Illustrations by Carolina Eade and Mike Sass. Wallpaper design by Crystal Frasier. Widescreen version here.

Ebon Destroyers!

Friday, January 21, 2010

As I was contemplating which wall paper to put up on the blog this week, Warehouse Will made it super easy since he came by to drop off advance preview copies of our upcoming products. The Inner Sea Poster Map Folio (3-1/2' × 5' of map goodness) and Condition Cards are awesome, but what really got me excited were my copies of Cult of the Ebon Destoyers. Written by RPG Superstar 2010 winner Matt Goodall, the module pits 8th-level PCs against a murder-cult of terror set against the backdrop of Jalmeray and its capital city of Niswan. Can the PCs wipe out the Ebon Destroyers before the beloved ruler of Jalmeray is beheaded? You'll be able to find out in a few weeks! Until then, enjoy this fabulous wallpaper depicting one of the many members of this evil cult of Vudrani assassins.

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Tags: Carolina Eade Crystal Frasier Mike Sass Pathfinder Modules RPG Superstar Wallpapers
Silver Crusade

replaces old wallpaper

I've been waiting for this module since the Superstar winner was announced. C'mon sweet sweet Jalmeray/Vudra love!

Also, please keep paying Carolina Eade to design awesome looking characters. With pointy shoes. ;)

(srsly, the only ones without pointy shoes I've seen from her are those that were designed beforehand. Not knocking it, there's been a shortage of them lately actually, just mentioning. :) )

I'm sorry what did you say? Was there words involved? I was too busy looking at the... cultist.

Silver Crusade

Abraham spalding wrote:
I'm sorry what did you say? Was there words involved? I was too busy looking at the... cultist.

The preferred term is esoteric deific entity enthusiast.

Back in my day cultists were bald swarthy men with Charisma scores of 6.

You kids have it so easy.

Now get off my lawn!

Right.. cultist, as I said. But I don't mind if she prefers that name I'll go with it just to be sure that is a she right? You see there were these other cultists once and um... my buddy the dwarf got a little confused. I believe it was something about the lack of beards that caused it.

Silver Crusade

Also, really hope this one catches on like crazy. Hopefully it'll make a Vudra hardcover come that much faster. :)

Sovereign Court

Zounds! That assassin is gonna give Seoni a run for her money in the provocateur category. Love the illustration style. Pointy shoes indeed.


Thanks for bringing the wallpapers back--I really missed them. (Maybe the iPhone wallpapers will come back someday, too.)

I, GROGNARD wrote:
Back in my day cultists were bald swarthy men with Charisma scores of 6.

Didn't the Beatles deal with those?

Kajehase wrote:
I, GROGNARD wrote:
Back in my day cultists were bald swarthy men with Charisma scores of 6.
Didn't the Beatles deal with those?

Ringo was not that swarthy.

All I see are her eyes, mesmerEYEzing!

Le Cacahuète Galerie wrote:
Kajehase wrote:
I, GROGNARD wrote:
Back in my day cultists were bald swarthy men with Charisma scores of 6.
Didn't the Beatles deal with those?
Ringo was not that swarthy.

Nah, nah. The swarthy cultists were trying to catch Ringo, because one of his rings was some kind of holy item of their's originally.

(I'm not making this up, it's what passes for plot in the Help movie.)

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