Wave Riders and Would-Be Gods

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

In the wake of last week's absent web fiction—an unfortunate necessity, as I was sprinting out the door to a truly excellent World Fantasy Convention in Columbus, Ohio—it's my pleasure to bring things back with a bang, introducing the first chapter of Richard Lee Byers' new story, "Lord of Penance."

Many of you may already be familiar with Richard's work—he's written more than thirty novels, many of them high-profile gaming tie-in books—and I'm proud to say that he's really come up with something special for this one. In "Lord of Penance," Richard brings us the story of Sefu, a member of Absalom's Wave Riders, and his gillman companion Olhas as they struggle against one of the would-be gods of the Ascendant Court in order to save Sefu's seemingly brainwashed sister. But nothing in Absalom is ever quite as simple as it appears, and the two aquatic cavalry men may soon find themselves swimming in the deep end of the pool...

Check out the first installment here, and stay tuned all month as we explore the ins and outs of crime and faith in "Lord of Penance"!

James Sutter
Fiction Editor

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Pathfinder Tales Richard Lee Byers

Richard Lee Byers! Woo hoo!

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Ok, how could there be a world fantasy con in Columbus and I didn't know about it.


Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

Matthew Morris wrote:
Ok, how could there be a world fantasy con in Columbus and I didn't know about it.

I believe World Fantasy is an industry con and not one to which the general public have access. I could be wrong, but my impression was that it's for authors and publishers and distributors and such.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I'm gonna pretend that Richard Lee Byers was somehow inspired by Ben Wenham's Pathfinder Society adventure, where the villain, Sefu, was named after one of my character's pet camels.

I'm famous, you know. :P

World Fantasy Convention 2011's in San Diego. Come for the Comic-Con, stay to crash the fantasy writer's industry party.

I wish sleep happened more often.


Mark Moreland wrote:
Matthew Morris wrote:
Ok, how could there be a world fantasy con in Columbus and I didn't know about it.
I believe World Fantasy is an industry con and not one to which the general public have access. I could be wrong, but my impression was that it's for authors and publishers and distributors and such.

Yeah, there's no cosplay or gaming or anything... it's just a bunch of industry folks talking about business. Which is AWESOME if you have business to conduct, but probably pretty boring for the average fantasy enthusiast. :P

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

James Sutter wrote:
Mark Moreland wrote:
Matthew Morris wrote:
Ok, how could there be a world fantasy con in Columbus and I didn't know about it.
I believe World Fantasy is an industry con and not one to which the general public have access. I could be wrong, but my impression was that it's for authors and publishers and distributors and such.
Yeah, there's no cosplay or gaming or anything... it's just a bunch of industry folks talking about business. Which is AWESOME if you have business to conduct, but probably pretty boring for the average fantasy enthusiast. :P

*laugh* So I likely wouldn't be bored.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

N'wah wrote:

I'm gonna pretend that Richard Lee Byers was somehow inspired by Ben Wenham's Pathfinder Society adventure, where the villain, Sefu, was named after one of my character's pet camels.

I'm famous, you know. :P

World Fantasy Convention 2011's in San Diego. Come for the Comic-Con, stay to crash the fantasy writer's industry party.

I wish sleep happened more often.

Heh, that sounds like 'my' bloodname.

There are a number of Clan Bloodnames pulled out of various places, and after some diehard fans/contributers (Klein, in Ice Hellion, for example). When I saw the Morris Bloodname, I was curious if it came from my posts on rec.games.mecha or just a rabbit out of a hat. unfortunately in the Catalyst/Fan-Pro/FASA/Wiz-Kids changing of hands, the people I asked didn't know how that name was selected. So until I get more evidence, I'll claim to be the origin of it. :P

Dark Archive

James Sutter wrote:
Mark Moreland wrote:
Matthew Morris wrote:
Ok, how could there be a world fantasy con in Columbus and I didn't know about it.
I believe World Fantasy is an industry con and not one to which the general public have access. I could be wrong, but my impression was that it's for authors and publishers and distributors and such.
Yeah, there's no cosplay or gaming or anything... it's just a bunch of industry folks talking about business. Which is AWESOME if you have business to conduct, but probably pretty boring for the average fantasy enthusiast. :P

BAH! Don't try to fool us, Sutter -- I've heard from several reliable sources that last year you showed up dressed as a half-elven princess, and insisted to be called "Princess Stacy"! ;P


Asgetrion wrote:
James Sutter wrote:
Mark Moreland wrote:
Matthew Morris wrote:
Ok, how could there be a world fantasy con in Columbus and I didn't know about it.
I believe World Fantasy is an industry con and not one to which the general public have access. I could be wrong, but my impression was that it's for authors and publishers and distributors and such.
Yeah, there's no cosplay or gaming or anything... it's just a bunch of industry folks talking about business. Which is AWESOME if you have business to conduct, but probably pretty boring for the average fantasy enthusiast. :P
BAH! Don't try to fool us, Sutter -- I've heard from several reliable sources that last year you showed up dressed as a half-elven princess, and insisted to be called "Princess Stacy"! ;P

Psh! If I were going to attend a party in drag, I would *clearly* call myself "Jamie."

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