Rise of the Runelords Deluxe Collector's Edition Unboxing!

Thursday, November 28, 2012

The Rise of the Runelords Deluxe Collector's Edition pre-sale promotion has been extended! From now until Sunday, December 2nd at 11:59 PM Pacific Time, active Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscribers who order will receive a free PDF edition of this book when the print edition ships.

Join Paizo Publisher Erik Mona as he gets his hands on the first available copy of the Rise of the Runelords Deluxe Collector's Edition and gives a rundown of its awesomeness. The edition is very limited, so order yours today!

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Tags: Pathfinder Adventure Path Rise of the Runelords
Liberty's Edge

Is the video private for anyone else, or am I special?

It's private. I'm special too.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
ciretose wrote:
Is the video private for anyone else, or am I special?

Me too

Digital Products Assistant

Should appear properly now. :)

Scarab Sages

working now


Can't wait to get my hands on it!

Woohooo, can't wait :D

Blog wrote:
Thursday, November 28, 2012

Pretty sure today's Wednesday, not Thursday. :)

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

That is a book's book right there.
I sense a "Yo, dog! I heard . . ." joke forming.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I hate you Erik. I already bought the Anniversary Rise of the Runelords as I'm prepping for some time at the end of summer of 2013 to run this with my main Pathfinder group.

Then I watched your video... and envy poured through my veins of those to own the greatest RPG special Collector's Edition book ever. How could I let this happen, how could I not own this masterpiece.

I sat in the darkness, mumbling and mumbling about this book.

Oh hell it's X-mas! Made the purchase. No way that I was not to be part of this!

Now... I wait for my precious!


Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook Subscriber

And envy leeds to greed ... please stay in line, you will receive your Sinhedron marking in just a few moments.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

He's laughing all the way to the bank because he actually got people to pay such a ridiculous amount for that thing.

I love you guys so much for actually making this happen. I may be crazy, but I don't care. Thank you!! 8)

ETA: I know that sounds sappy, but it's because they really listen to their customers, and then make it even better than awesome suggestions. It's what I imagined I wanted, with the coolness squared. So shut up and take my money!! :p

Grand Lodge

Very, very cool! Glad I wasn't working in the print shop that had to assemble the handout pages. Had that come out about 6 months or so ago, I would be all over it like white on rice. Sadly I have to save my monies right now, especially if I want to go to Paizo con this next year.

Dark Archive

waiting for my copy to ship with my regular subscription.

Scarab Sages

I have the original, the anniversary edition and the collector's edition should be on it's way soon. Why do I have so many copies of the same campaign! Whhhhyyy! Oohh shiny book *entranced* It's sooo pretty.

Hmm all I need now is an alternate cover Pathfinder #1... naahhhh!

Keep up the good work paizo!

Dark Archive

I can not wait for mine to arrive. It's in the December order for me and as it's "supposed" to be a Christmas gift from my wife I guess I shouldn't have it shipped. Must wait for my monthly subscription...sigh.

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

Is it wrong that the coolest thing about this book (to me anyways) is that you have all the handouts as actual handouts?

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Maglok wrote:
I have the original, the anniversary edition and the collector's edition should be on it's way soon. Why do I have so many copies of the same campaign! Whhhhyyy! Oohh shiny book *entranced* It's sooo pretty.

Options, really.

I have every iteration of The Masks of Nyarlathotep, and although the original box is missing Australia (they eventually printed it in another book), the plates and handouts contained therein are still useful even with the hardbound 4th edition.

Also, to those that are waiting patiently for your subscriptions.
Its been mentioned by Vic over on the product thread that the book will most likely ship by itself with the December orders (international shippers check a few posts down for your info).

Silver Crusade

Lanx wrote:
And envy leeds to greed ... please stay in line, you will receive your Sinhedron marking in just a few moments.

LOL. Oh the Runeforge has my Sin points very high in Greed for this book! ;)

Silver Crusade

Oops_I_Crit_My_Pants wrote:
He's laughing all the way to the bank because he actually got people to pay such a ridiculous amount for that thing.

Haters will hate.

^Yeah for 200 that is a LOT of book, I doubt the profit is massive

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

2 people marked this as a favorite.

There is basically no profit on this item at all. We're doing it for funzies, and because people asked for it and we thought it would be cool to make.

Shadow Lodge

And that is why we love Paizo and Pathfinder so much. By the by counting the days until December 4th when the UPS tracker says my copy is do to arrive.

Wow....I had preordered, then canceled because of financial concerns. Now I saw this and....well, revisiting the finances to see if I can fit it in!!!

Wow that is the most beautiful RPG book ever. I'm glad I preordered. This will be the centerpiece of my collection.

This is beautiful, but while watching this video I was struck by another idea.

Campaign boxes for all the adventure paths.

They could include:

1) The adventure path material either collected or in the 96 page format

2) A full set of pawns for the AP

3) A players guide

4) player handouts

5) (my personal dream) battle mat sized print outs for a few of the key encounters of the AP.

Throw the whole thing together for $120 - $150 and you'd have literally everything a GM needed to run a fantastic campaign all in one box.

Barring that: I'd settle for just the pawns for all the APs. They are such a fantastic gaming aid. Especially for the more exotic APs like Jade Regent or Legacy of Fire. Please?

Pretty please?

cailano wrote:

This is beautiful, but while watching this video I was struck by another idea.

Campaign boxes for all the adventure paths.

They could include:

1) The adventure path material either collected or in the 96 page format

2) A full set of pawns for the AP

3) A players guide

4) player handouts

5) (my personal dream) battle mat sized print outs for a few of the key encounters of the AP.

Throw the whole thing together for $120 - $150 and you'd have literally everything a GM needed to run a fantastic campaign all in one box.

Barring that: I'd settle for just the pawns for all the APs. They are such a fantastic gaming aid. Especially for the more exotic APs like Jade Regent or Legacy of Fire. Please?

Pretty please?

If such a thing would be made for current AP's, do you think anyone would still preorder them, or subscribe? The pricepoint of the 'compilation' would be too good. the 6 AP volumes alone are worth $120.

Paizo can't do that, or would loose many subscribers, which they need for the cash-flow. Lisa Stevens has gone over such things from time to time in public.

I was somewhat interested in buying this, but after seeing the video, I think I will pass. I am not really interested in the art pictures that are pretty much useless in game, and really a collector's edition should IMO offer what the regular edition does not, such as battle maps for the locations in the AP and/or a print version of the player's guide.

Still it is a very nice looking product, i would purchase it still if it was not so expensive, but the lack of extra usable material( the player handouts are neat yes, but nowhere near as useful to me as battle maps would be), i must say no.

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