Fall Errata Updates 2024

Monday, December 16, 2024

In the long, long ago, we announced changes to our errata process. In the Changes to the Way We Make Changes blog, we announced we would be issuing errata twice per year, once in spring and once in fall. And we fully intended to do so!

Then the Remaster happened instead.

That workload was fast and furious, and didn’t really leave time for other tasks like finding errata, vetting the changes, and producing the public pages for them. Even after the books, we were catching up with projects that had their schedules thrown into disarray, and could release some Remaster compatibility errata only when the first of the core books came out, over a year ago.

This blog marks us returning to the intended schedule of two updates per year.

The magus Seltyiel, quill pen in hand, ponders an offer from a contract devil. Art by Halil Ural.

The magus Seltyiel, quill pen in hand, ponders an offer from a contract devil. Art by Halil Ural.

Today’s Updates

The new errata and clarifications are up now on the FAQ page, identified with “Fall 2024” and the printing of the book they apply to. For example, “Player Core Errata (Fall 2024, 1st Printing).” This set includes a pretty extensive set of updates to make the initial Remaster books as accurate as possible. Future sets of updates likely won’t be this lengthy. Also, because we previously put out errata when a book was being reprinted, we typically had the final wording on hand. In this new system, the challenges of text layout make it possible that some of these updates might not match the exact final text when we reprint a book. We could have to revise them later, keeping the same mechanical changes but adjusting the wording a bit.

So what books are we covering?

Pathfinder Player Core has been out long enough for people to have found a lot of minor errors, which make up the bulk of these updates. We covered some fixes that veteran players familiar with the legacy books could likely figure out, but that new players would lack the context for, such as stray mentions of “ability modifiers.” Several feats got improvements to be more appealing for the characters they’re meant for.

One of the notable changes you’ll see is an update to the sure strike spell. The spell could be very strong, with the reroll effectively making a much larger bonus than most abilities can grant. This benefit was usually in control at low levels when characters had few spell slots, but it could become disruptive and repetitive at higher levels on characters built to gain a huge number of copies of the spell and use it constantly. We’ve added temporary immunity to the spell, with the intent that it can still be very strong to create intense moments, but that there’s little incentive to use more than a handful of spell slots on it.

Pathfinder GM Core had some minor changes, mostly to cover side effects of the Remaster process and the introduction of reinforcing runes being missed in a couple places.

Pathfinder Monster Core had a variety of small changes. The one that affects the most creatures is fixing the scaling on the demonic pact and diabolic pact rituals.

Pathfinder Player Core 2 saw a few changes, including changing the incorrect action symbol on You’re Next to a reaction, giving the champion multiclass dedication the champion’s aura ability, and fixing the damage on live wire.

Pathfinder Secrets of Magic already received updates for Remaster compatibility, but we’ve added some more updates. The main one is to allow the magus to use spells that don’t require spell attacks. This made part of the Expanded Spellstrike feat obsolete, but that feat can still be taken by players who want to affect areas. Studious spells were missed in the previous pass, and are now updated.

Other changes to Secrets of Magic include several fixes to individual rules elements and repeating the elemental themed changes and expansions that were detailed in Pathfinder Rage of Elements, making them easier to find for people who don’t have that book.

In addition, we’ve put out our lost album! That’s to say, the long-absent Secrets of Magic 1st printing to 2nd printing errata is now on the FAQ page as well.

For Pathfinder Howl of the Wild, we’ve updated a few levels and prices for some of the beast armaments so they are more in line with their runes. We’ve made a few targeted changes as well—gone are the days of the minotaur rogue also scaring all their teammates with Alarming Disappearance, which no longer affects allies who have spent significant time with you.

For Pathfinder Lost Omens Tian Xia Character Guide, a few pieces of missing information were added, namely the Speed entries for the sarangay and yaksha ancestries, which are both 25 feet.

Pathfinder War of Immortals got the few changes that were previewed in the Alternate Mythic Rules document added to the FAQ page.

We hope these changes will make your games play more smoothly and clear up a few points of confusion! We’ll be keeping an eye out for other potential errata that come up between now and spring.

The Pathfinder Designers

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Pigraven wrote:
When will the books get another printing? I assume it's when the first printing stock completely runs out?

This is correct, insofar as I'm aware.

Liberty's Edge

Pigraven wrote:

When will the books get another printing? I assume it's when the first printing stock completely runs out? Or am I wrong and there's a set date for each book?

It sort of creates this weird issue where I want to buy more books but I also want to hold off until the second printing and the errata is included. The problem with that is if everyone holds off, that wait time will be much, much longer before the second printing actually happens.

If I were just buying books for myself, all is well because I know what is what. But I run multiple PF2 campaigns a week (in person), mostly for new and younger players, and I like having multiple books I can pass around at the table. I'm at a point where I would love to pick up some new Player Core 1 &2 books, but I am interested in the second printing (w/errata) so as to keep confusion to a minimum.

TBT this has always been the case.

What has changed is that now we do not have to wait for another printing to get official errata.


In the errata for bestiary 2, you wrongly list The Giant Cockroach Swarm as page 93. It should instead be page 53.

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