This week on Twitch, Sept 30 - Oct 6

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Recently we've been working internally to bring you more interactive showcases and updates on what's coming up in the world of Paizo. Along with our partners sharing their incredible stories with all of you. One of the initiatives I've wanted to take is to inform you of what is going on. So every week I'd like to present to you with a schedule for next week every Friday. So you know what's happening during that week for Paizo!

War for the Crown with Squiddish, Sept 30, 2:00 p.m. Pacific

Although the day has already passed for this. I always love to remind folks that Squiddish with the 2 Perception crew streams on the official Paizo Twitch channel every week at 2 p.m. Pacific. Their long-running Pathfinder First Edition campaign has been a favorite for our audience. And we highly encourage you to dive in. Here you can find Squiddish’s Twitch channel.

Starfinder Wednesdays! Alien Archive 3: Creature Companions & Making a Companion with YOU!, Oct 2, 4:00-5:00 p.m. Pacific

Payton Smith (hey that’s me!) and Starfinder Lead Designer Joe Pasini will be sitting down with you as our audience and creating some companions from the latest Alien Archive 3. Help us build a companion! Or come over to learn how you can have a companion of your own in Starfinder!

Pungeon Crawl, Oct 2, 5:00-9:00 p.m. Pacific

“The results of the breakfast sweepstakes are in and The Biggest Darn Heroes of the Pact Worlds are about to get a new set of legally-distinct sidekicks as the Pungeon Crawl returns! Join the Deep Space Defenders as we find out if a handful of breakfast cereal contest-selected weirdos can keep up with your favorite syndicated space saviors! Sent on a mission with REAL HEROES, they’ll be put to the test as things go wrong, while on camera the entire time! As their situation develops the heroes’ morale may falter, but with the help of you, the faithful viewers, your favorite heroes can grip success from the jaws of failure! Wednesday nights 8e/7c only on Paizo!” - BBWolfe

Check out her Twitch channel here.

Oblivion Oath, Oct 3, 12:00-1:00 p.m. Pacific

Our benevolent Game Master Jason Bulmahn takes several Paizo employees through our in-office game of Pathfinder Second Edition.

Pathfinder Fridays! Top 10 new Developments in Lore, Oct 4, 4:00-5:00 p.m. Pacific

Creative Director James Jacobs & Developer Luis Loza’s take on community questions about the world of Golarion. While also showcasing what are some of the significant changes in terms of lore that occurred between the first edition and second edition.

Dragons & Things, Oct 4, 6:00-9:00 p.m. Pacific

The amazingly fun and funny Pathfinder First Edition adventure continues at 6 p.m. Pacific on the Dragons & Things channel! Paizo will be hosting them, but we encourage you to show up and show your support for these extremely talented players!

Remember! If you have any questions you'd like to queue up for our Q&A segments at the end of our Starfinder Wednesdays or Pathfinder Fridays you can leave them in our Forums in their respective threads.

Pathfinder Fridays Fan Club

Starfinder Wednesdays Fan Club

Catch us live at our Official Twitch Channel!

More Paizo Blog.
Paizo Employee Developer

Love it <3 I'm really loving watching these shows and I eagerly await more content. I especially love the developer talk on Pathfinder Fridays!

Obligatory shoutout to Arcane Mark for Tues/Thurs/Sat and and Know Direction for Starfinder & Pathfinder news...but I'm sure anyone who comes to the comment section of the Paizo blog know these exist.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

In my game we are having arguments about damaging worn items both mundane and magical. My contention is that if a character can be physically damaged so can items he is wearing, using or carrying can be as well. So if a dragons breath or an acid flask strikes a character exposed items should be damaged along with the character. This would be subject to saving throws (attended and if the item is magical or not) and also subject to the order of precedence eg shield first. My players are saying that nothing can be damaged unless they roll a 1 on saving throws or the item is specifically targeted. It doesnt make sense that all items and armor should be immune to the ravages of combat, magic and the elements. I feel if the player would take the damage the gear should be vulnerable as well. So a player that buys a suit of chain or a shield would never have to repair them even if bitten bashed or roasted by monsters.

Silver Crusade

That's not how that works, it's an intentional flavor and mechanics segregation to 1) not constantly destroy everyone's equipment, including the soon to be loot from the opponents and 2) so everyone doesn't have track dozens of different health bars and hardness rating for all their stuff.

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