A Preview of the Grand Convocation

Monday, May 21, 2012

There are always interesting things taking place in the Pathfinder Society. Take, for example, this message that has been sent out to Pathfinders across Golarion...

Amara Li—Lantern Lodge Leader


We hope this message finds you in good health, wherever you are operating from.

This year has seen the Society endure many hardships alongside equal victories. Our achievements in the Ruby Phoenix Tournament have not gone unrewarded, and even now, agents like you are taking on dangerous journeys as a result of our spoils. As these missions come to an end, we look to the new year as new opportunities and challenges face the Pathfinder Society.

In preparation, we invite you, our most prized agents, to attend this year’s Grand Convocation. As it takes place on the grounds of the Grand Lodge in Absalom, you should all know of our yearly gathering. It is here where the best of our agents come to trade tales of their exploits, partake in feats of strength, knowledge, and guile, or even venture off the grounds and take part in specialty missions on our behalf.

Though it has not yet been made public knowledge, we also wish to keep you apprised of a recent development here in Absalom. A member of the esteemed Blakros family, Michellia Blakros, requested the hand of Andoran Major Colson Maldris in marriage. As many of you may be aware, while not a member of the Society, Major Maldris is a sponsor of many Pathfinders and a great ally of our organization. As a complication, the major has opted to reject Michellia’s proposition, unwilling to surrender his name and rank as would be required.

Guaril Karela—Sczarni Faction Leader

The actions of Major Maldris have had dire consequences for our relations with the Blakros family. The Decemvirate agrees that this divide must be mended, and as such we have taken the unique step of inviting the Blakros family to this year’s convocation. It is our hope that Pathfinders such as you will attend this year’s gathering and assist the Society in mending this potentially disastrous divide between our organization and the Blakros family.

As always, your continued efforts are appreciated.

Venture-Captain Ambrus Valsin
Grand Lodge, Absalom

Clearly the other factions are already looking to capitalize on Major Maldris’s rejection of a Blakros offer, so this is gearing up to be a Grand Convocation to remember at both PaizoCon and PaizoCon UK!

If you’re interested in attending the event, make sure you’re registered for PaizoCon 2012 or Paizo Con UK 2012! Registration is coming soon and we plan on keeping Pathfinders (both those in attendance and those off on assignment) up to date on all information up to and following the event.

For Pathfinders looking to research all the related backstory to this year’s convocation, it would be best to read up on the effects of strange monkey idols, ancient curses left by astronomers, and why contracts are important.

So, to sum it all up:

The Grand Convocation is a yearly gathering held by the Pathfinder Society to bring together the best of Pathfinders from across the globe. Taking place on the grounds of the Grand Lodge in Absalom, the convocation is an event where Pathfinders can get together and exchange tales, take part in feats of strength and guile, or be recruited for specialized missions. This year, the event is being honored by the presence of the esteemed Blakros family as well as various other prestigious people from across the Inner Sea, promising to be a convocation to remember!

Expect to see the following:

  • Tailored Quests (45-minute to 1.5-hour mini-scenarios)
  • Special Side Events (approximately 15 minutes per event)
  • Pathfinder Social (A place for people to take part in live-action events)
  • Faction Objectives
  • And more!

The PaizoCon Grand Convocation 2012 is a Pathfinder Special open to characters of all levels—including those retired characters of 12th level or higher—that will have a direct influence on certain plot points of Season 4, the Year of the Risen Rune.

Mike Brock
Pathfinder Society Campaign Coordinator

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Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

As long as the PDFs were watermarked (thus not pirated) and a GM who needed to access them weren't opposed to using an iPad to read them. You're always going to be safest with physical copies (either printed or bound), as some people are averse to technology or don't know how to use fancy tablet thingies.

Scarab Sages

Pirate Rob wrote:
Michael Brock wrote:
Pirate Rob wrote:

Yes, but does that come with a special chronicle sheet?

Yes. It is called an Arraignment Form and is signed by the District Attorney or the Solicitor.
I have an official warning from the State of Illinois Drug Enforcement division for driving while Californian. I think I'll apply that to one of my characters, seems close enough.

Hey, I got one of those from Nebraska! (Well, I wasn't Californian, but the car I was driving was. It was kinda fun watching the Nebraska police and Hertz argue over whether renting a car in Nebraska with California license plates was actually legal after they impounded it.)

Liberty's Edge

My my so what a dilema as to what retired character to play this with;

Handsome Jack of Taldor who would see the Blakros museum burn to the ground rather than have another pathfinder agent perish in that atrocious portal of insanity.


Karl Yergos Linnorm Archer who has the social graces of a goat and looks to match.


Umm those of you who are playing the 12th level tier for this got any suggestions?

Felwyn wrote:

Is there any suggestions for lugging around a stack of pathfinder books while in costume?

Thanks in advance :)

Which books do you have? If one is the Core book I suggest pgs. 122, 221, 167, 375, 386, and 388. If one is the APG I also recommend page 145. (Though pgs.4, 23, 55, and 159 are also spellcasters, I dinnae go back to see if they had books :)

Aye, I wrestled with this question before :)

AZhobbit wrote:

My my so what a dilema as to what retired character to play this with;

Handsome Jack of Taldor who would see the Blakros museum burn to the ground rather than have another pathfinder agent perish in that atrocious portal of insanity.


Karl Yergos Linnorm Archer who has the social graces of a goat and looks to match.


Umm those of you who are playing the 12th level tier for this got any suggestions?

Did you chose wisely?

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