We Are Forsaken

Friday, December 14, 2018

Illustration by Artist: Artur Nakhodkin

Some of the exciting world-building I was able to tackle in the deluxe adventure Pathfinder Module: Cradle of Night revolves around vanished gods. Few mortals know that the Shadow Plane once had their own pantheon of wicked demigods, akin to the Eldest of the First World. Called the Forsaken, these demigods sought to expand their power and influence, but all of them mysteriously vanished at once, long ago.

Although the Forsaken do not have worshippers as other demigods do, their influence can still be felt in shadowed shrines and forgotten ruins in the Shadow Plane and dark places of the world. The most noteworthy Forsaken are described below as they once existed; their current forms and powers remain purely speculation.

Enkaar, the Malformed Prisoner (NE Forsaken of fetters, lethargy, and physical corruption): Left to die in a festering prison on the Shadow Plane, Enkaar eventually emerged as a mutated horror draped in rusted chains. Enkaar's symbol is a pus-encrusted fetter, and its favored weapon is the spiked chain.

Eyes That Watch (NE Forsaken of feelings of inferiority, felines, and strangers): None can fully describe the Forsaken known as Eyes That Watch, as it appeared only as a trio of feline eyes staring from shadows with an arrogant gaze. Eyes That Watch's symbol is three feline eyes, and its favored weapon is the dagger.

Grasping Iovett (CE Forsaken of accidents, parasites, and reckless lust): Clad only in heavy black silks that shifted to reveal sensual forms of an indescribable variety, Grasping Iovett's touch left painful welts and tick infestations. Iovett's symbol is a stylized tick on a swatch of silk, and its favored weapon is the short sword.

Husk (NE Forsaken of emptiness, loneliness, and narcissism): Husk was an attractive, androgynous humanoid whose joints were gaps that revealed the Forsaken to be entirely hollow beneath paper-thin skin. Husk's symbol is an empty humanoid outline with hands outstretched, and its favored weapon is the short sword.

Lady Razor (NE Forsaken of family strife, suspicion, and vengeance): A stern magistrate among the Forsaken, Lady Razor forbade showing kindness or mercy to family members. Lady Razor's symbol is a gavel crossed with a bloody razor, and her favored weapon is the dagger.

Reshmit of the Heavy Voice (CE Forsaken of broken things, forgetting, and unexpected violence): Reshmit was a massive shadowy form whose softest touch landed like a hammer blow and whose rumbling voice could shred steel. Reshmit's symbol is a torn steel plate, and his favored weapon is the morningstar.

Thalaphyrr Martyr-Minder (LE Forsaken of failed heroics, imprisonment, and squandered time): Thalaphyrr guarded the prisons where the Forsaken kept their would-be usurpers and destroyers. Thalaphyrr's symbol is a pair of hands grasping a set of prison bars, and his favored weapon is the spear.

Ron Lundeen

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Tags: Pathfinder Module Pathfinder Roleplaying Game
Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

Hey, I think I fought that guy once.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

Very cool Ron! Thank you for posting this info!

Dark Archive

Will Cradle of Night have obediences for these horrors? I may want to integrate them.

CoeusFreeze wrote:
Will Cradle of Night have obediences for these horrors? I may want to integrate them.

Nope; they do not even have domains listed. It seems to me that PCs are supposed to worship the owb prophets, not the Forsaken themselves.

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut

1 person marked this as a favorite.
HTD wrote:
CoeusFreeze wrote:
Will Cradle of Night have obediences for these horrors? I may want to integrate them.
Nope; they do not even have domains listed. It seems to me that PCs are supposed to worship the owb prophets, not the Forsaken themselves.

That seems correct. From my reading, the owb prophets are the Shadow Plane conduits to the Forsaken. And, regardless of which patron they're connected to, they all grant the same domains to their worshipers: Darkness, Evil, Madness, and Trickery.

I find these entities... Fascinating.


Nice! :D

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I find it interesting how all of them seem to have a... Depression theme? I'm not sure that is the correct word(I think there might be one more fitting), but yeah, all of them seem to deal in matters that would leave you depressed, feeling shamed of yourself, like you were forsaken(badums) by the world

^Depression theme . . . now I've got this vision of the Forsaken suddenly getting more worship when the next major economic downturn hits . . . .

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut

For anyone who might be fans of Play-by-Post games, I've started an interest check thread in the recruitment forums where I'm willing to take 5-6 players through an online roleplaying experience involving Cradle of Night. So, after reading my extra-long post (as usual), chime in, if you're interested.

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