Verik Vancaskerkin

Gellius Ratarion's page

15 posts. Organized Play character for Dragnmoon.

Full Name

Knight Corporal Sir Gellius Ratarion












Chaotic Good






Aklo, Common, Kelish, Orc, Osiriani, Hallit, Ancient Osiriani, Polyglot, Tien

Strength 10
Dexterity 24
Constitution 12
Intelligence 16
Wisdom 14
Charisma 12

About Gellius Ratarion

Gellius Ratarion

Gellius barely remembers his parents; his last memory was of them hiding him and his sister, Valeria, in their home. He remembers his father giving him the ring he always wore and telling them to stay hidden and quiet. His curiosity got the better of him though, he looked through the crack in the wall they were behind and he saw something that still brings nightmares to him to this day, beasts clothed from head to toe in imposing infernal armor. Then he heard screams and silence. He wanted to cry but his brave sister kept him silent.

Many years later he would learn that those infernal armored beasts were not beasts at all but Hellknights. He still does not know why they hunted and killed his parents. All he could learn from his sister was that his parents loved him and the ring given to him was the family crest and he should keep it.

He and his sister grew up in the slums of Westcrown barley eking out a living through begging and pick pocketing. Life was harsh but as long as he and his sister were together they would survive. That did not last. His sister, who grew into a beautiful young teenager was set upon by a slaver and taken away from him. He would never see her again but vowed he would find her and free her.

As he grew, his hatred for those in power of Cheliax grew to fervor. He was able to find other like minded young men and women who joined him in a gang to fight the depravity of the Chelish nobility. At first they did simple acts of thievery and vandalism, but soon they grew more daring, waylaying slaver caravans to free the slaves. Their exploits soon caught the eye of the Hellknights who ambushed them during a raid on a slaver caravan killing the gang to the man and woman except for himself who was able to escape.

With his life forfeit and a bounty on his head accusing him as a terrorist to the Empire, he fled Chelxia finally ending up in Absalom, there he met Captain Colson Maldris, who introduced him to the ideas of Andoran and to the Pathfinders. He joined the pathfinders soon afterwards in the hope to gain friendships and connections that will someday help him find and free his sister and to bring his rebellion back home.