Illustration by Dave Rapoza. Widescreen version here.

The Stars Are Wrong!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Wake of the Watcher, the fourth installment of the Carrion Crown Adventure Path, is on its way out of the warehouse and to retailers and subscribers the world over. In this chapter, the PCs venture to Illmarsh, an ugly town amid the nastiest stretch of swamp in Ustalav. On the trail of the Whispering Way, the PCs find themselves caught up between beings from beneath the seas and invaders from the darkest corners of the cosmos. Can the heroes save Illmarsh from its tradition of terror? Or will they be the next victims of the horror from beyond the stars? While you wait to find out, enjoy this wallpaper featuring a corpulent cthuloid and poor Merisiel caught up in the tentacles of some nightmarish spawn of a Great Old One.

Ia, Ia, Cthulu Ftagn!

Hyrum Savage
Marketing and Organized Play Manager

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Tags: Carrion Crown Dave Rapoza Merisiel Pathfinder Adventure Path Wallpapers
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Ia, Ia, Hyrum Fhtagn!

Ph'nglui Mglw'nafh Savage R'lyeh wgah'nagl Fhtagn!

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And here we see poor Merisiel discovering the horror that is hentai.

Shadow Lodge

Eric Hinkle wrote:
And here we see poor Merisiel discovering the horror that is hentai.

Not true, she discovered that in Ultimate Magic.

haha! Going to have to check this out, though... I'm thinking that when my turn comes around to DM (my group does a round-robin thing), I may have to mine this for ideas. Hallyr Narcissar (my zen archer monk) and his companions have some horrors awaiting them! Really looking forward to the HPL-based goodies!

Eric Hinkle wrote:
And here we see poor Merisiel discovering the horror that is hentai.

Actually she is a rogue they definitely like freaky things it might not be "poor Merisiel" at all...

Sovereign Court

I'm so reading this when I should be prepping for our 2nd Harrowstone session tomorrow. Got a wicked craving for a Long John Silvers platter with a side of SAN loss...

--Vrock Lobster

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Dragonborn3 wrote:
Eric Hinkle wrote:
And here we see poor Merisiel discovering the horror that is hentai.
Not true, she discovered that in Ultimate Magic.

Also not true, since the image I believe your'e referring to was itself from the cover of Carrion Hill last year. :-P

Is it just me, or did you guys skip a wallpaper for Broken Moon? Gotta complete the set!!!

James Jacobs wrote:
Dragonborn3 wrote:
Eric Hinkle wrote:
And here we see poor Merisiel discovering the horror that is hentai.
Not true, she discovered that in Ultimate Magic.
Also not true, since the image I believe your'e referring to was itself from the cover of Carrion Hill last year. :-P

And here we have the Creative Director admitting to the degenerate stuff tentacles get up to in Golarion.

So when can we expect "Ultimate Eye-Bleaching"? ;)

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