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Yeah. Seen these at a couple of cons now. I'm not sure we're up to the Vizier or Sultan level, but the Emissary is getting some serious consideration.
One word of advice - don't sit in one of their "eight hour chairs" unless you're prepared for the hole it will make in your wallet.

The Block Knight |

So, I never knew about Geek Chic until I looked them up today. Now, I've just spent the last hour going over their product catalog and designing my perfect gaming room in my head.
Wow, gaming has truly come a long way from the 70's. I now have a new goal to be completed over the next five years. I WILL own this furniture for my ultimate gaming room. I already have the "piece de resistance" to go up on the wall behind my GM chair - the laminated jumbo-sized map of the Inner Sea Region. :)
Edit: P.S. @ Obvious_Ninja, when I first followed the link to Geek Chic and took a look at the Sultan, I teared up a little. That is truly a thing of beauty.

Monkeygod |

They had a booth at New York Comic Con, last year I think? Or maybe the year before, I forget which. I definitely want some of their stuff.
Along with the similar style stuff but designed mostly for storing comics in form of things like end tables and such. Don't remember the name, but I think I have their business card.

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I do. I do far more than I should. But that really will be an exercise for my out of practice wood working skills, not my wallet (no offense to them, but I want the Sultan, and I am NOT paying as much for a table as I would for a car).
Depends on which one you spend more time with in an average week, and how many years you intend to keep it :-)

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While their high-end tables are out of MY price range, some of the other tables they offer are affordable. Especially a couple of the coffee tables. The style of them will match what is already in my living room.
Now to convince the wife...
Requiring convincing implies she probably isn't a gamer, so you could always try the "Well honey it will hide all those games you don't like out of sight"
It is a long shot but hey worth trying.