Pathfinder Battles Preview: Taking Another Look

Friday, December 16, 2011

The official release date for Heroes & Monsters is now only a few weeks away, and by this point I’ve revealed every miniature in the set in one form or another. Later today our friends at WizKids will be bringing over first-run outputs of the approved sculpts for the next set, Rise of the Runelords, so my mind is already on the next amazing set. But those previews will have to wait until next month, as I want to take one more pass through Heroes & Monsters to show off some of the final versions of minis you’ve only previously seen as computer models or unpainted practical sculpts.

First up we have the uncommon Dire Rat, one of the earliest miniatures we revealed for the set. Your comments (and our own impressions) said that the computer-generated 3D sculpt of the rat looked too “clean,” so I asked WizKids to add a layer of filth over the whole guy to really sell the idea that he just stepped out of a sewer. I’d say they nailed it. Gross!

Speaking of early reveals, next up we have the rare Lich, previously seen only as a computer sculpt. The final production-run miniature shown below reveals nice metallic effects on the shoulder pads and chestplate, while WizKids’ talented paint operations have added a cool speckled highlight effect on what originally appeared to be a flat black cloak. This guy really looks like a badass, and I love the way the detail at the hem of his cloak gives the whole thing a sense of texture. I can’t wait to put this guy on the table and see my players run for cover.

Next up we have the common Lizardfolk Champion. This is your first look at this guy in color, and honestly, I’m not sure our camera is up to the challenge of showing off how good the Champion looks, especially for a “common” figure. I count eight different colors, from his black toenails to the touch of blue at the top of his crest. The Lizardfolk’s curved tail and weapon pose give it a great sense of three-dimensionality. We call him a Champion, but at the common rarity, he makes a great troop-builder figure for a Lizardfolk squad. More Lizardfolk will certainly follow (with plenty of variety within the types), but this guy gets us off to a good start.

Speaking of amazing commons, the Orc Warrior is one of my absolute favorite figures in the set. Not only is he an amazing likeness to the illustration in the Pathfinder RPG Bestiary, but he’s got more detail and a better paint job than most prepainted orcs that preceded him (although I also really like the Orc Brute from this set). There will DEFINITELY be more orcs in the future, and we’ll be careful to match the skin tones, size, and general “look” to make sure all of them work well together.

Lastly we have the only iconic character in Heroes & Monsters, the rare paladin Seelah. Although the way this photo frames her face makes her seem like a bit of a Popeye look, the mini looks really nice in hand. The metallic silver and gold of her armor really pops, and I love the design WizKids pulled off at the hem of her skirt. There will, of course, be more iconic characters to come, with Rise of the Runelords getting two, bringing the total (including the four in Beginner Box Heroes) to 7. Only 14 to go before we’ve covered them all!

That’s it for this week! WizKids is bringing a pile of new minis over later today, and I can’t wait to start planning preview blogs for the next set! Let me know if there’s anything else you’d like to know about Heroes & Monsters, and I’ll do my best to help out!

These things are almost in your hands! I can’t wait to hear what you think of them once you get to see them for yourselves!

Erik Mona

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Tags: Animals Iconics Lizardfolk Miniatures Orcs Paladins Pathfinder Battles Seelah Undead
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Liberty's Edge

When the first images came out, I did not understand that they were preliminary--I was disappointed. But I pre-ordered from my FLGS anyway.

I am really excited now. These are awesome.

I'll be pre-ordering the Rise of the Runlords set even if you don't preview them.

Great work.

Dark Archive

Thanks for all the updates Erik, those minis look great!

Let the speculation of which two iconics will be in the next set commence!

I am guessing Harsk and Seoni.

Nice! Now I want to preorder the Rise of the Runlords set. I'm just not sure I can afford the price tag on my own. I split the cost of this set with my gaming group.

Any idea yet how many cases will be needed to get the full set of 60 for the ROTR set?

Grand Lodge

baron arem heshvaun wrote:
I am guessing Harsk and Seoni.

You beat me to it. That's who I was going to guess, too.

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

You guys are good guessers.

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

Itchy wrote:

Any idea yet how many cases will be needed to get the full set of 60 for the ROTR set?

Not yet, but that moment approaches with each day. I'll let you know as soon as I know. Missing details like this are probably the main reason we do not have a product page up for the Rise of the Runelords Pathfinder Battles set yet.

Erik Mona wrote:
Itchy wrote:

Any idea yet how many cases will be needed to get the full set of 60 for the ROTR set?
Not yet, but that moment approaches with each day. I'll let you know as soon as I know. Missing details like this are probably the main reason we do not have a product page up for the Rise of the Runelords Pathfinder Battles set yet.

Thanks! I'll keep both eyes peeled.

Speaking of peeled eyes...:
Any idea if you will be contributing to the fiction line, web or otherwise in the future? I did enjoy your story very much.

Grand Lodge

OK! OK! I would have expected that the Digital Sculpts would far exceed the final product due mainly to the precision of the Digital format. I am clearly wrong. The actual pictures of miniatures far exceeds the Digital sculpts. If I was in your enviable position, I would ditch using Digital sculpt previews for future sets.

Thanks again for the awesome previews. My only complaint is that I don't have them in my hands NOW! :)



These look fantastic. The rat in particular looks soooo much better than the digital rendering. :D

Can't wait to see the DRAGON! :O

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

Itchy wrote:

Any idea if you will be contributing to the fiction line, web or otherwise in the future? I did enjoy your story very much.

Thanks! I'm about 85% done with a novel outline featuring many of the same characters, and I hope to write the whole thing in 2012, so yes, I think it's a safe bet that I will be writing more fiction in the coming year!

(And after that, I'd love to do another adventure.)

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

Mazra wrote:

OK! OK! I would have expected that the Digital Sculpts would far exceed the final product due mainly to the precision of the Digital format. I am clearly wrong. The actual pictures of miniatures far exceeds the Digital sculpts. If I was in your enviable position, I would ditch using Digital sculpt previews for future sets.

You're only saying that because you haven't seen the digital sculpts from Rise of the Runelords yet! :)

Grand Lodge

Erik Mona wrote:

You're only saying that because you haven't seen the digital sculpts from Rise of the Runelords yet! :)

:) You are right! That's also not fair. Looking forward to any RotRL previews in whatever format they come in.



Erik Mona wrote:
(And after that, I'd love to do another adventure.)

Yeah !!!

Ahh, so glad to see these, they look awesome! Definitely glad the 'toonyness' of the digital sculpts on the rat and Lich is gone, it was a bit hard to take them seriously :p Can't wait to tear these open when January hits :D

Now that you've seen all the finished figures, what would you say the least great one was, and why?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Would you be able to take the entire set, put them on a desk or a table (the one in the library room perhaps?) arrange them in a big battle royale and then take some action pictures?

Including the black dragon. Can't forget that one either. :)

It's amazing to see these guys in the perfect preview image, but there's just something about seeing a big, huge set of minis all laid.

Good call on the dire rat! I really didn't care for the sculpt or the coloring of the rendered image. The actual rat looks many times better!

I also noticed that the Dire Rat is now "Common". Since it is being paired up with the gnome, does that mean the gnome is also "Common" now?

Liberty's Edge

Maybe we get a look at the Black Dragon sculpt next?

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

Daniel Powell 318 wrote:
Now that you've seen all the finished figures, what would you say the least great one was, and why?

That's too difficult for me to answer, because I love them all equally. Ahem.

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper wrote:

Good call on the dire rat! I really didn't care for the sculpt or the coloring of the rendered image. The actual rat looks many times better!

I also noticed that the Dire Rat is now "Common". Since it is being paired up with the gnome, does that mean the gnome is also "Common" now?


One pair of the Goblin Warrior and Goblin Hero is uncommon.

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Laschoni wrote:
Maybe we get a look at the Black Dragon sculpt next?

That's a good idea.

Maybe I'll put him next to the White Dragon WizKids just dropped off for approval today....

Very cool attention to detail on the rat. It was one of my favorites before the upgrade. Now I'm hoping I get lots and lots of it.

Dark Archive

Erik Mona wrote:
Laschoni wrote:
Maybe we get a look at the Black Dragon sculpt next?

That's a good idea.

Maybe I'll put him next to the White Dragon WizKids just dropped off for approval today....

Why must you tempt us so...?

Erik Mona wrote:
One pair of the Goblin Warrior and Goblin Hero is uncommon.

Thanks for the update on that. Which pair is uncommon? The white clothed ones or the brown clothes ones?

Since I'm also in the middle of updating the website, any chance you could tease us more by confirming if the white dragon is the "booster" for the RotRL set?


Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

I'm pretty sure the white clothed ones, but I won't be able to confirm for sure until Monday.

If by "booster" you mean the premium figure you get for preordering cases, no. That one is much larger. The White Dragon is a regular mini in the set, and he is Huge. (How exactly the sets several Huge figures fit into the distribution is one of those details that has yet to be 100% ironed out, but this is not the set's ultra premium figure. I get to see that on Monday.) :)

Rarities have not been locked in for Rise of the Runelords yet, but I think it's probably fair to guess the White Dragon will be a rare.

You guys are going to freak when you see him.

The minis WizKids brought by today were incredible. Honestly as a miniature collector I would be happy even getting them unpainted.

You guys are going to be _so_ stoked.

Grand Lodge

I'm so preemptively stoked! Gah! more huge minis? More dragons? A bigger than huge mini as a promo figure? Can I do part time work for you guys for minis?

Erik Mona wrote:
If by "booster" you mean the premium figure you get for preordering cases, no...

Yes I did mean the premium figure. Great, now how will I get any sleep until Monday? Thanks for the teaser :)

Several huges? Great news!

It all sounds so great! My wife will be thrilled to learn that I have to make another trip to Ikea to get another display shelf for my new minis.

Jt Squish wrote:
I'm so preemptively stoked! Gah! more huge minis? More dragons? A bigger than huge mini as a promo figure? Can I do part time work for you guys for minis?

Hrmm, not a bad idea... working for Paizo to get closer to the minis. I too would also like to apply, albeit with 2 caveats:

1. If you will be issuing your staff special employee collectable minis for x-mas like WotC, then I ask that my start date commence shortly before the gifts are provided.
2. If all the minis from Erik's desk disappear... it wasn't me.

Great choices for this preview! The improvements to the rat and lich are fabulous. But trading is probably going to be near non-existent since the rarity scheme was based on game use and not on quality of sculpt. I guess I'll just have to purchase more up front.

And hurray for a Huge White Dragon! And for more Goblins, Ogres and Orcs!

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Bigger than HUGE. Could be a rune giant! Love the idea on many huges in RotRKL but buying them can be expensive, especially if they are all rare types - found that out in the Xmen giant set, wont stop me, just kill my bank account. Still don'y know if I'll last the months ahead - could burst with anticipation! Any chance, however, we will seethe succubus? Only seen the digital so far and I'd really like to see what it finally looks like...

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

I will try to remember to show the succubus next week.

The Exchange

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

If you have to try to remember a succubus, she isn't doing it right.

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

You always remember your first succubus...coinicidentally she's usually also your last

Will the ROTR set also have a limited preorder mini like the black dragon?

Zyren Zemerys wrote:
Will the ROTR set also have a limited preorder mini like the black dragon?

Erik confirmed that it will, and it is larger than Huge. This limited "mini" might be announced next week.

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

Just to manage expectations a little, I said earlier that I was going to get to see the sculpt next week, not necessarily that I was going to reveal what it was. The current plan for next week's blog is to take another look at the final versions of early Heroes & Monsters previews.

I will roll into the Rise of the Runelords previews in full force (and I have a ton of cool images I can show off when I do), but until Heroes & Monsters is out and on store shelves, I want to keep the preview focus on that set.

Erik Mona wrote:
Just to manage expectations a little, I said earlier that I was going to get to see the sculpt next week, not necessarily that I was going to reveal what it was.

Whoops, my bad. I do like the idea of just focusing on image reviews of one set at a time.

Until I find a way to bribe the cleaning staff to install a concealed web cam over Erik's desk, I guess we will have to patiently wait on his reveal schedule :)

Erik Mona wrote:

Maybe I'll put him next to the White Dragon WizKids just dropped off for approval today....

That's not nice.

Premium figure for RotRL set?

Hobbun wrote:

That's not nice.

Premium figure for RotRL set?

Erik Mona confirmed above that there will be multiple Huge figures in the set. The White Dragon will be one of these.

The Premium figure will be larger than Huge.

I'm excited for a new source of gargantuans (and maybe even collosals). The Iconic Dragons were nice but some more variety will be even better. Gargantuan mini's have that built in "cause fear" ability every DM can enjoy! :)

Scarab Sages

The dire rat seems to hold something in common with FARK's Nutsy the Squirrel... The sculpt as a whole looks really good, though.

Grand Lodge

Are there going to be any elves with the elven curved blade? I'd love to get a ranger or a fighter with that weapon. I'd judt like to see what the curved blade looks like.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Erik Mona wrote:
The current plan for next week's blog is to take another look at the final versions of early Heroes & Monsters previews.

<creepy Silence of the Lambs voice>It gives us real pictures of the minis or it gets the pictures of Lion's Tap again. </creepy Silence of the Lambs voice> :)

Anymore real shot of something that was only a digital preview would be awesome. Or you could give the dragon booster a shot. I'd love to see more of that beasty!

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Erik Mona wrote:
Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper wrote:

Good call on the dire rat! I really didn't care for the sculpt or the coloring of the rendered image. The actual rat looks many times better!

I also noticed that the Dire Rat is now "Common". Since it is being paired up with the gnome, does that mean the gnome is also "Common" now?


One pair of the Goblin Warrior and Goblin Hero is uncommon.

Erik was working off of an old list there. Both pairs of goblins are common, and the Dire Rat and the Gnome Fighter are uncommon. I've adjusted the blog.

Vic Wertz wrote:
Erik was working off of an old list there. Both pairs of goblins are common, and the Dire Rat and the Gnome Fighter are uncommon. I've adjusted the blog.

Thanks, I have updated accordingly as well now.

Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:
Erik was working off of an old list there. Both pairs of goblins are common, and the Dire Rat and the Gnome Fighter are uncommon. I've adjusted the blog.

Thanks, I have updated accordingly as well now.

Let me tell you again that this site is a fantastic service to the community. Cheers. :)

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:
Erik was working off of an old list there. Both pairs of goblins are common, and the Dire Rat and the Gnome Fighter are uncommon. I've adjusted the blog.

Thanks, I have updated accordingly as well now.

You might have also missed that the final name for Seelah is "Seelah, Human Paladin" (not "Iconic").

Also just a note that the proper names for the goblins don't have numbers... we're referring to them as (Red) and (Blue), though that's not printed on the mini. And if you go by the figure number, the red ones come before the blue ones.

More specifically, they're numbered as follows:
1 Goblin Warrior (Red)
2 Goblin Hero (Red)
3 Goblin Warrior (Blue)
4 Goblin Hero (Blue)

(We put the full numbered list on the product page.)

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Saw the premium mini for Rise of the Runelords today.

Mind blown.

That is all.

Vic Wertz wrote:

You might have also missed that the final name for Seelah is "Seelah, Human Paladin" (not "Iconic").

Also just a note that the proper names for the goblins don't have numbers... we're referring to them as (Red) and (Blue), though that's not printed on the mini. And if you go by the figure number, the red ones come before the blue ones.

More specifically, they're numbered as follows:
1 Goblin Warrior (Red)
2 Goblin Hero (Red)
3 Goblin Warrior (Blue)
4 Goblin Hero (Blue)

(We put the full numbered list on the product page.)

Thanks for noting that. I will update accordingly. I like that the numerical order is grouped in to rarity, and I plan to change the site to match that also.

Erik Mona wrote:

Saw the premium mini for Rise of the Runelords today.

Mind blown.

That is all.


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