Golarion Day: Return of the Sable Company

Thursday, January 6, 2010

Howdy, everyone! So, hot on the heels of the announcement of "Design Tuesdays," I'm here to unveil the first installment of "Golarion Day!" Every Thursday, we'll try to do a post that expands the world of Golarion in some small way. Sometimes, this might be a tiny new rules element. Other times, it might be a bit of lore. It could be a brief look into an upcoming product or an interview with someone who's worked on the world of Golarion. Or, as in today's case, it could be a quick update of older rules to the current Pathfinder RPG system. Let me know what you think, and if you have any special requests for future Golarion Days, let me know that as well!

So, back in the day in the Guide to Korvosa, we told you about a group of rangers called the Sable Company. Exported from my homebrew game (where they were known as Skyriders), these highly trained city guards patrol the skies above Korvosa on hippogriffs that they've bonded with. In Guide to Korvosa, we handled this bit of fun flavor by simply introducing a new feat: "Sable Company Marine," which let rangers select hippogriffs as an animal companion. And for a few years, all was well and good.

Then we went and did something unthinkable. We changed games. And in the Pathfinder RPG Bestiary, we didn't even bother to keep the poor hippogriff around. The griffin was there, sure, but no sign of his less cultured kin.

I'll be honest. I was a bit surprised to see the hippogriff become the most-missed monster from the Bestiary. I would have assumed something bigger and badder, like missing titans or nightwalkers or inevitables would get folks riled up, but I was wrong. So when it came time to do Bestiary 2, it was obvious what monsters we needed to include—chief among them was the hippogriff.

But the job still wasn't finished, because we'd also changed the way rangers get animal companions, and we'd even changed the way animal companions work.

So, until we actually get around to revisiting Korvosa's Sable Company in print (which, I bet, we'll do some day in the future), check out the following rules for allowing rangers to gain hippogriffs as animal companions. Note that we've changed the way you gain a hippogriff from a mere feat to a ranger archetype—this is because hippogriffs are pretty powerful creatures as far as animal companions go, and not all rangers have the right stuff to serve in the Sable Company. It requires the sacrifice of some traditional ranger training in order to master a bond with a hippogriff, in addition to being a member of the Sable Company itself. It's up to your GM whether the Sable Company is hiring. (Basically, you need your GM's permission to select this archetype, and your GM may require your character to perform certain duties as befits your responsibilities in the Sable Company.) In fact, if your GM's cool with it, you can adjust the adjustments and flavor of the archetype so that other classes can get access to hippogriffs as riding companions—you can even use these rules as a sort of template to open up "animal companions" for similarly powered magical beasts. Because who wouldn't want to play a halfling ankheg rider?

Anyway, here you go: Pathfinder-compatible updates for the Sable Company of Korvosa!

Ranger Archetype: Sable Company Marine

Illustration by Florian Stitz

You graduated from the elite hippogriff-riding school of the Endrin Military Academy. Not only can you ride a hippogriff with great skill, you have also formed a close bond with a particular mount. A Sable Company Marine has the following class features:

Hippogriff Companion: You can gain a hippogriff as a companion. This ability works identically to hunter's bond when used to gain an animal companion, but can only be used to gain a hippogriff (see below for rules for hippogriff companions). You gain a +2 bonus on Ride checks made when riding your hippogriff companion, and whenever you are within 20 feet of your hippogriff, it gains a +2 morale bonus on all saving throws made against fear effects. This ability replaces favored terrain and hunter's bond.

Hippogriff Companions

Starting Statistics: Size Large; Speed 40 ft., fly 50 ft. (average); AC +2 natural armor; Attack bite 1d6; Ability Scores Str 15, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 9; Special Qualities darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent.

4th-Level Advancement: Speed fly 100 ft. (average); Attack bite 1d6, 2 claws 1d4; Ability Scores Dex +2, Con +2.

James Jacobs
Creative Director

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Florian Stitz Golarion Thursdays Hippogriffs Korvosa Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Rangers
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Sovereign Court

Swiftbrook wrote:

Here's an idea:

Favored Terrain Sky (Ex): At 3rd level, a Sable Company Ranger gains a +2 bonus on initiative checks and Knowledge (geography), Perception, and Ride checks while flying above the ground. This bonus increases by +1 at 8th level and every five levels thereafter. This replaces a rangers Favored Terrain class ability.

This has a lot of flavor to the class and is a very focus, and limited version of the Favored Terrain. Yes, I added Ride and removed Stealth Survival, and the +1 is the increase I intended.

Just My Thoughts

Consider this officially "yoinked" for the campaigns I DM.... :)

Scarab Sages

NSpicer wrote:

For future Golarion Thursdays, I'd like to suggest a revisiting of the Osirion prestige class for the Living Monolith. I tried updating one for a Pathfinder Society scenario in Echoes of the Everwar: Part Four - The Faithless Dead, but it might be nice to see that get revamped a bit for full-on Pathfinder RPG. Plus, Osirion is cool.

Seconded. I'd also love to see the Osirioni Blade Binder updated, as well as Blade Binding rules in general updated to the CMB/CMD format. I've really wanted to play a Living Monolith Blade Binder for a while, so this would be a joy to me.

Outside of that, here's a list of places I'd like to see more of:

1. Leng
2. Akiton
3. Realm of the Mammoth Lords
4. Galt
5. Numeria
6. Belkzen
7. Alkenstar
8. Hermea
9. Rahadoum
10. Thuvia

Anyone remember the 3.5 "ashvawg tamer" druid variant that allowed the druid to take all kinds of monstroud companions, including the hippogriff?

I think this would make a good template for revising the ashvawg tamer as a Pathfinder class archetype.

According to JJ, this only replaces Favored Terrain 1.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Cheapy wrote:
According to JJ, this only replaces Favored Terrain 1.

heh... that didn't take long.

Liberty's Edge

The only thing that sucks is CotCT:

you pretty much clear out the Sable Company in the first few books of CotCT

Does the hippogriff animal companion get d10s for hit die, or d8 per the animal companion description.

And, if it gets d10, does it get the better BAB progression or follow the animal companion chart?

The Exchange Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 6

Adam Moorhouse 759 wrote:

Does the hippogriff animal companion get d10s for hit die, or d8 per the animal companion description.

And, if it gets d10, does it get the better BAB progression or follow the animal companion chart?

Pretty sure they follow the animal companion chart and have d8s for hit dice, just like any other animal companion. You get only what's in the little bit of text for your animal, otherwise it's just like all the others.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Yup; the hippogriff follows the animal companion progression chart and thus gets d8 HD and the medium BAB progression.

Is his effective druid level for determing progression equal Druid-3, or he gets a full progression?

It's identical, so it should be level - 3...unless you get this at first level, which might be the case since it doesn't say at what level you get and I think it defaults to 1? Probably not.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

The hippogriff companion ability is an option once you get the hunter's bond ability; it essentially replaces that ability with your hippogriff companion, but otherwise works as one would expect a ranger's companion to function.

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