Get Your Tickets for PaizoCon Online 2024!

Friday, March 22, 2024

Are you ready for the return of PaizoCon Online 2024? Join us Memorial Day weekend, May 24th–27th, as we once again bring events to your screen with an amazing long weekend of panels, giveaways, and, of course, gaming!

If you’re new to Pathfinder or Starfinder, PaizoCon is an annual weekend-long event where we celebrate our team, our community, gaming, and all things Paizo!

PaizoCon Online 2024: Save The Date: May 24th through the 27th

Like last year, parts of the show you know and love will remain free, but we’re continuing to have a ticketed event with community-run games and activities at the same time!

What to look forward to this year!

Some of you may have attended conventions hosted on Tabletop Events before, but many of us have not! If you haven’t, here’s how to get your badge for the show.

  1. Visit the convention page at (also linked at
  2. Click “Get/View Your Badge” under Attend in the top menu bar OR click “Buy Badges” on the right side of the screen.

  3. PaizoCon on Tabletop.Events Ticket purchasing screenshots

  4. There should be one badge type listed: the Attendee badge. Click the green “Buy” button.
  5. Enter your first and last name, as well as your Discord username. Your Discord username will never be shared publicly, and is just so we can assign you special roles on the Paizo Events Discord server.
    • On this screen, you can also purchase a badge for a friend! Information on adding and purchasing badges for friends can be found on this page.

    PaizoCon on Tabletop.Events Ticket purchasing screenshots

  6. Click “Add to Cart” when you’ve finished entering your information. Once you have all your badges in the cart, click Checkout.
  7. Follow the instructions to enter your credit card information, and you’ll be all set! Welcome to PaizoCon Online 2024!

Submitting Community Events

New this year, the community is able to submit events for inclusion in the PaizoCon Online schedule! These can be RPG events featuring Pathfinder or Starfinder, as well as other systems or even other types of games entirely! Want to introduce people to your favorite indie RPG? Looking for players for the new board game you just bought? Finally want to settle who the best Mario Karter in the community is? You can host all these events and more!

  1. From the PaizoCon convention page, go to “Host” in the top bar, then click “Submissions.”

  2. PaizoCon on Tabletop.Events Ticket purchasing screenshots

  3. Click “New Submission” and choose an event type. For this explainer we’ll be using an RPG event, but most events will ask for the same or similar information.
  4. Fill in the requested information! Let the staff and prospective attendees know as much as you can about the event you’re submitting. Once you’ve filled in the information, click Create!
  5. After submission, staff will review events and either approve them (adding them to the schedule), contact you for more information, or reject them. We reserve the right to reject events for any reason.

You can submit events any time before May 24, 2024. However, if you want your event to be on the schedule before it initially gets released, it must be submitted by March 28, 2024.

If you have any questions about event submission, please reach out to us at

Other Activities

Portfolio Reviews

After the success of last year’s Friday portfolio reviews, the Art team has added an extra day onto their review schedule! Portfolio reviews will remain free on a first-come, first-served sign up basis, but this year we’re giving ticket purchasers the chance to sign up early.

If you’re interested in having your writing samples reviewed, we’re also offering writing reviews on Friday and Saturday this year as well!

Stay tuned for more information and registration in the coming weeks!


Get ready for a weekend full of fantastic livestream programming including seminars, interviews, liveplays, and the annual weekend opening keynote on the Official Paizo Twitch channel!

Stay tuned for the full stream and activity schedule coming soon!

Friends of Paizo:

We’ll once again be joined by multiple friends of Paizo in the Discord this year! Chat with, ask questions of, and learn more about the amazing work of teams like BKOM Studios, Foundry VTT, Roll20, and more!

Last year’s convention was entirely online, but this year we’re introducing PaizoCon@! Our new pilot program allows you to experience PaizoCon in person with your fellow Pathfinders and Starfinders at participating local game stores! Check back on this blog to learn more.

We look forward to seeing you all online this year! Stay tuned for more updates and announcements about PaizoCon 2024!

Get your tickets for PaizoCon Online 2024 today!

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Conventions Organized Play Paizo PaizoCon

Thank you thank you thank you for Paizocon specials being at 10am Pacific time! I could not sign up for these in previous years when they were at 7am to accommodate east coast US players! Though still virtual, it's one of the only major west coast cons to get access to these and this year being the last season of Starfinder 1st edition is extra special.

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber


Grand Lodge

I’m excited for this intense PF/SF weekend!

Just to make sure: tickets are only on, correct? There’s no etickets to buy on

Paizo Employee Organized Play Coordinator

theytrucy wrote:

I’m excited for this intense PF/SF weekend!

Just to make sure: tickets are only on, correct? There’s no etickets to buy on

That's correct.

Sovereign Court

Am I correct in understanding that will be managing the table signups this year? We won't be using Warhorn?

Paizo Employee Organized Play Coordinator

That is correct, yes.


3 people marked this as a favorite.
spacecat11 wrote:
Thank you thank you thank you for Paizocon specials being at 10am Pacific time! I could not sign up for these in previous years when they were at 7am to accommodate east coast US players! Though still virtual, it's one of the only major west coast cons to get access to these and this year being the last season of Starfinder 1st edition is extra special.

*cries in international* Aus eastern time makes it 3am. Never let anyone say I'm not dedicated. T.T

Thank you very much for continuing the online format, it reduces a number of stressors!

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