Give Us Your Pets!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Greetings, Pathfinders!

Rabbits hate change. My fiancé and I recently relocated, and Aslan is making his displeasure known by savaging hoodies and leaping upon his unsuspecting parents' faces at inopportune moments. These sudden rages, combined with his shameless pursuit of his expansionist interests, lead me to believe he is a chaotic neutral barbarian bunny.

Does this ever happen to you? Do you wonder if Spot made Intelligence his dump stat, but forgive him because of his excellent Charisma bonus? Do you suspect that Fluffy is evil-aligned, but find yourself helpless in the face of her gaze attack and fuzzy ears?

Wonder no longer! We will select one of your pets to be transformed into full-fledged Pathfinder monster, to be posted here on the blog for all to enjoy. Just email with a link to a picture of your pet and your pet's name, alignment, and a fun fact about them.

No pets will be harmed in the making of this blog post. I look forward to meeting your fluffy, scaly, and feathered companions!

Cassidy Werner
Editorial Intern

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Tags: Animals
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Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Stickfoot Chaotic Neutral, maybe Chaotic Good. Pretty much the same personality as Pinky(Narf!).
Fun fact: Only creature alive with a negative Intelligence score.

Gobble Gut True Neutral. He cares not for the affairs of mere mortals. Good and evil, law and chaos, these concepts are for lesser creatures.
Fun fact: Loves to play fetch and is probably better at it than any dog I've had.

Okay last update, I promise. Note spell should be revised to include Somatic component as the can has to be opened with the can opener for the spell to work. Also the spells should be 0-level for any class that gains 0-level spells or 1st level for classes that do not gain 0-level spells.

KS -- Rogue (CN) as she was a master sock thief. She managed to teach her son to hunt mice so she could get out of the job. She was able to sneak out of the house undetected as well. She was fearless in the face of danger as she boxed the ears of the feral male cat that had the nerve to sit on HER wall.

Irving: Barbarian (CG). Dumb as a box of rocks but unparalleled mouser. Then again, he would sometimes try to stalk the television if any rodents were on it. He tried to sneak out but only managed to follow his mother when she led him astray and the dope was unable to find his way home for two weeks. He developed severe agoraphobia after that.

Thank you for the walk down kitty memory lane.


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I have Axolotls. They don't exactly exude personality (they just sit there and smile) but the animal itself would make for an interesting monster: Regeneration, the ability to swallow creatures whole underwater that it is not even grappling...

Rosie--Pitbull hound mix.


Fun Facts: Rescued from a high school parking lot just before the maintenance department was about to take her on one last journey..(Yeah, it's what you think). Rosie is an attention monger; if I fail to pet her enough she will put her paw on me to let me know about it. If she's lying next to me and I stop she'll kick me over and over until I give in. Rosie has also been assigned the title "therapeutic companion animal, untrained" by my therapist in order to get my landlord to accept her. Rosie rarely comes when called. However, call Buster and she's right there.

Buster--Boxer pit bull or mountain cur mix.

Fun Facts: Originally a foster but I fell in love with the mutt and couldn't let him go. Buster likes to wave at people when he's happy or excited. My landlord wasn't, and still isn't, happy about having one dog here, much less two, but he's a great guy and knows that I'll repair or pay for any damages they might cause. So far the worst damage has been to eat my home theater sound system's remote control. I've yet to replace it, but I plan to. Buster came from an abusive situation; sometimes when you call his name or if he sees the leash he gets very scared and pees before trying to hide.

They have been adjusting to indoor city life since February. Where they lived before they had a big backyard to play in all the time, but here not so much.



I forgot to mention Rosie is the most inaptly named dog on earth. She is anything but "rosy". She's the gasiest, belchingest, fartingest dog I've ever had the fortune of owning. In fact, on a car ride earlier today, my eyes actually teared up after one of her stink bombs.

Vic Wertz wrote:
Amiri. Instead of a monster, could you make her into an iconic PC? Maybe a barbarian.

Barbarian? She has the bearing of a true lady... I think Sorceress or Bard would be right...

Dark Archive

Vic Wertz wrote:
Amiri. Instead of a monster, could you make her into an iconic PC? Maybe a barbarian.

Is it me or do Amiri's paws look sort of like Amiri's gauntlets?

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Chaotic Evil Murder Fish

Once upon a time, three fish lived in a tank. One of these fish was the very smallest. Somehow, this fish grew, and grew. And then it decided there should only be one goldfish in the tank. Soon it was so, and the other two were buried in the back yard.

But Ponyo, now alone with the food supply, did not stop growing. Draining it's colour and becoming a silver fish to fuel it's terrifying growth, it could soon touch two walls of it's tank at the same time. It's foolish humans bought it a bigger tank, as they could no longer take the staring. This has allowed Ponyo to grow to a 10 inch long, silver murder machine intent on the end of all life.

Only a thin sheet of glass stands between us all and wet, slippery death.

Silver Crusade

My current four legged roommate:

Flash the rabbit
N Tiny animal (fuzzball)
Speed: 60 ft

Spell-like Abilities:
At will: Charm Person

My previous familiar, who would make a much more interesting monster (RIP):

Whitey the attack cockatiel
NE Diminutive animal (avian)
Will saves: -8 to disbelieve that any mirror contains another bird

Melee: Bite +5 (1d3+2) (that little sucker had a surprisingly strong beak)
Special Attack: Shriek of Doom (DC 15 to avoid distraction and sonic damage from loud screeching)

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