Homebrew Special: I Want My Mummy!

Friday, July 12, 2019

In the latest PACG Homebrew Special, our Online Venture-Captain Tyler Beck returns with a new Adventure Path for kobolds! Because more kobolds is good kobolds. —Mike

Hello again, everyone! It's your mostly-fearless-except-for-fear-of-falling-from-heights Venture Captain for online Pathfinder Adventure Card Society, Tyler!

I had a blast at PaizoCon, and we got LOADS of new information from Paizo on the release of the Core Set and the Curse of the Crimson Throne Adventure Path (both available now), on the new Year of Rotting Ruins that begins at Gen Con, and on the fact that the Core and Curse scenarios in the storybooks that come in the box are sanctioned for PACS play! I also want to give a quick plug for the current online PACS play-by-post convention, Cards Against Gnomanity II. Though the event has already begun, we'd love to have you join us for future games, so if you just tell us in the recruitment thread that you're interested, we can help you find a game—even if you've never played PACS through play-by-post!

Mostly, though, I want to talk to you a bit about something that I spent several months working on leading up to PaizoCon, and then spent most of my actual time at PaizoCon running: this year's homebrew special, entitled "I Want My Mummy!"

This set of three adventures was designed to run during three afternoon sessions at PaizoCon. We decided this year to do Tier 1, Tier 3, and Tier 5 so that people got a broader taste of the characters. The story is based on some of the most popular PFS scenarios from WAAAY back in season 5: the Destiny of the Sands trilogy. This means that your kobold characters (new versions of the infamous kobolds from True Dragons of Absalom) get to interact with everyone's favorite creepy dude in a hot tub, Grandmaster Torch. He'll send your kobolds on a grand adventure to… do a bunch of seemingly mundane tasks for him, as is tradition.

Adventure Card Game card: Grandmaster Torch. Henchman 1. Human. Rogue. Veteran. Type: Monster. Check to defeat. Charisma / Diplomacy 4 + # OR Combat 10 + ##. Powers: If defeated by a combat check, after you act, discard 1d4 cards from your deck. If defeated, you m ay immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from. Adventure Card Game card: Madame Zelekhati. Villain 1. Human. Sorcerer. Veteran. Type: Monster. Check to defeat. Combat 9 + ##. Powers: Before you act, suffer 1 Acid damage. If Madame Zelekhati is defeated and escapes, all local characters move to a random location. Adventure Card Game card: Sandman. Henchman 1. Elemental. Type: Monster. Check to defeat. Combat 11. Powers: If the check to defeat has Piercing or Slashing trait, increase the difficulty by 1d6. If undefeated, end your turn; do not reset your hand. If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from.

Grandmaster Torch, the guy everyone loves to hate. One of his requested tasks is to harass the owner of a legitimate cabaret hall and her elemental buddies.

That's okay though; you're well aware that Torch doesn't always have the interests of the Pathfinder Society at heart, and you will get the chance to disrupt his plans several times. Along the way, you'll also be able to use the fun trap-setting mechanic that we introduced back in our first kobold-themed homebrew special, "We Are Dragons". There are several ways to set traps, one of which is represented by the kobold Alchemist, Athrax:

Adventure Card Game card: Athrax. Male Kobold Alchemist. 
Strength -  d4. checkbox +1.
Dexterity - d8. checkbox +1 checkbox +2 checkbox +3.
Acrobatics: Dexterity +3.
Constitution - d6. checkbox +1 checkbox +2.
Intelligence - d8. Checkbox +1 checkbox +2 checkbox +3 checkbox +4.
Disable: Intelligence +2.
Ranged: Intelligence +1.
Wisdom - d6. Checkbox +1 checkbox +2 checkbox +3.
Charisma - d6. Checkbox +1 checkbox +2.
Hand size: 6. Checkbox 7.
Proficient with: Weapons, Light Armors.
- On your (checkbox or any local) combat check with a Ranged boon, recharge an Alchemical boon to add # and the Alchemical trait to the check. 
- After you play an Alchemical card for its power, you may set a trap with it (checkbox then heal a random Alchemical card).
- Checkbox. When you examine a card at a trapped location, you may bury one of those traps to ignore Trigger effects on the examined card. Card List. Favored Card Type: Weapon.
Weapon. Default 2. Checkbox 3. Checkbox 4.
Spell. Default 2. Checkbox 3.
Armor. Default 1. Checkbox 2.
Item. Default 5. Checkbox 6. Checkbox 7. Checkbox 8.
Ally. Default 2. Checkbox 3.
Blessing. Default 3. Checkbox 4. Checkbox 5.
Athrax’s greatest joy in life is the sound of his explosives detonating, and the ensuing cries of anguish from his mutilated victims. Since learning about the Pathfinder Society, he has made it his mission to become a member, and likes to ‘Explore, Report, and Cooperate’ by exploring new ways of creating explosions, reporting his horrific findings in his journal, and cooperating by following the orders of chief Yiddlepode.’ Athrax (Dragonblood Chymist).
Hand size: Default 6. Checkbox 7. Checkbox 8. Checkbox 9.
Proficient with: Weapons, Light Armors.
On your (checkbox or any local) combat check with a Ranged boon, recharge an Alchemical boon to add # and the Alchemical trait to the check. 
After you play an Alchemical card for its power, you may set a trap with it (checkbox then heal a random Alchemical card).
Checkbox. When you examine a card at a trapped location, you may bury one of those traps to ignore Trigger effects on the examined card.
Checkbox Discard (checkbox or recharge) a card to add your Intelligence skill to your Strength, Melee, or Constitution Check. 
After your move step, if the hour has the Dragon trait (checkbox or does not have the Divine trait), you may discard a card to draw a card of the same type from your discard pile. 
Gain the skills Craft: Intelligence +2 and Survival: Intelligence +1.

The kobold Alchemist, Athrax. There's no "n" in there… read it again, I promise you it's true.

As you can see from his character and role cards, Athrax uses the trap-setting mechanic to keep from banishing his Alchemical items. He also has a few spells, but he just straight-up banishes those, so it's best to keep things like Cure and Find Traps in those slots, which can be useful one-shots. Athrax also has a useful way of ignoring Triggers, by setting traps and then examining locations. Sometimes it's more than worth a buried card to ignore a Trigger.

In brief, trapsetting works like this: When you set a trap with a card, you display that card next to your location (we played them facedown at PaizoCon because we had different-colored sleeves for each character, which helps determine who set the trap initially). When a monster is encountered at a trapped location, the trap is sprung, and you get to add 1d6 to all checks against that monster for the encounter.

After Adventure 1, we skip ahead to Adventure 3, where you're in hot pursuit of two Aspis agents who have gotten hold of one of the fabled Sage Gems, mythical gems that hold the power of the Jeweled Sages inside them. Several of the scenarios in this adventure allow you to gain Chase Points for finishing quickly, culminating in a scenario where you're literally chasing the Aspis agents along a set of locations, trying to move quickly to the place where another Sage Gem is likely to be found. Once you arrive, you find many dangers, the worst of which is the deadly Sage of Plagues, who has one of the most diabolical powers I've ever written. When you defeat him, he explodes in necromantic energy, shattering the Ruby Sage Gem… but even shards of such a powerful relic have the ability to grant incredible abilities to those wielding them.

Adventure Card Game card: Sage of Plagues. Villain 3. Undead. Incorporeal. Poison. 
Type: Monster. Check to defeat. Combat 20. Powers: If the check to defeat does not have the Magic trait, the Sage of Plagues is undefeated. After you act, if the check to defeat exceeded the difficulty by 5 or more, suffer the scourge Curse of Poisoning, then suffer the scourge Curse of Poisoning, then suffer the scourge Curse of Poisoning, then move to a random location. Adventure Card Game card: Ruby Gem Piece. Loot 3. Object. Magic. Mythic. 
Type: Item. Powers: When you encounter this card, display it next to a character who does not already have one displayed. That character gains a mythic path of her choice and displays it, and gains # mythic charges. While displayed during your turn, you may expend a mythic charge to explore.

The Sage of Plagues makes you so poisoned that you can barely hold onto any of the items you've been carrying. At least you gain some extraordinary abilities out of the deal, right?

Finally, in Adventure 5, you've got a chance to really make use of your new mythic abilities, going up against some truly terrifying mythic foes. You even have the chance to fight the diamond sage, Tahonikepsu herself, whose powers as a time dragon are nothing to sneeze at. Check out her character card below, and keep in mind this scenario power that is in effect when you encounter her: "At the beginning of your turn, expend a mythic charge or uncheck a skill or power feat from your character or role card; If you can do neither, bury 1d4 cards from your hand and 1d4 cards from your discard pile."

Adventure Card Game card: Hound of Tindalos. Villain 5. Outsider. Mythic.
Type: Monster. Check to defeat. Combat 26. Powers: Immune to Mental and Poison. Before you act, succeed at a Wisdom or Perception 13 check or suffer 1d4+1 Combat damage. If the check to defeat does not have the Magic trait, increase the difficulty by 5. If undefeated, bury your discard pile. Adventure Card Game card: Razor-Edge Glass Golem. Villain 5. Construct. Golem. Mythic.
Type: Monster. Check to defeat. Combat 35. Powers: Immune to Attack, Mental and Poison. Before you act, reveal a Cold spell or attempt a Dexterity, Acrobatics, Constitution, or Fortitude 15 check; if unsuccessful, discard the top card of your deck and suffer the scourge Curse of Withering. While you act, when any character would play a spell, roll 1d4; on 1, ignore the spell’s powers and that character buries it, and the difficulty to defeat is increased by 4. If undefeated, discard the top 1d4 cards from your deck and suffer the scourge Curse of Poisoning. Adventure Card Game card: Tahonikepsu. Villain 6. Dragon. Sorcerer. Mythic.
Type: Monster. Check to defeat. Combat 60 OR Diplomacy 40 THEN Combat 70 OR Diplomacy 50. Powers: When encountered, shuffle the blessings deck, then advance the blessings deck. Before you act, succeed at an Intelligence, Arcane, Wisdom, or Divine 20 check or recharge all Magic cards from your hand.  During the encounter, before you play a card, each other character at the location recharges a card.

The Diamond Sage Tahonikepsu, a mythic time dragon sorcerer who does NOT play around.

This time, I'm not JUST going to tell you all about these fun scenarios… I'm going to make them available to everyone! See the Dropbox link below to download the character sheets, custom cards, and adventure text for the I Want My Mummy adventure path. It could be a great set of scenarios to run in between regular adventures of the Mummy's Mask AP, or you could just run it on its own… just remember to level your characters up appropriately in between the adventures!

LINK WITH ART: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/dwvhoe3xdinjt3a/AAB7643f_nBGsp3CAo0gatvla?dl=0

I'm working on an even more ambitious project for next year's PaizoCon, so stay tuned. Thanks for reading!

Tyler "Cartmanbeck" Beck
Venture Captain, PACS Online Play

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Tags: Organized Play Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Pathfinder Adventure Card Society
Silver Crusade 2/5 RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

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Yay! I just wanted to point out that our online VL, Andrew (Hawkmoon269) Warner was invaluable in helping me generate the card images themselves, and David Jacobson and Randy Cronin helped out at PaizoCon with running tables, so I wanted to give credit where it's due!

Grand Lodge 4/5


I was lucky enough to play in all three sessions at Paizocon.
Had an awesome time!
Thanks to everyone for all their hard work!
Highly recommend you check these out

Tahonikepsu Check(s) to Defeat:

Combat 60 -OR- Diplomacy 40
Combat 70 -OR- Diplomacy 50

Oh my! She *definitely* does not mess around. That's not quite as bad as Pazuzu (villain 7 from Season of the Righteous), at least.

Thanks for making this one available for download. I'm definitely going to play through it.

Dark Archive 4/5 **

Will the cards be available on drive thru cards? Just for ease of play, of course....

Overheard at the Paizocon table (I sat with Matsu, Kiya, Myrddin and Void_Eagle. Randy Cronin ran our table):

"...This is Tyler (Beck) wacky, not Liz Spain wacky." - referring to one of the scenarios in Tier 5.

"Does this really say 'suffering the Curse of Poisoning, then suffer the Curse of Poisoning, then suffer the Curse of Poisoning'?" - Kiya, and then she called Tyler over.

"I was sure that Tyler would remove all the Baited Jewel Boxes from Randy's box," also Kiya, concerning one of the interactions on one of the cards you can see on this page.

minor spoilers:

"Why do _I_ always get the Bonecrusher Wizard?" - Myrddin I believe.

"Is there _really_ more than 1 Carrion Golem in this scenario?"

(In fact, we need to correct the way the henchmen are listed in that scenario.)

Silver Crusade 2/5 RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Paul Crotteau wrote:
Will the cards be available on drive thru cards? Just for ease of play, of course....

I would be open to doing this, but it will be a significant chunk of work to do so, and I don't have time to do it right now. Does anyone want to offer to put all these cards into the drivethrucards system for me? LOL

Never got the "We are Dragons" pdf. Any chance this is still available?

Silver Crusade 2/5 RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

We didn't actually release a PDF of the We Be Dragons adventures, because there were more issues with Community Use stuff with that one.

Sovereign Court 3/5 5/5

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

I can see what I can get going for you over on DriveThruCards. The main problem (as always) will be what art is available.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Tyler, I had a blast playing with you at PaizoCon! Congrats on the new project!

Hm, I just noticed one of Anthrax's powers is different in the PDF from what's shown in the screen above. Which one should be correct?

Silver Crusade 2/5 RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Probably something I adjusted very last minute. The downloaded PDF should be the final version.

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