A Star to Steer Her By

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

The second installment of the Dead Suns Adventure Path, Temple of the Twelve, has hit the space lanes this month, bringing us one-third of the way through Starfinder's inaugural starfaring campaign. As a result, it seemed a good time to show off some more of the art from Dead Suns and hint at some of the friends, foes, and extraterrestrials the heroes might encounter during the Adventure Path.

In Starfinder Adventure Path #1: Incident at Absalom Station, the heroes acquire their very own starship, a Sanjaval Spaceflight Systems Vagabond named the Sunrise Maiden. But the ship is far more than just a stock light transport/freighter. The Sunrise Maiden will accompany the heroes on their adventures throughout the campaign, and as the player characters advance in level, they'll be able to improve and customize their vessel to truly make it their home among the stars.

Meanwhile, in Starfinder Adventure Path #2: Temple of the Twelve, the heroes head to the planet Castrovel, home to the lashuntas, elves, and formians, though the famed universities of Qabarat welcome scholars of other species as well. The Cult of the Devourer also makes an appearance in this volume, along with new Devourer-themed gear, spells, and the devastator mystic connection.

Among the creatures presented in this volume's Alien Archives are the woiokos, a humanoid species native to the planet Heicoron IV (itself detailed in Starfinder Adventure Path #1's "Codex of Worlds" article). Woiokos have two subspecies, the Floatborn, who live on the ocean's surface, and the Deepborn, who embraced their ancestral aquatic heritage to live underwater, and their entry includes racial traits for woioko player characters.

We'll end with a taste of Starfinder Adventure Path #3: Splintered Worlds, available in December, which sees our heroes visiting the scattered asteroids of the Diaspora and the dead world of Eox. The native inhabitants of Eox, the elebrians, turned to undeath long ago to survive a planetary cataclysm, but a handful of living elebrians survive, making an appearance in this volume's Alien Archives, along with racial traits for elebrian player characters.

Stay tuned! There's plenty more to come in the Dead Suns Adventure Path, from yaruks to skreelings to four-eyed bug-weasels, not to mention frailty cannons, necrografts, and much, much more!

Robert G. McCreary
Creative Director, Starfinder

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Tags: Dead Suns Starfinder Starfinder Adventure Path
Liberty's Edge

Excellent read-through and (if it is sanctioned in time) I am super excited to GM it in my SFS group next week! The storyline thus far is engaging and the two tables I have run the first volume for have really enjoyed it. I can't wait to present volume 2 to them!

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber

Any chance of the Starfinder Adventure Path going monthly?

The Devourer cult weapons are insane. D20 damage!

John Warren wrote:
Any chance of the Starfinder Adventure Path going monthly?

As a dissenting voice, I am going to ask that this please not happen. A) my wallet can't take it and B) my group will not be able to finish more than 1 AP a year.

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Leo_Negri wrote:
John Warren wrote:
Any chance of the Starfinder Adventure Path going monthly?
As a dissenting voice, I am going to ask that this please not happen. A) my wallet can't take it and B) my group will not be able to finish more than 1 AP a year.

Any chance of Paizo, Inc. not forceably taking Leo Negri’s money or making his group play two APs every year?

Not to poke fun, but I'm for having the Starfinder APs come out as fast as keeping the quality high will allow, monthly or otherwise. :)

If they are to remain bimonthly, it is my fervent hope that they eventually go to full 96-page sized books, with more AP content per book. A monthly 32-page adventure I can handle, or a bi-monthly 64-page adventure I can handle, but both short and less frequent is making pacing a bit difficult, even for bimonthly gaming (which my group is doing).

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
John Warren wrote:
Any chance of the Starfinder Adventure Path going monthly?

If this happens, it will be because of a sustained market demand for Starfinder over more than a few months. From what I can deduce from the outside, there are early signs (the current demand has definitely exceeded expectations for the initial launch) that it might happen, eventually, but IMO it's to soon to tell for sure.

Before Paizo ramps up Starfinder adventure paths to that extent, they may go with publishing a couple individual modules, outside of Starfinder Society, first. Adventure paths are a bit riskier; the higher up-front development costs (authors, editors, etc.) for a six volume run is not something you want to commit to unless you're confident that it will sell in sufficient amounts.


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
John Warren wrote:
Any chance of the Starfinder Adventure Path going monthly?

i hope not. let's not mess with a good thing.

I feel like it’s “messing with a good thing” to keep it slow. APs are the heart and soul of Pathfinder, and they will be for Starfinder as well. And now we’ve got the Glass Cannon going through this first AP leaving me with a choice to not listen to the podcast or not play Dead Suns, and there’s no end to this dilemma until the middle of next year?!? Unacceptable!

Need. More. AP.

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