Beyond the Labyrinth

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Last time we talked about the adventure in Pathfinder #77: Herald of the Ivory Labyrinth, so this time around on the blog I’m going to share a bit about some of the other features.

Demodands have always seemed like the gross cousins of the other fiends. Fueled by hubris, the thanototic titans tried to make their own servants and worshipers, but only created twisted, foul creatures. In this volume of the Wrath of the Righteous Adventure Path, we explore the ecology of the demodand in an article by Amanda Hamon. Sean K Reynolds provides a look into the demon lord Baphomet and Robin D. Laws continues Sweet Ichor in the Pathfinder’s Journal. Among other Abyssal threats, the Pathfinder Bestiary contains stats for Baphomet, protectors of the Ivory Labyrinth, and a disgusting new demodand! Everything in the back half of the book can heighten the experience of the adventure, so pick up Herald of the Ivory Labyrinth now!

Illustrations by Johan Grenier. Ekaterina Burmak, and Jon Neimeister.

Adam Daigle

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Ekaterina Burmak Johan Grenier Jon Neimeister Pathfinder Adventure Path
Liberty's Edge Digital Products Assistant

After a minor technical hiccup, I'm afraid we lost the discussion thread for today's blog. My apologies.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

The Ivory Minotaur link is dead, for me at least. Other than that, the art for the Demondand and cultist are great!

Liberty's Edge

Lazaro wrote:
The Ivory Minotaur link is dead, for me at least. Other than that, the art for the Demondand and cultist are great!

Just remove the extra ".jpg" at the end of the link.

Dark Archive

Adam I want to pick it up now but I can't it is not on sell yet.

Cool artwork for Tarry Demodand! Is the Ivory Minotaur a new monster from the bestiary or just a character from the story?

Paizo Employee Developer

brad2411 wrote:
Adam I want to pick it up now but I can't it is not on sell yet.

I wrote this blog a few weeks ago, so my timing was a bit off. Probably shouldn't have used the word "now" at the end. Sorry about that!

Paizo Employee Developer

Gancanagh wrote:
Cool artwork for Tarry Demodand! Is the Ivory Minotaur a new monster from the bestiary or just a character from the story?

You'll have to wait and see. ;)

Paizo Employee Developer

brad2411 wrote:
Adam I want to pick it up now but I can't it is not on sell yet.

You can, however, preorder it, and have it sent to you when it does release. That way you won't forget!

Dark Archive

Adam Daigle wrote:
brad2411 wrote:
Adam I want to pick it up now but I can't it is not on sell yet.
I wrote this blog a few weeks ago, so my timing was a bit off. Probably shouldn't have used the word "now" at the end. Sorry about that!

Adam I was Kidding around, even though I do want it now but I can wait.

Mark Moreland wrote:
brad2411 wrote:
Adam I want to pick it up now but I can't it is not on sell yet.
You can, however, preorder it, and have it sent to you when it does release. That way you won't forget!

Mark I subscribe so I will be getting it as soon as it is sent to me. YAY!

But can't wait for this AP to finish coming out to see how it ends and start getting Mummy's Mask.

Dark Archive

The helmet kind of ruins the idea but at first glace of the Ivory Minotaur, I thought I had a great reason to cut up a Hurloon Minotaur from Magic: the Gathering.

yes, an awesome image of my namesake. Looking forward to more Pathfinder info on gehreleths.

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