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The Exchange 4/5

4 people marked this as a favorite.

If I spent a decade building up this community at the cost of 1000s of personal hours. I get on here and help lots of people, while being hounded by some because I am a VO and they need someone to argue with. I finally get wise and make a list to remind me of whom to stop engaging with because it wont go anywhere. On this list there are some women so i get told I have no respect for women. OH, there is some from that place, so I must hate all people from there. AND THAN YOU BAN ME!!!! because I dont agree with everyone on everything THAT ISNT about rules of a game we play in, SHAME ON YOU!!!! No I dont have all the facts on everything, BUT I KNOW, this didnt need to happen. this company is falling fast and hard when you kick a person out that has done A LOT to build it up and support it through thick and thin. KNOW THIS, I will let him at my table anytime and anywhere.

The Exchange 4/5

I need help. my memory is not like it used to be and searching isnt helping.
party got hit by confusion and 2 people were effected. another cast dispel magic on one of them and thought it should have gotten rid of it from both. I have always ruled one target one person but am not as sure anymore. opinions please

The Exchange

I need help. my memory is not like it used to be and searching isnt helping.
party got hit by confusion and 2 people were effected. another cast dispel magic on one of them and thought it should have gotten rid of it from both. I have always ruled one target one person but am not as sure anymore. opinions please

The Exchange

I need help. my memory is not like it used to be and searching isnt helping.
party got hit by confusion and 2 people were effected. another cast dispel magic on one of them and thought it should have gotten rid of it from both. I have always ruled one target one person but am not as sure anymore. opinions please

The Exchange

help please, thought arcane sorcerer could have a book and change out a spell, cant find this though so I am loosing it or loosing find it ability, anyone know?

The Exchange 4/5

raise dead has the rule for it but resurrection dosnt and i cant find the rule anywhere right now, anyone help?

The Exchange

Wizard uses wish to increase a stat, would it also be a part of the spell if created copy of self?

The Exchange 4/5

the ring says minimum caster level where the weapon does not. how do most GMs rule on this? I have read threads and differant opinions there are. also dont agree with adding metamagic.

The Exchange 4/5

looking to premuster a table at Origins. 15558-Pathfinder Society Scenario #10–21: Slaver’s End (For Levels 5–9) 06/12/2019 7:00 PM - 12:00 AM. if can get 6, than may get Vanessa Hoskins as GM. how awsome would that be!!!

The Exchange

just made my first bloatmage, and trying to understand bloodpool.
so morning starts and get 1 point. i use it on 1st level spell.
than i use my Fortifying Leeches to get 2 points which use to cast 2 1st level spells.
While the fortifying leeches are applied, a bloatmage immediately regains 2 bonus points to her blood pool—this cannot increase her blood points to higher than her normal maximum. In addition, whenever the bloatmage uses her bloat ability to gain extra blood points, she may roll her bloat dice twice and take the more favorable result.
than I bloat and roll d4 for 2 more points, which use.
so, is this how others use see how this works, or am I missing something?

The Exchange

it only happens on Paizo, but sometimes when clicking a link, i find it has opened 2 windows. at first was a Russian news site, but today was a porn site. not to knowledgeable of such things, so is it something on my computer or the link? i had just clicked the FAQ Tuesday link here-

The Exchange

My group is about to encounter the one in book 2. I am concerned this may go real bad. Did others change this encounter? Did it go bad for alot of games?

The Exchange 4/5

i dont own the monster hunter book, so dont know the full meaning behind this, but seems to indicate you now need to use attack trick multiple times now. from clarification Doc
Page 26—An animal can learn to attack a single creature type that it would not normally attack from a monster dummy, such as undead. Teaching an animal to attack more than one creature type requires expending an additional trick to improve the attack trick (see the Handle Animal skill on page 97 of the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook), and cannot be done by purchasing several monster dummies.

The Exchange

So cast PI first and than i cast polymorph spell and change shape. What would those who see the PI see? Mirror image? Invisibility?

The Exchange 4/5

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Hi there, with all the recent threads and discussions, on lodges, it got me to wondering. How long have most been around? You see, we are still small. Started in a store that could only provide 1 table. It has grown and we did too some. But that is not what I started this for. I am wondering who has the oldest Lodge in existence and still going. I will admit this is for selfish reasons. Bragging rights. So with that, we started on September 25th 2008 with event number 14. That leaves 13 numbers. I would like to be able to say we are the oldest lodge still going, but would love to here we are the 14th oldest.

The Exchange

I had nocticula watching and ready to ponce. She can do this cause one of the players took her mark. Through him she made a deal with the lich to try and take control if baphamet falls.
I am using the golden door as the place to do this. Step through and pit yourself against the plane. This takes many fort, reflex, and will saves. DC will start at 25. Fort to resist being torn apart, will to pit your will towards controlling and reflex to stay on the path. Will take 5 to take control and than can move the prison to another plane. This will require a save per step to take from CE.
Now she has 3 horses in this race with her second, lich and balor lord. Now Farcus also wants to take it for dis to offer it back to asmodous.
Well my player now wants to try for it.
So lots of people enter and only one can win.
Should he be able to redeem himself from saving the prisoners? Thinking to having nocticula trade him and the prisoners for more favors to godhood. I am lost at this point. How difficult do you think the saves should be as goes along?

The Exchange 4/5

How long is the PFS part? Asked to run this next Saturday and was wondering how much time to allocate. Thanks

The Exchange 4/5

I have started watching some sessions that was taped and shared on YouTube and twitch. My search fu isnt finding alot though of PFS. Anyone out there willing to share links to there taped Roll20 sessions? trying to learn how to use and these are quit interesting. thanks

Liberty's Edge 4/5

for those willing to help out, they could use some experienced GM's to help out for a good cause. Will post warhorn link. I am just posting this to help them out, but for reasons, cant help them myself. Thanks.

Liberty's Edge

it loads for a second, but than goes to a white page. Used the link on the side instead of under Blog, and worked a couple times but than started same thing. Thanks.

Liberty's Edge

have looked but cant find a single one that works. note this would be for PFS, but also looking for a skull and shackle one to use.

Liberty's Edge

Summon Good Monster
Source Champions of Purity pg. 33
You can summon the aid of creatures driven by their very nature to destroy evil.

Prerequisites: Good alignment.

Benefit: When casting summon monster, you also gain access to the list of good monsters below. Your righteous determination grants these summoned creatures the Diehard feat. You may still summon creatures from the standard list, but without the Diehard feat.

I am so buying this

Liberty's Edge

as said. have seen somewhere that you can pull your gems or gold out of pouch and use them for your spell. anyone know what this was and if pathfinder rule?

Liberty's Edge 4/5

There is interest at my FLGS and Im trying to figure out how to schedule them. I have not played or ran them so not looking for scenario info. I have a 5 hour slot every other week with multi tables. Thinking of starting PT1A and than next time PT1A and PT1B. Will this work? Was told
PT1 was done in 11 hours, PT2 in 7, and PT3 nine. Any other time info would help, THANKS

Liberty's Edge

just what says. I think they would sell. I would LOVE this, as I play alot of classes that summon things. easy to transport and use. Please!!

Liberty's Edge

had a player saying his held an alchemists fire. After vetoing that he wanted to load a thundering stone. Anyone else seen this or other stuff?

Liberty's Edge

just that. at that distance should there be a to hit roll? how much detail can be made out, in order to target the pilot or Batista crew? Anyone have an idea on this?

Liberty's Edge

so if I summon a critter from SNA 4, what would the level of the light spell be? 0 or 4? Search fu is showing no previous questions. Looking for a feat for my "first worlder" summoner. Thinking that if take moon or sun and summon a critter in a darkness spell from SNA4 it should over come it cause effective spell level is 4. Any ne think this would not be the case?

Liberty's Edge 4/5

This!! Enjoy!!!


Liberty's Edge

My player whom is a bard is stepping down from being captain.She was the most popular among all the players and was voted in as captain. The problem is she has never been in a role like this and so is not comfortable making decisions. It started with giving out assignments to the players. She told the druid to become the chief cook and he said he would rather have kroop stay in that job. I asked her whether this was being done in front of the crew and she said yes. My response was that some where looking on with a confused look on there faces. I think from there she has judged herself pretty hard. than there was some debate about what to do with a captured ship. some wanted to sell it and some wanted to store it on an island they found.
The hard part Im trying to deal with is that I have no players whom are actually good at being a captain yet. I see 3 things as needed
2) good navigation skills (knowledge geography or survival.)
3)good diplomacy or intimidation

bard 3
ranger 1 anti-social (5 charisma)
rogue 1 maybe 3a, but is new to crew and only 16
summoner ??? stays up in crows nest mostly
druid 2, but bakes muffins all day and definitely not an i in- charge person
life oracle maybe # 2
I know that I shouldnt expect anyone to be perfect in these roles, but to not even be close and they are 5th level. Maybe they will take ranks next level or after before they head off to get there shackles letter..
How are other GM's players doing in this? Are they training for these roles? I have 2 that want to be captains of there own ships but later when they build a fleet.

Liberty's Edge 4/5

May be that I will still be in town, Sunday night. So, putting out feelers to see if anyone else might be there and up for more gaming.

Liberty's Edge

A sea singer gains the following types of bardic performance:

Sea Shanty (Su): A sea singer learns to counter seasickness and exhaustion during long sea voyages. Each round of a sea shanty, he makes a Perform skill check. Allies within 30 feet (including the sea singer) may use his Perform check in place of a saving throw against becoming exhausted, fatigued, nauseated, or sickened; if already under such an effect, a new save is allowed each round of the sea shanty, using the bard’s Perform check for the save. A sea shanty has no effect on instantaneous effects or effects that do not allow saves. This ability requires audible components.

This might be obvious to most, but Im not sure if this would work for the fatigue brought on by hard work. Reason is that that fatigue dont allow a save, it's just from not knowing your job to well and working harder to do it. So, how will others run this? I have a player playing one of these bards, so would like help in figuring out how I will rule this.

Liberty's Edge

this just came up in a game and I couldnt find an answer. Bard hits 0 strength with 4 more rounds of poison. Does he continue to go in the negatives or stop at 0?

Liberty's Edge

on sale in 3 minute. Whoot!!!

Liberty's Edge

uncertain and cant find where has been talked about before.
My wizard summons a bear and I know it wont fight an undead or unnatural creature, but what if given celes template? I see nothing that would change it's willingness to attack undead, but was sujested to me that they should be able to do so. please help me figure this out.

Liberty's Edge

okay, mountain Druid 12th wildshaped into giant wields a gargantuan sized beaststrike with claw invoked, club= 3d6
improved natural weapon feat(claw) = 4d6
invoke weapon power, to add size = 6d6
strong jaw spell =12d6
vital strike =24d6

please, tell me this is not applicable. just trying to get ahead of this if tried, since have druid already pulling off 16d6 tail attacks.

Liberty's Edge

I maybe losing my mind and just cant find it, but went to PFS page and the link is missing. Or is it:)

Liberty's Edge

This may work for us

Liberty's Edge 4/5

APL 7, Bob GMing and the scariest time I,ve had in PFS. Wanted to run a couple times, ok several.

looking for where feats are ruled okay to use with spell like ability of summoners SM.

Liberty's Edge 4/5

HI all, need help. Cant seem to find what feats are legal for summoners SM ability. I know from somewhere that augment summonig works with, but i cant find it. plesae help. Also other feats that have been made legal. I ask here cause I cant find anywhere that any of them are legal for PFS.

Doing a quick one shot and want to use my pfs characters instead of ones listed, but dont know how to figure out there CR. Any help welcomed. 6Th level party of 5th_6.

Liberty's Edge

3 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

Channeled Revival

You can expend a large portion of your channeling power to reverse death itself.

Prerequisite: Channel energy 6d6 (positive energy).

Benefit: As a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity, you can expend three uses of your channel energy class feature to restore a dead creature to life as if you had cast the breath of life spell (Core Rulebook 251).

Alot of talk about taking power attack feat with syenthiest got me thinking. Phalacery gives you an increase of +2 to your channel burst and the rule is if you can increase something you can quailify for a feat. I think this will work, but what of Yall who know more of the rules than I.

Liberty's Edge

as said. have searched the PRD, but cant find. may be I was just too tired. Anyone as know?

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