Reaper Miniatures Bones: An Evolution Of Gaming Miniatures

Thu, Aug 16, 2012 at 08:00 AM Pacific

I don't normally contact you about another company's products like this, but in this case, it was such a great project that I felt compelled to let you know so you wouldn't miss out!

Our friends at Reaper have been running a Kickstarter project to ramp up their Bones miniatures line. Bones is the line that takes their award-winning metal minis and makes them much more affordable by casting them in an amazing plastic material. (Like Reaper's metal minis, Bones are unpainted.) We have a number of Bones minis in the Paizo offices and everyone is amazed by them.

So why the Kickstarter? Well, the molds to make plastic miniatures cost a LOT more than molds to make metal. So even though Bones have been well received and are selling very well, Reaper has only been able to add to the line slowly—until now. Their Kickstarter project is going to allow them to jumpstart the process and make a lot more affordable Bones figures. They started with a very reasonable $20,000 goal that they quickly smashed through! They have passed the $565,000 goal as I type this—a truly remarkable feat!

So what does this have to do with you as a Paizo customer? I'm glad you asked! Reaper has just announced their first Pathfinder Bones stretch goal. The "We Be Goblins" stretch goal will bring nine Pathfinder goblin minis to the Bones line. Yep, you heard that right—nine!

The purpose of this blog is let you know about Pathfinder Bones, but it's also a heads-up from one gaming friend to another about this amazing Kickstarter. If you use miniatures at all in your game, you're going to want to get involved in this Kickstarter. You can support it at a number of different levels, but I really want to draw your attention to what Reaper calls the "Vampire" level, for backers who kick in $100. When this Kickstarter began, you got 30 Bones miniatures for that $100. Well, because Reaper keeps reaching more and more stretch goals, that $100 pledge currently gets you 132 Bones miniatures and a special metal Sophie (their iconic succubus) for that same $100 pledge! And it's only going to get better—the "Vampire" level is where the Pathfinder goblins will kick in!

When I personally got in on this Kickstarter, my $100 got me 44 miniatures. Now, because of the pledges of other gaming fans out there like me, I am getting the 132 figures plus the Sophie. And it is going to become even more because of the way the Kickstarter stretch goals work. As more and more people join into the Kickstarter at any level, but especially the Vampire level, we will pass more stretch goals and more minis will be added to my $100 Vampire reward level. At $605,000, we Vampire-level backers will all get 4 very cool demon miniatures, bringing our new total to 136. And then when the stretch goal after that gets hit—boom—NINE Pathfinder goblins added for the same $100 pledge. And each stretch goal gets you more cool minis.

You can see why I wanted to tell you about this. Right now, backers are getting Bones minis for well under a buck apiece—this is by far the best deal in miniatures that I have ever seen. And as more people join in, it gets better and better for all of us. And for Reaper, because they'll be able to get a whole bunch of new Bones figures out there.

There are nine days left in the Reaper Bones Kickstarter—it ends Saturday, August 25 at 6pm EST. If you are at all interested in miniatures, seriously think about pledging to this Kickstarter. What a great way to grow your miniatures collection AND help out a great game company like Reaper. (And I've been told that there is another Pathfinder stretch goal buried in that crypt somewhere. Can't wait to find out what it is!)

Yours in gaming...

Lisa Stevens
CEO, Paizo Publishing

And now a word from our friends at Reaper...

What Are Bones Gaming Miniatures?

Bones are the best plastic gaming models to hit the industry in the last decade. We've taken the best miniatures in the Reaper product line and converted them into plastic - high quality, low price. What more could you ask for? For more info, click here.

Why are we doing this Kickstarter?

Reaper Miniatures Bones Kickstarter is a project to ramp up the production of the Bones plastic miniatures line and to get you the miniatures you want now! And to make things even better, we're adding our officially licensed Pathfinder Miniatures line to our project!

Since the launch of Bones in March 2012, a full third of the figures we ship are Bones plastic gaming miniatures. We have eight pages of Bones suggestions going in our forum. It's clear that our fans want more of these Bones figures. And why not? They're awesome sculpts at a terrific price!

As it turns out, they're also really expensive to produce. The mold costs alone are astronomical. In order to grow this line, we can do it slow and steady over the next several years, or we can defer to you guys and launch a bunch of new ones as soon as possible. By the end of the year, we anticipate having 30 products in the Bones line. What this Kickstarter will do is at least double the Bones line to 60 total models: character models, new sculpts, big monsters... the sky's pretty much the limit.

All we need to kickstart this thing is your support.

What Do I Get For Supporting You?

We have a number of opportunities available for our supporters.

These include, but are not limited to, various apparel items, a chance to receive each of the new 30 Bones plastic models, a metal Kickstarter-exclusive Sophie model, Design-Your-Own-Miniature packages, not to mention some of the most valuable one of a kind Crown Jewel items from the Reaper archives. (And we have some incredible stretch goals in mind – we remain ever optimistic!)

Something for everyone who loves miniature gaming.

Now we're offering some of the most popular miniatures from the officially licensed Pathfinder Miniatures range. What do you have to do to get these Pathfinder Bones miniatures? Simple! All you have to do is pledge either the Vampire or Undertaker Levels from the Pledge List, and if we hit the Pathfinder Bones stretch goal, they'll be added to your Pledge Level at no additional charge! And if you want extras, simply add them to your pledge amount.

The first Pathfinder Bones stretch goal has been revealed. Go join in and pledge to the Reaper Miniatures Kickstarter project and bring them to life for everyone to enjoy!

The Kickstarter has funded, and in fact, it is now over $500,000 and at this point It has been running for over 20 days. There's just over a week left until the project closes on August 25th 2012 at 5:00pm CST. Hurry and get involved and let's see how many Pathfinder Bones we can uncover!


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Sovereign Court

Miniature paint retails for 3-4 dollars a pot. The 18 dollar paint sets are a fantastic deal. The basic set and then the set with the metallics would probably set you up for painting all the minis in the deal. You won`t be able to find a price this good on miniature paints even looking on ebay or from internet resellers.

However, you can get acrylic craft paint (Golden being the best brand imho) from Michael's or Hobby Lobby for cheaper (especially with the 40% off coupons they give out every two weeks).

Acrylic paint is basically little chips of plastic floating in a suspension. Craft paints have bigger chips and more binders (glue). Miniature paints have finer chips and more of them. They also flow off the brush better and are thinner, and mix better with water and each other. Mini paint can be thinned down without having the chips come out of suspension, craft paints not so much, you end up with a puddle of water and an island of colour.

I prefer using mini paints for minis and craft paints for terrain, bases or large vehicles. That said, you can get perfectly serviceable results with craft paint, but you have to know how to thin them down (future floor polish or matte medium) in order to not obscure detail on the mini or have a frustrating experience painting.

Robert Hawkshaw wrote:

Miniature paint retails for 3-4 dollars a pot. The 18 dollar paint sets are a fantastic deal. The basic set and then the set with the metallics would probably set you up for painting all the minis in the deal.

You can get acrylic craft paint (Golden being the best brand imho) from Michael's or Hobby Lobby for cheaper (especially with the 40% off coupons they give out every two weeks).

Acrylic paint is basically little chips of plastic floating in a suspension. Craft paints have bigger chips and more binders (glue). Miniature paints have finer chips and more of them. They also flow off the brush better and are thinner, and mix better with water and each other. Mini paint can be thinned down without having the chips come out of suspension, craft paints not so much, you end up with a puddle of water and an island of colour.

I prefer using mini paints for minis and craft paints for terrain, bases or large vehicles. That said, you can get perfectly serviceable results with craft paint, but you have to know how to thin them down (future floor polish or matte medium) in order to not obscure detail on the mini or have a frustrating experience painting.

Funny, most of the good painters I know use Applebarel and thin it with water, unless they are looking for metalics.

I would agree that these are great deals for miniature paints, and it is much easier for a beginer to get these than to getting base colors and try to mix everything.

The Frost and Fire giants look so good it's hard to say no... I still say we suffer from a general lack of vermin! We got some rats, giant bugs would be nice too. And we need more animals...

Bumped my pledge from $15 to $100. I'll probably never get around to painting these, but that deal is just too amazing to pass up.

Dark Archive

The goblin set is missing the the goblin riding the goblin dog.

Will we ever see miniatures for Rita, Chuffy, Poog and Mogmurch?

bugleyman wrote:
Bumped my pledge from $15 to $100. I'll probably never get around to painting these, but that deal is just too amazing to pass up.

Nice bump. I was originally going to go for the $15 pledge when this was first announced. I've now bumped up twice since getting in a $100.

MJinthePitt wrote:
bugleyman wrote:
Bumped my pledge from $15 to $100. I'll probably never get around to painting these, but that deal is just too amazing to pass up.
Nice bump. I was originally going to go for the $15 pledge when this was first announced. I've now bumped up twice since getting in a $100.

I have to say I'm suprized there are still people at the $60 level.

Another post for those who aren't too keen on pledging because they're not sure if they can/want to paint the minis.
Here's a great thread showing the results you can get from just a base coat of paint + "dipping" (actually, brushing on the dip mixture instead of submerging the minis in the mixture).
Dipping thread (you really have to take a look at the post midway down the page).
As the poster says, this is just base coat + dip, no highlights or anything.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tels wrote:

GAH! This is driving me nuts! This is like the third or fourth time a great Kickstarter has come along, and I didn't hear about it till the last minute, and can't contribute cause I'm broke.

Wish I could scrounge up $100 for the pledge, but I've got bills to pay that are slightly more important.

As others said there are lower levels that are still worth looking at.

For $15, you could get 36 miniatures (12 kobolds, 12 rats, 12 non-PF goblins). With that, you could get a paint set for $18 each. A carrying case for $25. Or 20 orcs for $25.

If you can scrounge up $40, you could get the 36 kobolds/rats/goblins and the 20 orcs (56 all together) averaging out around $0.71 per miniature. Pretty good deal.

This kickstarter is so good, I had to make a spread sheet just to organize all the goodies and keep track of what I am planning on getting. For the survey at the end, I don't want to have one of these moments.

Sovereign Court

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There's a fellow who has set up a calculator for organizing the extras:

international shipping

Sovereign Court

Another stretch goal knocked down today.

The newest one is an earth elemental and a treant / spirit of the forest addon for $15, and 2 sets of a bunch of vermin (swarms, spider, etc...).

Sovereign Court

Another one down. Sheesh.

Next revealed goal, remorhaz and zombie hunters.

Doh, was hoping for more 'Fantasy'.

I'm in for the Vampire level, however I wouldn't mind seeing a few bulk deals - buying individual giants for $10 just seems odd in comparison with the rest of the deal... how about a bulk 'pack' of either dragons/giants etc? Or maybe they are hoping to make margin on the upsell?

Shifty wrote:

Doh, was hoping for more 'Fantasy'.

I'm in for the Vampire level, however I wouldn't mind seeing a few bulk deals - buying individual giants for $10 just seems odd in comparison with the rest of the deal... how about a bulk 'pack' of either dragons/giants etc? Or maybe they are hoping to make margin on the upsell?

Yeah, they probably can't be too generous with the extra minis or they'll end up with a whole bunch of shiny new moulds and a satiated customer base furiously painting hundreds of minis each for the foreseeable future and not buying anything.

This deal is such good value - I can't imagine not jumping at it, if you're an unpainted minis enthusiast. I wish they offered some prepainted options too.

Shifty wrote:

Doh, was hoping for more 'Fantasy'.

I'm in for the Vampire level, however I wouldn't mind seeing a few bulk deals - buying individual giants for $10 just seems odd in comparison with the rest of the deal... how about a bulk 'pack' of either dragons/giants etc? Or maybe they are hoping to make margin on the upsell?

Well, you would get both giants for your $10.

Back of the napkin calculations say the optional purchases are at around half retail price.

Plus, you can buy as many of the giant add-ons as you want. You want three sets? Add $30 to your pledge. That's six giants. If you want two sets of the fire/shadow dragons, add $30. If four dragons isn't enough, up your pledge by $20 for two ebonwraths.

Doug's Workshop wrote:
Well, you would get both giants for your $10.

OK that appears to be the case,

Fire Giant Warriors has 1 mini and one 'concept art', so for a minute I took it as ONE mini, not the mini shown + a mini of the concept art.
I took it as that because the PF Dragon, for example, is ONE model for 10 bucks, as in ONE undead giant, ONE Deathsleet, ONE Ebonwrath - I did think it odd, but with that 1xModel=$10 it threw me :)

One Deathsleet seems out of price synch with a PAIR of 'Here be Dragons' though, as an example.

Dunno, but some kinda 'optional pack bulk-option' would get me on board. Gonna have to farm off all my modern day and sci-fi minis though, I'm sure there will be a few takers :)

Well the pair of dragons are $15, so a bit more. Also they appear to be large, where the other dragons are at least huge.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
pres man wrote:
Well the pair of dragons are $15, so a bit more. Also they appear to be large, where the other dragons are at least huge.

This size assessment would be correct.

Google up some images of the dragons (or any of the larger minis) and you'll find some size comparisons.

Hmm yeah ok maybe I have the wrong end of the stick :)

Thanks for pointing it out to me, perhaps I was kinda fixed on the hugeinsane-megagood deal in front of me from the Vamp pack I didn't consider the add-ons in the correct light :)

Sovereign Court

Some scale photos of the larger minis:

Wow ok, gotcha!

Hey, shifty, no worries.

For what it's worth, the Pathfinder dragon is a far more complex model, so the mold will cost considerably more than those other two dragons.

I've spent the last couple days painting Bones at Gen Con, and while I prefer meter minis, this line is great to get more people into the hobby, and to make table top painting more affordable. Especially those large models like dragons and giants.

I haven't jumped in yet, since I have most of these in metal, but I'll be filling the ranks of my giant army once these are released.

Good to know :) It looks awesome.

After around 30 years of gaming, this will be my first real purchase of minis. I have had the odd one here or there, but never anything like this...

The concept of having to paint the things dawned on me today.



Thanks to the fire giants my backing is up to $150.

More Pathfinder in the $930,000 strech goal.

7 iconics: Seelah, Damian, Merisiel, Freya, Valeros, Amiri, and Seoni

The optional is a Jabberwock for $10.


Dark Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

This has just passed 800k. The 930k stretch goal has been announced - Pathfinder Iconics & Jabberwock!

Seelah, Damian, Merisiel, Freya, Amri Valeros & Seoni

Kicktraq is indicating that it should pass this, and potentially reach a million dollars

Seven PF iconics. And a jabberwock. Holy mother of Odin's gray beard.

Sovereign Court

A painted jabberwock. 1600/DSCF4997.JPG

And the reaper folks say there are more pathfinder minis in the pipeline.

I am forcing myself to take the weekend to think on this, but man do I want to get on this. I haven't painted miniatures in 20 years and back then it was GW. I wasn't very good at it, but now with all the videos on YouTube I think if I take up painting again my efforts will be a lot better than before. At least now I can see what is washing, wet blending and such actually mean. The height of my previous miniature paint exploits got as far as bad priming, too thick paint and some mediocre dry brushing.

It is a lot of money, I'll need brushes, paints, pretty much everything and all those options it hard not to consider throwing $300 or more at this Kickstarter just to get in on all the fantastic offerings.

What have been other people experiences returning to painting? As a teenager I was impatient and did not have a lot of learning resources. Compare that to now as an adult with hopefully more patients and with web loads of resources to help you out?

Liberty's Edge

I just returned to painting after about 15 years or so. I was also in high school the last time I painted and my results were fairly bad. I used gloss model paint from a chain store (it was much cheaper) back then, so everything had a high plastic-looking shine to it. I just started up again and it's a little tricky to feel like you're getting the hang of it again, but there are so many new options to find tutorials and instruction via the net, that my results are turning out WAY better!!! If I get time, I'll post pictures of an atrocious mummy I painted in high school next to a mummy I just painted recently (same base model). The results are drastic. If you have any interest in it at all, I highly recommend giving it another shot. Maturity/increased patience and resources/instructions go a LONG way toward making your work better.

Also, the Reaper Kickstarter is a ridiculously good deal!!! The great thing is, you aren't charged until the Kickstarter ends (in 7 days). If you are disciplined enough (NOTE: only if you are do I recommend this), use a credit card to pledge (your pledge ends up running through Amazon). This gives you an additional month to procure funds to cover your pledge :)

Anybody have any pics with the driders and spider-demoness in scale with other miniatures?

Sovereign Court

Blog about someone assembling the demoness:

And a reaper guide on a green craft mat with inches:

Sovereign Court

I also turned up this: Painted version of a giant and the ogre warchief:

Pravus wrote:
What have been other people experiences returning to painting? As a teenager I was impatient and did not have a lot of learning resources. Compare that to now as an adult with hopefully more patients and with web loads of resources to help you out?

YES. More discipline, more information, more mini's, more paints, more money. (:

Twenty years ago, I tried painting an army of Warhammer 40K orcs in fluorescent colors. Yeah, that didn't work. I've since acquired some painted orcs (to use as models), other miniatures (which were easier to paint), some craft paints (metallics work well on SF minis), and lots of patience. Simply because there's *more* stuff out there, you can better find what you need for *your* miniature needs. I mean, the $100 pledge will get you 130+ fantasy miniatures, and 30+ SF ones. You'll definitely find some miniatures easier to paint than others!

cthulhudarren wrote:
The Frost and Fire giants look so good it's hard to say no... I still say we suffer from a general lack of vermin! We got some rats, giant bugs would be nice too. And we need more animals...

Giant bugs were added at the 800K stretch level! (:

You get two of each of these guys at the $100 Vampire level.

Sovereign Court

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Another happy change is "simple green". Non toxic non smelly cleaner that will strip paint off of models without damaging the plastic.

I have been following this since about day 5 or so. I started at $18.00, & am now capped at $250.00

The paints were just too good to pass up, & I'm suprised nobody is talking about the mini case. That thing is basically 50% off!!!

I'm betting they clear a million, & I will probably hear the party at Reaper from here!

orrinb1969 wrote:

I have been following this since about day 5 or so. I started at $18.00, & am now capped at $250.00

The paints were just too good to pass up, & I'm suprised nobody is talking about the mini case. That thing is basically 50% off!!!

I'm betting they clear a million, & I will probably hear the party at Reaper from here!

I too started with the $18 and quickly went to the vampire level and will probably be eating ramen noodles with all the addons. I tried cutting back and the first thing i went to was the paints...and i was thinking DUH! all the new minis will require more paint! lol

and you need more than 1 case for all the new minis! :)

Sovereign Court

The million dollar stretch goal is pirates and deep ones!

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I am looking forward to the iconics at the 930k stretch. The value here is phenomenal.

One of my mates just offered to paint 'em up for me as long as I supply the paint, he already has about everythign else as he's a 40k painter/gamer. Offered to spring him a Vampire pledge but he said no. Will have to buy him beer instead.

I heartily suggest going to visit him and have some paint nights. That way you can learn from him and do some simple figs while he does the more complex models. Hanging out chatting, and painting is great gamer socializing time.

I have fond memories of hours spent painting with my friends when we should have been doing homework ;)


Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Beer and paint mix well. Do a coat, drink some beer, do another coat, drink some beer, repeat as necessary.

Less than $5.5K from Pathfinder Iconics. If you are sitting on the fence, now is the time to become a backer. You don't want to miss the chance to get these iconics by delaying*. Act now to get this great deal.

You don't actually lose your chance by delaying, unless you delay until after the kickstarter has ended. But don't you want to help us get to the iconics a little faster?

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I'm really thinking about joining in on this Kickstarter, but I have some questions about the Bones minis and Reaper Paints...

First, does anyone know if Citadel paints will work on these Bones minis without priming?

Also, does anyone know if Reaper paints and Citadel pants can be used on the same mini?

Yea, I have a bunch of Citadel paints already, but was thinking about trying out the Reaper ones. wouldn't want to replace my entire collection at once though, so I'd probably end up using both for a while.

I find that I paint much better in the evening, while drinking a beer, than I do in the morning, while drinking coffee :)
Drinking a beer helps steady my hands, it seems. Or possibly it's that coffee makes them shake a bit. Either way, it's a fantastic way to spend an evening, especially if I do it while listening to a good audiobook or watching some TV.

Matrixryu wrote:

I'm really thinking about joining in on this Kickstarter, but I have some questions about the Bones minis and Reaper Paints...

First, does anyone know if Citadel paints will work on these Bones minis without priming?

Also, does anyone know if Reaper paints and Citadel pants can be used on the same mini?

Yea, I have a bunch of Citadel paints already, but was thinking about trying out the Reaper ones. wouldn't want to replace my entire collection at once though, so I'd probably end up using both for a while.

Yes, you can easily use both Citadel and Reaper paints on the same miniature. They are both standard acrylic paints.

The Bones miniatures should take paint readily, even without priming them.
John Sears posted a link to a blog post of his in the other Reaper Kickstarter thread, where he painted a Bones mini without priming it.
Blog post

Sovereign Court

Matrixryu wrote:

I'm really thinking about joining in on this Kickstarter, but I have some questions about the Bones minis and Reaper Paints...

First, does anyone know if Citadel paints will work on these Bones minis without priming?

Also, does anyone know if Reaper paints and Citadel pants can be used on the same mini?

Yea, I have a bunch of Citadel paints already, but was thinking about trying out the Reaper ones. wouldn't want to replace my entire collection at once though, so I'd probably end up using both for a while.

Just remember not to thin the first basecoat down with water. Use a bit of reapers brush on sealer or matte medium if you need to thin. Extra water seems to be repelled by the pvc and cause beading. After the first coat, thin as normal.

Sovereign Court

The Iconics have been funded. You can now get goblins and iconics as part of your vampire pledge and the jabberwock and pathfinder red dragon as cheap addons. The next two goals are pirates and deep ones, and then an enormous dracolich.

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