for weapon finesse

Feats would be:
weapon focus rapier
fencing grace
rapid reload

Grand Lodge

The fencing grace feat is great, but still need the bard levels for reloading...

Grand Lodge

A few notes: PFS, can apply GM credit to start at another level, kitsune race. The idea is for a character that wields a pistol in one hand and a sword in the other, starting combat with ranged attacks then moving in to use the pistol and sword in melee. The Alkenstar trait for a bonus to confirm crits is nice, but suggestions for another are welcome. The picaroon swashbuckler archetype is a good starting point, but I feel like it could be done better. Spending a panache each round to fire in melee seems a little much.

Two levels of Savage Technologist barbarian would get me a dex boosting rage and the ability to fire in melee without provoking. This seems like a good dip.

Adding dex to firearm damage is an awesome 5th level gunslinger ability that I don't want to wait for. A single dip into mysterious stranger gives me that ability at the cost of one charisma based grit/panache as well as a free gun.

Swashbuckler still has the merits of free finesse and regain grit/panache via one handed piercing weapons, not to mention opportune parry and riposte deed! Parry with the sword, riposte with the pistol!

The biggest issue is reloading. With rapid reload and alchemical cartridges it becomes a free action, but still requires a free hand. I could do a one level dip into witch for prehensile hair for a minute each day, or two into alchemist for the vestigial arm discovery but both are int based classes. I like the idea of two levels in juggler bard for a free hand, can cast CLW and abundant ammunition, as well as bard song while still being charisma based!

I also considered a level of rogue for trap bonuses and sneak attack damage, but I'm not sure if it's worth it.

Without rogue levels, I'm at 2 barbarian, 2 bard, 1 gunslinger, and the rest swashbuckler requiring me to wait until 6th level for my "complete" character! There has to be a better way!

Grand Lodge 4/5

Spirit of Shadow Lodge
Favored Monument
Moment of Glory
Custom Order
Lingering Resonance
Seen it Once

Numerian weapon training
PaizoCon 14 GM boon
Possibly other new boons

Grand Lodge 4/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Such a good candidate, glad you're aboard! I guess I'll see you at local conventions more!

Grand Lodge 4/5

You beat Mike to the punch! Now how to change how I post to my name...

Grand Lodge 4/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Another good guy checking in! You won't have any trouble playing at the Boardwalk Game Day as I'm expecting to GM for mostly new players. The modules are fun and relatively easy with pregenerated characters provided. I'll even have spare dice if you don't have your own! Hopefully this increases interest in a regular game hosted at Boardwalk in Greenville. Hope to see you for the second slot!


Grand Lodge

What does this weapon trait mean? For instance, can you use your dex die for a combat check where a shortsword is used?

Grand Lodge 4/5

UllarWarlord wrote:

I recently came into a rather nice boon. This may seem like a one-sided trade, but...yeah. I'll also accept most other things, if I like them.

Have: Mask of Goblin Seeming

Want: Mythic Boon or Race Boon (preferably oread or ifrit) or some cool thing

What does it do? Bonuses against goblins?

Grand Lodge Goblin Squad Member

$25 each for the Thornkeep book and map pack!

Grand Lodge Goblin Squad Member

It just clicked! $25 addons for the Thornkeep book and flip mats! Backers can save on shipping and give more to the cause! Please make it happen! I'll give $50 more immediately for both!

Grand Lodge Goblin Squad Member

Lisa Stevens stated in today's retrospective blog that by the end of the Kickstarter. "we'll be offering one of the sweetest deals in gaming history!" Do you think they have a big announcement coming or is she referring to the current rewards? Discuss...

Grand Lodge Goblin Squad Member

Keovar wrote:
Sounds like retinitis pigmentosa, maybe? My vision issue is optic neuritis caused by multiple sclerosis, but I've known and worked with people with RP and other vision issues. I want to advocate for making the UI moddable so we can make it more accessible to players like myself who can't make out tiny, cluttered details or small text. Even if someone can't reasonably play a combat class, crafters are definitely needed as well, and our subguild, the 'Azure Astra Arcanum' (Blue Stars) might be a great fit for someone that is a Golarion lore-master.

I was tested for that this week, it looked normal but the results were sent to a specialist to analyze. The best explanation is latent optic nerve atrophy resultant from my tumor 20 years ago. The MRI six months ago didn't show it recurring, though it's likely to happen eventually. So it's basically straight up nerve damage and decay. I'd like to be a ranger, giving combat support with a bow if needed, but mostly exploration and collection of crafting supplies. Crafting itself doesn't interest me much, except alchemy which hasn't been announced yet. I could be a guide or mapmaker...

Grand Lodge Goblin Squad Member

You guys are great! I'm going through a tough time with my vision right now, I actually had a battery of neuro-optomology tests earlier this week. Luckily they all came back no change, which is great since its not expected to get better, only worse. I love Pathfinder because I don't need my vision as much, just imagination. I guess that is why I've been told I'm a great GM! Anyway, I was wary about pledging for a game I may not be able to play when it releases, but what's life without hope? I was then worried I couldn't be a contributing member of a guild, but I discovered that you guys weren't nearly as strict as other groups, so I committed to helping you further your goals. I especially liked the teaching aspect. Even if I can't fight effectively, I could teach new players the ins and outs of the game! I don't know if you guys know just how much good you're doing now, before the game even releases! Thank you.

Grand Lodge 4/5

On top of myself thinking so, I've had many other players say that my character is the weirdest, most versatile Ranger/Druid they've ever seen. That alone should qualify me! That character has a low charisma because he stays back and watches, preferring to remain outdoors. He never really talks to people. His main attack is a bow with various arrow types, but also carries both a one and two handed sword, a whip, and a spiked gauntlet. He also has a versatile vest with various bottles of liquid attached and a backpack full of useful items. He is ready for any situation, in or out of combat, except talking. But it's because he's a loner, self-sufficient, and doesn't need to talk to people. He isn't a "pathfinder" so much as a path maker...

Grand Lodge Goblin Squad Member

I would like to join but sadly, I can't see the confirmation code...

Grand Lodge Goblin Squad Member

My elf ranger fancies himself as somewhat of a biologist, learning of any and all flora and fauna he comes across. He is also pretty good at geography and mapping. Since he has combat training, he could also protect the library or an expedition group.

Grand Lodge Goblin Squad Member

So exciting! I want to play a CG elf ranger that would love a settle in the Echo Wood! I don't mind a leadership role, though most of my time will be adventuring, exploring the Echo Wood, and being a soldier. I volunteer my services as a protector of this new settlement as we don't want our watchtower to fall! I can also escort anyone needing assistance to and from the Crusader Road. The gatherers of the needed materials may need protection as well.