Pathfinder Battles Preview: A Second Look at Legends of Golarion

Friday, August 9, 2013

Most of you probably won't start seriously thinking about Gen Con Indy until next week, but for Paizo, it's only a matter of hours away. Many of us (including yours truly) leave for the Big Show on Monday morning, making today the very last office day before we head out for Indianapolis.

Accordingly, I want to make sure we leave you guys with an amazing Pathfinder Battles preview! With the formal release of the Skull & Shackles set of prepainted fantasy miniatures less than a week away, we've already revealed all of that set's figures. So what's left? Let's look to the future. Let's look to the NEXT set, October's LEGENDS OF GOLARION!

Unlike many of our previous Pathfinder Battles sets, Legends of Golarion is not based on a specific Pathfinder Adventure Path. Rather, it spans the whole Pathfinder world, and includes characters, monsters, and heroes from a wide variety of Pathfinder products going back to the very beginning. This gave us a chance to fill a couple of key holes that we haven't plugged with the first four Pathfinder Battles sets, and also to visit some key characters and creatures we knew we wouldn't otherwise be able to get to for several more sets. Generally speaking, the emphasis is a bit more on monsters and Golarion "types" (such as Hellknights) than on specific characters, but trust me when I say there's a little bit of everything in this set.

So let's get right to it, shall we?

Here we have one of Pathfinder's most beloved iconic characters, Lini! Lini, Gnome Druid, as the figure is called, is our archetypal druid, appearing first on the cover of Pathfinder Adventure Path #11 and then on to the Core Rulebook and just about every Pathfinder game book released since then. She's got an enormous amount of detail for such a small figure. She is, of course, size Small, and she's been slated at the rare rarity.

We continue to fill out the ranks of Pathfinder's iconic characters with Sajan, Human Monk. WizKids did an excellent job portraying Sajan in a cool fighting pose, and again it's amazing to see how their sculptors and painters have managed to work in all of the detail of Wayne Reynolds's ultra-complex art for the character. Sajan is a Medium-sized rare figure.

Bugbears are one of those ubiquitous humanoid creatures that never seem to get their due with cool figures in prepainted plastic, even though they come up in play again and again. This Bugbear Warrior, inspired by the art in the Pathfinder RPG Bestiary, is a great addition to the humanoid ranks. When partnered with the Bugbear Champion in the Rise of the Runelords set, the pair make the beginnings of a cool bugbear-themed encounter. While this is the only bugbear in Legends of Golarion, there will be more in future sets for sure! The Bugbear Warrior is a common figure.

One of my favorite things about this set is that it gives us the opportunity to bring a lot of original Pathfinder monsters—not drawn from gaming history or real world legend—into prepainted plastic for the first time. Such is the case with the frankly disgusting Seugathi, an intelligent wormlike monstrosity from the pages of Bestiary 2. These servants of even larger underground worms played a creepy role in James Jacobs's "Shadows Under Sandpoint" office campaign, and left quite the impression with our players. Now, with this amazing miniature, you can creep out your players as well! The Seugathi is a Large, uncommon figure.

I dream of a great Djinni miniature. My dreams have delivered. This Large rare figure may get my vote for coolest sculpt in the entire set. He is definitely a jaw-dropper.

And last up in this week of six previews is the hideous Sandpoint Devil, a cryptozoological menace of the Sandpoint Hinterlands. This figure is very important to me personally for two reasons. First, it's a great example of a very specific Pathfinder monster that made his debut in the Inner Sea World Guide (and it doesn't hurt that he was based on the Jersey Devil of real world myth). Second, and WAAAAY more importantly, my unarmored barbarian OSTOG THE UNSLAIN managed to strike the killing blow against this thing in James's aforementioned "Shadows Under Sandpoint" campaign, and this figure will make a fitting desk trophy to commemorate the legendary deeds of Golarion's greatest hero. He'll be fun for your players to battle, defeat, and make into a trophy as well!

And that's it for this week. I'm ready to get packed and head out to Gen Con! We'll be showing off several more Legends of Golarion figures in the Paizo booth (#203), including the whole set of October's Undead Horde Builder Series. Of course, you'll also be able to buy the new Skull & Shackles minis, make personal suggestions for figures directly to me, and celebrate the best four days in gaming!

Oh, and we'll also be giving away the promotional Konkrud goblin figure for folks who spend $50 or more at the booth, AND we'll also be selling an ADDITIONAL Pathfinder Battles goblin repaint we haven't showed off anywhere for folks who buy a copy of the newly released Pathfinder: Goblins! #1 comic book! More details on that special figure from the show floor itself! Both promo figures will be available here on after the convention.

See you there!

Erik Mona

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Legends of Golarion Miniatures Pathfinder Battles
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Marcus Moroe wrote:
My god when will the pics be up!?!?!?

Here's hoping it will be about 15 minutes after the dealer's hall opens.

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