Golarion Day: Report From Kintargo—Dungeons of Golarion

Thursday, June 23, 2011

If they weren't such an excellent place to make quick money, I doubt I'd ever want to go into an actual dungeon. As it stands, I try to make it a practice to only venture into the ones that are worth the trouble. I'm not a fan of slinking through sewers, skulking about in guano-reeking caves, or sneaking through a ruin that's been picked over by thousands of lesser explorers. Give me a megadungeon any day, though. Not only are these things immense (and thus filled with immense amounts of treasure), but they also tend to be dripping (sometimes literally) with history and lore and stories that can date back hundreds or even thousands of years. When you get skunked in a dungeon in the treasure department, it's nice to at least come out of there with a wider appreciation of ancient Thassilonian art, experience with strange Numerian technology, or tales of close calls with primeval wonders and horrors.

The Egorian vaults have a fair amount of information about the megadungeons of the Inner Sea region, but there are six of them that someone seems particularly interested in. Hollow Mountain in Varisia, the Red Redoubt of Karamoss just outside of Absalom, the lost dwarven mines of Zolurket, Andoran's Candlestone Caverns, the mysterious Pyramid of Kamaria in Osirion, and, of course, Gallowspire. The files include several maps of specific levels found in all six of these megadungeons, along with sketches of cutaway views of the complexes as well. And extensive notes on the monsters, traps, and (oh yes!) treasures said to be found within.

Some neat stuff. So of course I stole it all. I've sent the notes on to a contact in Magnimar, and she's going to see to it that they're bound and distributed. They should be arriving soon—within the month. Until then, though, I thought folks would be interested in perhaps a few images of some of the critters said to dwell in the dungeons.

I don't know about you, but they certainly look like the type of monsters who would keep a lot of treasure in their lair! I've got my fingers crossed!

Illustrations by Emile Denis, Maichol Quinto and Damien Mammoliti

Old Cheliax Shall Rise Again!

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Tags: Damien Mammoliti Emile Denis Maichol Quinto Pathfinder Campaign Setting
Dark Archive



Best non-Goblin in-character blog ever!

These sound like very fun locations (particularly looking forward to Hollow Mountain). Cities of Golarion was very well done, this sounds even more useful.

I don't see a Map Folio for this one - too many included in the book to make a folio of?

Glorious pics!

Majuba wrote:
Best non-Goblin in-character blog ever!

Oh no! First person narrative!

::Head explodes::

Sovereign Court

That Kobold looks mean! Certainly not someone you'd want to meet down a darkened dungeon corridor.

--Masterwork Vrock Picks

Liberty's Edge

Shensen wrote:
Old Cheliax Shall Rise Again!

Yes it Shall! By my hand if need be I shall see this done!

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

An early copy of this came across my desk today. I rarely get the chance to gush over one of our books, but this one made me take a few minutes to really delve into and I can't wait until it's out and I can actually look through it at home. I think people are going to be really pleased with it!

Grand Lodge

WHat book is this for? The link seems to be broken.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Majuba wrote:

Best non-Goblin in-character blog ever!

These sound like very fun locations (particularly looking forward to Hollow Mountain). Cities of Golarion was very well done, this sounds even more useful.

I don't see a Map Folio for this one - too many included in the book to make a folio of?

No map folio for this one, nope. We had other things to do with the line than squeeze a third map folio in this year, basically (a third map folio would end up replacing a 64 page book, and we've got too much to do this year to be able to do that).

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
godsDMit wrote:
WHat book is this for? The link seems to be broken.

Dungeons of Golarion


godsDMit wrote:
WHat book is this for? The link seems to be broken.

Link fixed!

Grand Lodge

Thanks for the new and fixed links.

This definitely is something Im going to have to check out.

Shadow Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

That spider is nightmarish.

Sovereign Court

Kthulhu wrote:
That spider is nightmarish.

Looks like a neogi (sp?) or whatever those spelljammer spiders were...

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