OPC Log—18 Erastus 4716

Monday, July 18, 2016

Wow! We are just over two weeks to Gen Con. Time flies when you're having fun! So many little pieces needing to come together, but we are well on the way. Fingers flying! Ink splotching! Brains whirring! Watch out world!!! Through the combined might of many people here in the office, we are on track to get everything done. Hopefully in time for a good night sleep before we pack up and make the trek to Indianapolis. A huge thanks to everyone here, for getting things done, and to our volunteers that are busily preparing all those things for Gen Con. Speaking of volunteers, if your missing anything like scenarios, badges, or hotel assignments, let me know asap so we can get you taken care of. Let's make it the best four days in gaming!

By the way, if you haven't gotten tickets yet, there are still some available. Come on out, say hi, and play a few games of Pathfinder Society. Ya know you wanna! Hot events include the Thursday night and Saturday night Specials, the Adventure Card Guild component of our interactive special, and the launch of Season 8. For you early risers, or those that just don't go to bed, we are giving an extra prize token during our morning slot. All the Pathfinder Society offerings may be found at gencon.com.

But before Gen Con, I am off to Birmingham, United Kingdom, where I have the privilege to attend PaizoCon UK. In fact, tonight is packing and final prep, as I board the plane tomorrow. So exited! Not only is it a chance to visit Merry Olde England, I get to play Pathfinder while doing it. Publisher Erik Mona is also attending and we have some treats for con attendees, including a retired scenario ran by moi and the next chapter in the Spire of Nex! If you've ever fancied traveling and seeing the world, I recommend you put PaizoCon UK on your radar!

I would usually have many more words to say, but I've tapped my brain at this point working on Guide revisions, packing lists, emails, and all the other tasks that go into getting the convention together. As long as I remember to eat, drink, and pack my toothbrush, I'll be okay...

Next week, John is taking us through the last of the Season 7 offerings—#7-27: Beyond Azlant Ridge, #7-28: Ageless Ambitions, and the conclusion of the new Seeker Arc—#7-29: All for Immortality, Part 3: Serpents Fall. Maybe, if we ask really nice, he will give a hint of what is coming up in Season 8!

So, come one everyone—grab your character, sharpen your pencil, and meet me in Indy! Or if you can't make it, find a game near you and post here about your local Pathfinder Society activities!

Tonya Woldridge
Organized Play Coordinator

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Pathfinder Society
Shadow Lodge 4/5

Come to GenCon! I promise not to kill your characters. (Mostly because I'm a big softie.)

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

Due to some recent cancellations, we have a few opportunities for tier 1&2 volunteers. If you are interested in attending Gen Con 2016 and helping us provide an excellent gaming experience to the players, please click HERE to link to the original Call for Volunteers blog and scroll down to the bottom. Click on the Gen Con Questionnaire link, complete the information, and follow it up with an email to me so I can set your status send you a schedule. Tier 1&2 rewards include a free convention badge and (1/4) hotel room plus many other awesome rewards.


1 person marked this as a favorite.

See you at PaizoCon UK Tonya :-)

Scarab Sages 5/5 5/5 *** Venture-Captain, Netherlands

*GenCON excitement intensifies*

4/5 5/5

Man, I wish I could have made it to PaizoCon UK, but tickets had sold out by the time I found out I could possibly afford traveling there. Have fun in Old Blighty, Tonya!

Grand Lodge 3/5

Will the new season player's guide for PFS be out soon?

Dark Archive 1/5

See you on friday Tonya!

@Rei contact Chris, maybe something happened :)

4/5 5/5

Psyblade wrote:
@Rei contact Chris, maybe something happened :)

Unfortunately, I think at this point booking tickets from Finland to the UK might be a wee bit challenging - I'm going to wash my parents' windows instead. :P

5/5 5/55/55/5

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Rei wrote:
Psyblade wrote:
@Rei contact Chris, maybe something happened :)
Unfortunately, I think at this point booking tickets from Finland to the UK might be a wee bit challenging - I'm going to wash my parents' windows instead. :P

Embrace your inner viking and row!

The Exchange 2/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Psyblade wrote:
@Rei contact Chris, maybe something happened :)

Totally full at present, but Chris will keep a list for last minute contact in the event of anyone having to drop out at the last minute.

4/5 5/5

Rei wrote:
Psyblade wrote:
@Rei contact Chris, maybe something happened :)
Unfortunately, I think at this point booking tickets from Finland to the UK might be a wee bit challenging - I'm going to wash my parents' windows instead. :P

Rei, email me on c dot brockley at gmail dot com

I am sure we can sneak you in....

4/5 5/5

Chris Brockley-Blatt wrote:
Rei wrote:
Psyblade wrote:
@Rei contact Chris, maybe something happened :)
Unfortunately, I think at this point booking tickets from Finland to the UK might be a wee bit challenging - I'm going to wash my parents' windows instead. :P

Rei, email me on c dot brockley at gmail dot com

I am sure we can sneak you in....

I'm super grateful, but I should have voiced this a bit earlier than a few days before the con - there's no chance of me booking tickets this late. I'll do my absolute best to show up next year, though!

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