How Many RP Should Regeneration cost (and a couple other abilities)

Advanced Race Guide Playtest

So first off Troll-Like regeneration, how would you price that
B) Same question but fast healing
C) How would you price this "This race heals extremely fast, after a full nights rest they recover 4 hit points per HD. If they undergo complete bed rest for an entire day and night, they recover 8 hit points per HD.
D) May ignore the "lawful" alignment restriction on any class they take, they must still at-hear to the the paladin code of conduct if they take levels in paladin.

Also, is there a way to increase flight MANEUVERABILITY without increasing speed.

Oops forgot one
E)by spending four consecutive standard actions concentrating, this creature may regrow lost body parts as if they had regeneration. This ability only functions as long as the creatures head is mostly intact.


Dark Archive

Rapthorn2ndform wrote:

So first off Troll-Like regeneration, how would you price that

B) Same question but fast healing

Making the fast healing apply at a slower rate, per minute or per 10 minutes or per hour or even per day (in addition to normal daily healing) could be an option.

For a race with 'fast healing' equal to their Con modifier or character level per day, I'd charge only 2 RP.

4 RP for per hour 'fast healing, 6 RP for per 10 minutes, 8 RP for per minute and 10 RP for per round.

I wouldn't allow regeneration at all, not because I think it's unbalanced, but just because I kind of hate the rules for it. :/

C) How would you price this "This race heals extremely fast, after a full nights rest they recover 4 hit points per HD. If they undergo complete bed rest for an entire day and night, they recover 8 hit points per HD.

This last idea might be a good choice for a PC-playable fast healing / 'regenerating' race. Your sample option of 4 hp/HD (or 8 hp/HD if resting) should cost 5 BP-ish, maybe. It's got no in-combat effect, but it effectively allows most characters of that race to go from zero hit points to nearly full in a single day.

D) May ignore the "lawful" alignment restriction on any class they take, they must still adhere to the the paladin code of conduct if they take levels in paladin.

I got nuthin' on this one. It's terribly specific (as in, mostly irrelevant to a non-Paladin or Monk, and potentially theme-breaking for clerics of lawful dieties). 1 RP, maybe? Maybe build into it that the race can't be of an opposing alignment to the alignment restriction they are ignoring (so no chaotic monks or paladins or clerics of law-gods)?

Or is that the intent you are going for, allowing members of a naturally chaotic race (such as the Githzerai from 3.X) to be Monks and whatnot, without abandoning their chaotic ways?

Also, is there a way to increase flight MANEUVERABILITY without increasing speed.

Not that I know of, but there darn well should be!


Oops forgot one

E)by spending four consecutive standard actions concentrating, this creature may regrow lost body parts as if they had regeneration. This ability only functions as long as the creatures head is mostly intact.

Limb loss almost never happens in the game, save by GM fiat, so this ability isn't hugely relevant. I'm also not in love with the Tippyverse implications of a captured member of this species being used as a never-ending source of food, by cutting their arms and legs off every four rounds...


Set wrote:
Rapthorn2ndform wrote:

So first off Troll-Like regeneration, how would you price that

B) Same question but fast healing

Making the fast healing apply at a slower rate, per minute or per 10 minutes or per hour or even per day (in addition to normal daily healing) could be an option.

For a race with 'fast healing' equal to their Con modifier or character level per day, I'd charge only 2 RP.

4 RP for per hour 'fast healing, 6 RP for per 10 minutes, 8 RP for per minute and 10 RP for per round.

I wouldn't allow regeneration at all, not because I think it's unbalanced, but just because I kind of hate the rules for it. :/

C) How would you price this "This race heals extremely fast, after a full nights rest they recover 4 hit points per HD. If they undergo complete bed rest for an entire day and night, they recover 8 hit points per HD.

This last idea might be a good choice for a PC-playable fast healing / 'regenerating' race. Your sample option of 4 hp/HD (or 8 hp/HD if resting) should cost 5 BP-ish, maybe. It's got no in-combat effect, but it effectively allows most characters of that race to go from zero hit points to nearly full in a single day.

D) May ignore the "lawful" alignment restriction on any class they take, they must still adhere to the the paladin code of conduct if they take levels in paladin.

I got nuthin' on this one. It's terribly specific (as in, mostly irrelevant to a non-Paladin or Monk, and potentially theme-breaking for clerics of lawful dieties). 1 RP, maybe? Maybe build into it that the race can't be of an opposing alignment to the alignment restriction they are ignoring (so no chaotic monks or paladins or clerics of law-gods)?

Or is that the intent you are going for, allowing members of a naturally chaotic race (such as the Githzerai from 3.X) to be Monks and whatnot, without abandoning their chaotic ways?

Also, is there a way to increase flight MANEUVERABILITY without increasing speed.
Not that I...


i was kinda toying with a few ideas on colombus day
I was kinda thinking of trying to mak a sortof...namekian race
but it would have been fun
and yes you had it spot on about the monks but thats for a differant race, just saiyan

3 people marked this as a favorite.

IMO, should be something like this:

Regeneration (Variable RP, see description):(monstrous)
The race has regeneration 5 that can be suppressed by acid or fire (6RP)
The race has regeneration 5 that can be suppressed by a single element (8RP)
The race has regeneration 5 that can be suppressed by a single alignment(9RP)
For each extra vulnerable element or alignment reduce the cost by 1RP.
For 2 extra RP add 5 to the total value of the regeneration.

Fast healing (5RP): (monstrous)
The race has fast healing 5.

Regeneration, minor (5RP)(Advanced)
The race has regeneration 1 that can be suppressed by any element.

Fast healing, minor (4RP): (Advanced)
The race has fast healing 1.

Rapthorn2ndform wrote:
Also, is there a way to increase flight MANEUVERABILITY without increasing speed.

Yes. Read flight again carefully, it's a little confusing.

Jonathon Vining wrote:
Rapthorn2ndform wrote:
Also, is there a way to increase flight MANEUVERABILITY without increasing speed.
Yes. Read flight again carefully, it's a little confusing.

I know about the 2 rp to increase maneuverability AND +10 speed

but to get to perfect maneuverability you end up with a 70 ft fly speed and that's a bit much

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