The following starship encounter takes place in the atmosphere of Castrovel, and can be incorporated into any Starfinder campaign with little to no alteration. For more information on starship combat in atmospheres, check out the Starship Operations Manual. While the encounter was designed with Starfinder Flip-Mat: Planetary Atmosphere in mind, you can use any hex grid to run it.
This encounter is Average difficulty for a group of PCs flying a tier-4 starship, but your PCs may be higher or lower in level. “False Flags over Castrovel” is an Easy encounter for 5th-level PCs, Challenging for 3rd-level PCs, Hard for 2nd-level PCs, and Epic for 1st-level PCs.
False Flags over Castrovel — CR 2
The player characters have just arrived in their starship at Castrovel and are on course to their landing destination when they receive a message over their ship’s comms
“This is Blue Talon 1, ordering you to stand down. Repeat, this is the Blue Talon 1. Land for inspection. You must comply immediately.”
The Blue Talon 1 comes into view on the PCs’ sensors, along with an identical ship; they are single-seat interceptors. They transmit codes identifying the craft as the Blue Talon 1 and Blue Talon 2 and indicating they are a patrol squadron for the Pact Worlds defensive fleet. A PC who succeeds at a DC 19 Sense Motive check can tell that the interceptors are moving to attack. A PC who succeeds at a DC 21 Computers or Profession (bounty hunter or smuggler) check recognizes that the codes are fake. A PC who succeeds by 5 or more notices the codes were altered to conceal that the ships are flagged as “AWOL.”
The Blue Talons aim to make the PCs hesitate long enough for the interceptors to close in before the PCs understand their hostile intentions. The pilots do not respond to any attempts to communicate and fight until the PCs’ ship is disabled.
Starship Combat: The PCs’ starship begins three hexes away from a short edge of the map. The Blue Talons enter the map from the long edge. In battle, the Blue Talons use their fast speed to harry the PCs with hit-and-run tactics. When the PCs move to pursue one ship, the other moves to attack from another direction.
Hazard: This combat occurs in the third-highest layer of Castrovel’s atmosphere. Castrovel has a normal atmosphere, so a starship can move up to 3 hexes without taking damage each round. A starship takes Hull Point damage to its forward quadrant equal to the starship’s tier × 2 for every hex moved each round beyond 3. If a Blue Talon has 50% or more Hull Points remaining, its pilot accepts this damage if they can gain an advantageous position. Furthermore, a storm coming in over the ocean is a moderate obfuscation hazard for any ship flying over the water. This imposes a –2 penalty on gunnery and Piloting checks, as well as Computers checks that use a starship’s sensors.
KC K-51 Sky Fishers (2) — Tier 1/2
Tiny interceptor
Speed 11; Maneuverability perfect (turn 0)
AC 14; TL 14
HP 30; DT —; CT 6Shields basic 10 (forward 3, port 3, starboard 3, aft 1)
Attack (Forward) light laser cannon (2d4; 5 hexes), light torpedo launcher (2d8; 20 hexes)
Power Core Arcus Light (75 PCU); Drift Engine none; Systems basic computer, budget long-range sensors, horacalcum thrusters (Starship Operations Manual 22), mk 1 defenses; Expansion Bays none
Modifiers +3 Piloting; Complement 1 (minimum 1, maximum 1)
Pilot Computers +5 (1 rank), gunnery +3 (1st level), Piloting +12 (1 rank)
Development: If either ship is disabled or destroyed, the other attempts to flee. It is also possible the fighters disable the PCs’ starship. What happens next is up to you! Did someone pay some unscrupulous pilots to attack the PCs? Is this a ruse by the Pact Worlds fleet to take out the PCs without taking the blame? The possibilities are endless!
XP: Use the table on page 390 of the Starfinder Core Rulebook to determine the appropriate XP for this encounter, based on the encounter’s difficulty.
Mike Kimmel
Starfinder Encounter: False Flags Over Castrovel
Friday, February 5, 2021