Today brings over a dozen new Starfinder and Pathfinder products to spark joy with your family and friends! You’ll find 4 Adventures Paths volumes, 4 standalone adventures of various sizes, and 4 game accessories to enliven play. And check out Pathfinder Goblin Firework Fight—our new party game that mixes goblins, pigs, pickles, and fireworks!
Party Game (Print Only)
Pathfinder Goblin Firework Fight
Goblin Firework Fight—Promo Card: Advanced Goblin (Fumbus)Pathfinder Adventures Path Volumes (Print and Digital)
Pathfinder Adventure Path #174: Shadows of the Ancients (Strength of Thousands 6 of 6)
Pathfinder Adventure Path #177: Burning Tundra (Quest for the Frozen Flame 3 of 3)Starfinder Adventures Path Volumes (Print and Digital)
Starfinder Adventure Path #43: Icebound (Horizons of the Vast 4 of 6)
Starfinder Adventure Path #44: Allies Against the Eye (Horizons of the Vast 5 of 6)Starfinder Adventures (Digital Only)
Starfinder Bounty #2: Test Flight
Starfinder One-Shot #3: System TakedownPathfinder Society Scenarios (Digital Only)
Pathfinder Society Scenario #3-12: Fury's TollStarfinder Society Scenarios (Digital Only)
Starfinder Society Scenario #4-15: Feuding FaithsPathfinder Accessories (Print and Digital)
Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Shattered DungeonStarfinder Accessories (Print and Digital)
Starfinder Flip-Mat: Casino
Starfinder Flip-Mat: Water World
Starfinder Flip-Tiles: Space Station Corridors ExpansionStart your collection with a subscription today!
Shop the Paizo Store and your favorite local game store today!
Now Available: Goblin Adventures Galore!
Wednesday, March 30, 2022