Today on Paizo LIVE: Goblin Adventures Galore!

Friday, March 25, 2022

If your schedule allows, kindly join us for Episode 10 of Paizo LIVE from 4 to 6 p.m. Pacific today, March 25, 2022. Our monthly, 2-hour live Twitch show will feature Paizo staff and guests talking about our upcoming Pathfinder and Starfinder releases. You’ll have a great time exploring the new products with me.

Pathfinder Goblin Firework Fight Box Pathfinder Second Edition Book of the Dead

If your schedule prevents you from joining us, you can enjoy the recording next week when we post it to YouTube. In fact, you can catch all the past episodes, including last month when we discussed Pathfinder Book of the Dead, Pathfinder Goblin Firework Fight, Organized Play updates, and more!

Now, let’s take an exciting peek into the Adventure Toolbox content from each of the Adventure Path volumes being released this month. This content is special because we endeavor to make it useful to all, whether you play the Adventure Path or not.

Campaign Repercussions
Our story has been long but now is at its end. By the conclusion of the Strength of Thousands Adventure Path, the heroes have risen from humble initiates to respected [redacted]. They have traveled far to come back home again and save the Magaambya from [redacted]. They have not only returned [redacted] to the world, but they might also have earned the Magaambya a very powerful protector in the form of the [redacted]. Still, your campaign could have a few loose ends and further opportunities for adventure.”

The Shadows of the Ancients Adventure Toolbox by Saif Ansari, Matt Hardin, Jacob W. Michaels, Brendan Perry, Nathan Reinecke, and Darren Spurrier includes campaign repercussions, and player rules on artifacts of the Magaambya and masks of the Magic Warriors. It also includes creatures like an ooze, a werecreature, and something clockwork and gargantuan.

Adventure Toolbox
I’ve got movement on my scanner! Do you see anything?”
“Keep your voice down. I have eyes on ‘em. I’m in the circulation vent. They’re right beneath me.”
“How many?”
“I dunno. A lot. Looks like they’re headin’ for main operations.”
“What’re we gonna do? Lieutenant? Lieutenant Snyder, do you read?”
—excerpt from internal comms of the Chelish Bosun, discovered derelict in the Vast

The Icebound Adventure Toolbox by BJ Hensley, Jenny Jarzabski, Ron Lundeen, Jess Nevins, Jim Seals, and Jason Tondro includes new high-altitude vehicles and gear, charter updates, Swarmtech items, building the Swarm (making new Swarm creatures) in the Alien Archives, three of which are the size of starships. The Codex of Worlds explores Weydana-5, “the smallest of the planets in the Weydana system, is unusual even by the standards of the most jaded interstellar traveler.”

Animal Companions Mammoth Lords keep unusual animal companions. Many types of megafauna—including cave bears, daeodons, dire wolves, and smilodons—can be represented by the animal companion rules presented on pages 214 to 217 of the Pathfinder Core Rulebook and on pages 144 to 145 of the Pathfinder Advanced Player’s Guide. The following new types of animal companions supplement those options.”

The Burning Tundra Adventure Toolbox by Jason Tondro includes player rules for animal companions, items, spells and rituals, and the Mammoth Lord archetype. The new creatures include a nymph, an ooze, and a zombie.

“These draeliks and their ‘Path of Entropy’ business... I don’t claim to understand it. Third eyes, spiritual selves, seeing the future? All seems kind of melodramatic to me.
“On the other hand, they also say the universe’s slowly running out of energy and that, eventually, our great-great-however many great-grandchildren are all going to die cold and lonely. And that? Well, that’s just math.”
—Bron Targeld, New Harmony settler

The Allies Against the Eye Adventure Toolbox by Alexander Augunas, Jeremy Corff, John Godek III, Logan Harper, Jenny Jarzabski, Andrew Mullen, Jess Nevins, Jim Seals, and Jabari Weathers includes charter updates, diplomatic options (new player options including the Zeitgeist mystic connection, Data Broker operative specialization, Commander soldier fighting style, Disobedience vanguard aspect, and new feats and spells), the Eye of Entropy (with another new mystic connection, feats, and an archetype), and more Alien Archives, with creatures sized fine through colossal!

Have questions about upcoming products? Ask them here or save them for the Twitch chat! We’ll see you on later today for Paizo LIVE at!

Adventures Ahead!

Aaron Shanks,
Marketing and Media Manager

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Paizo Staff Paizo Twitch Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Starfinder Roleplaying Game
Second Seekers (Jadnura)

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Awesome art as always! I was very excited to work on the Eye of Entropy character options - time to make me a new mystic!

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Thanks Aaron, great to see more artwork released; as noted above, it's excellent!

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Informative post with great art! The APs arrived Thursday, and I have been skimming over them this morning while drinking my coffee.

I wonder what the last redacted is.

Marketing & Media Manager

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Paizo LIVE #10 will premiere on YouTube today at noon Pacific!

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