Into the Inner Sea?

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Off to the printer goes Pathfinder Player Companion: Inner Sea Primer, our new guide to what's what and where's where for characters in the Pathfinder campaign setting. Aside from being filled with the baseline, "what your character knows" details of Avistan and Garund, it's also our new go-to book for traits from around the Inner Sea, with each column-length country write-up including two new options for natives of that region. As a bit of a preview, here's a new trait for Sargava to help all you Serpent Skull players soon to be in need of replacement characters. (What can I say? The Mwangi's a killer.) Also, take a peek at more of Carolina Eade's incredible art: a Chelish infernal binder—just one of three new Golarion magic archetypes included in the guide. Enjoy!

Illustration by Carolina Eade

Jungle Guide (Regional): You've made your living outfitting and guiding expeditions deep into the Mwangi interior in search of ancient ruins and lost cities. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Handle Animal checks, and a +1 trait bonus on Survival checks in jungle terrain. One of these skills is a class skill for you.

Wes Schneider
Managing Editor

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Tags: Carolina Eade Cheliax Devils Mwangi Expanse Pathfinder Player Companion Wizards
Dark Archive

I'll bind that for a dollar!


Liberty's Edge


Silver Crusade

Stupid sexy Cheliax...

Seriously, with one notable exception every devil-worshipping girl from Cheliax has been a knockout. Dammit Hell, stop it with the tempting.

And thanks for the Sargava trait!

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
baron arem heshvaun wrote:

I'll bind that for a dollar!



Well the lady friend is now in love with her... sigh...

Mikaze wrote:

Stupid sexy Cheliax...

Seriously, with one notable exception every devil-worshipping girl from Cheliax has been a knockout. Dammit Hell, stop it with the tempting.

Hey it's what we do. Well that and cake. Have some... it's devil's food!

Liberty's Edge

Mikaze wrote:

Stupid sexy Cheliax...

Seriously, with one notable exception every devil-worshipping girl from Cheliax has been a knockout. Dammit Hell, stop it with the tempting.

I feel your pain. Or is that lust? Either way it's something that any good Andoran supporter, like yours truly, shouldn't be feeling. Where are all the sexy freedom fighters? >_<

At least I still have my lovely Imrijka....

Jeremy Puckett

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Trust me... It's more than a feeling

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Mikaze wrote:

Stupid sexy Cheliax...

Seriously, with one notable exception every devil-worshipping girl from Cheliax has been a knockout. Dammit Hell, stop it with the tempting.

And thanks for the Sargava trait!

Yes, I have noticed that they are leaning on that Evil is Sexy trope pretty hard. ;D

That is one of the coolest images I have seen in a long time.

I like the fact that she's not exactly busting out of her top like Seoni or Feiya. I've had enough of the typical fantasy art woman over the years. Don't get me wrong, Frazetta and Boris are great talents, but they gave us unrealistic images of fantasy women that have leaked into our hobby.

This image, while very sexy, looks more like a woman that might actually exist. I like that.

Jeffery Keown 232 wrote:

This image, while very sexy, looks more like a woman that might actually exist.

You mean apart from the fact she is floating in mid air over a portal to hell?


Dark Archive

Jeffery Keown 232 wrote:
I like the fact that she's not exactly busting out of her top like Seoni or Feiya. ... looks more like a woman that might actually exist. I like that.

Ah, you have never seen my better half in a corset? Yes, with some bone ribbing, most girls pop out like that, and yes. I am well blessed, damn me.


Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Heh, curse you and catching of such a fine succu... >remembers afflication<... uh, erinyes. Yeah erinyes, not succubus <_<...>_> No demonic activity here.

Oh look cake!

Sovereign Court

Evil has to have something to make up for how much it sucks.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

But, wait!

There are also a few examples of Good is Sexy available too. ;D

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Jeffery Keown 232 wrote:

I like the fact that she's not exactly busting out of her top like Seoni or Feiya. I've had enough of the typical fantasy art woman over the years. Don't get me wrong, Frazetta and Boris are great talents, but they gave us unrealistic images of fantasy women that have leaked into our hobby.

This image, while very sexy, looks more like a woman that might actually exist. I like that.

But, women who look like Seoni or Freiya do exist!

So, how "unrealistic" are those images that have "leaked into our hobby"?

And yes, Jenny Poussin is an authentic "Gamer Girl!"

See, I feel we are spoiled by Paizo. I see this awesome artwork and I want a full iconic background on her.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
morphail wrote:
Jeffery Keown 232 wrote:

This image, while very sexy, looks more like a woman that might actually exist.

You mean apart from the fact she is floating in mid air over a portal to hell?


Yes yes... that's right we don't float in mid air over a hell mouth... nope never... good call.

Back on topic, a Chelish Infernal Binder... can't wait and yes she does look sexy and I am glad for the more realistic size of her... magic. :)


Lefty X wrote:
See, I feel we are spoiled by Paizo. I see this awesome artwork and I want a full iconic background on her.

Dude, she's in a Player Companion. That means she's meant to be a PC - or PC-ish. Thaaaat means it's up to you to tell us. :)

Sovereign Court

Lazaro wrote:
baron arem heshvaun wrote:

I'll bind that for a dollar!



Well the lady friend is now in love with her... sigh...

Mikaze wrote:

Stupid sexy Cheliax...

Seriously, with one notable exception every devil-worshipping girl from Cheliax has been a knockout. Dammit Hell, stop it with the tempting.

Hey it's what we do. Well that and cake. Have some... it's devil's food!


And to push matter even further into the Evil is sexy, but sometimes very wrong trope, is that a Vargouille she's conjuring up? Bat winged ears, a penchant for kissing??? Those things have naughty tentacles too...

--If the Summoning Chambers a Vrockin', don't bother knockin'

Liberty's Edge

She looks like she's saying, "Hmm... what shall I bind today..."

Lazaro wrote:

Mikaze wrote:

Stupid sexy Cheliax...

Seriously, with one notable exception every devil-worshipping girl from Cheliax has been a knockout. Dammit Hell, stop it with the tempting.

Hey it's what we do. Well that and cake. Have some... it's devil's food!

Devil's Food cake? Wow, you really DO have all the tempting stuff! ;)

Dark Archive

Lord Fyre wrote:

Yes, I have noticed that they are leaning on that Evil is Sexy trope pretty hard. ;D

Evil can usually afford it. Especially when Evil is in a position to summon fiends. Seriously, if you're gonna sell your soul for stuff, who wouldn't put "drop dead sexy" on the list? Of course, you wouldn't want to word it like that...

Lord Fyre wrote:
Jeffery Keown 232 wrote:

I like the fact that she's not exactly busting out of her top like Seoni or Feiya. I've had enough of the typical fantasy art woman over the years. Don't get me wrong, Frazetta and Boris are great talents, but they gave us unrealistic images of fantasy women that have leaked into our hobby.

This image, while very sexy, looks more like a woman that might actually exist. I like that.

But, women who look like Seoni or Freiya do exist!

So, how "unrealistic" are those images that have "leaked into our hobby"?

And yes, Jenny Poussin is an authentic "Gamer Girl!"

I stand corrected. Partially... I suppose I'm guilty of going too far in the name of "realism" But don't it seem over the top (pun intended) for almost every female we see in hobby materials to be absolutely curvy and gorgeous?

Even that Half-Orc INQ seems tasty after a fashion... :)

F. Wesley Schneider wrote:
Lefty X wrote:
See, I feel we are spoiled by Paizo. I see this awesome artwork and I want a full iconic background on her.
Dude, she's in a Player Companion. That means she's meant to be a PC - or PC-ish. Thaaaat means it's up to you to tell us. :)

I'm going with Sorceror 5/Dark Willow 10/Sexy Fantasy Cliche 3/Lefty's Future Ex-Wife 1/Fighter 2(for the feats)

Dark Archive

Lefty X wrote:
Dark Willow 10

Don't even joke about it; that would definitely top the list of ways to die. :P

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Nevynxxx wrote:
Lefty X wrote:
Dark Willow 10
Don't even joke about it; that would definitely top the list of ways to die. :P

"You were incredible tonight dear. How was I?"

"Bored now." *rrriiiippppp*

Silver Crusade

Ah crazy hand and a lazy eye!
A well at least its better then Seoni's crazy leg on the Campaign Setting Cover.

Still, I love the art!

Liberty's Edge

Jeffery Keown 232 wrote:

I stand corrected. Partially... I suppose I'm guilty of going too far in the name of "realism" But don't it seem over the top (pun intended) for almost every female we see in hobby materials to be absolutely curvy and gorgeous?

Even that Half-Orc INQ seems tasty after a fashion... :)

It is the Most Common Super Power. ;)

And Imrijka is divine... and not just a divine caster, either. XD

Jeremy Puckett

Dark Archive

Can't wait for November and looking forward to the Chelish infernal binder. I am hoping this is sort of a redo of the Fiend Binder from Tome of Magic. I really like the feel of that but it had a bunch of issues with it over all.

Only a couple more months to find out. Fingers crossed and waiting with baited breath.

Just remember that when they do the bakini print of Baba Yaga :) Remember the movie Willow ? His wife the nelwin girl? :) She was a migit that was dressed very conservativly :) There is lots of different kinds of realism out there :)

Sovereign Court

Okay, now that I have got my grubby hands on the Inner Sea Primer I am upset by the art.


Every woman looks like a forlorn teenage girl: Iomedae, Sarenrae (both goddesses!) and a Chelish Binder. The flautist in the same style is pretty annoying as well.

Can Iomedae in her triumph look like the battle scarred inspiring veteran she was?! Can Sarenrae (or perhaps that is a worshipper) reflect the strong, confident female goddess she is?!
And a Chelish Binder! A devil-dealing master of magic, at the age of what? 16?

All I ask for is verisimilitude. And if we do have to have pathetic fan-service (which can surely be left to prolific amateurs) can it not be borderline jailbait?

So, yeah, a bit of a rant but it is upsetting to have a fine publication by the wonderful writers at Paizo spoiled by an obnoxious line of art.

And finally, Is Ezren the only man my players should expect to meet on Golarion? Or is it just that women outnumber them 5 to 1?

I'm generally a huge fan of Sarah Robinson's art direction but this just feels... wrong.

Scarab Sages

GeraintElberion wrote:

Okay, now that I have got my grubby hands on the Inner Sea Primer I am upset by the art.


Every woman looks like a forlorn teenage girl: Iomedae, Sarenrae (both goddesses!) and a Chelish Binder. The flautist in the same style is pretty annoying as well.

Can Iomedae in her triumph look like the battle scarred inspiring veteran she was?! Can Sarenrae (or perhaps that is a worshipper) reflect the strong, confident female goddess she is?!
And a Chelish Binder! A devil-dealing master of magic, at the age of what? 16?

All I ask for is verisimilitude. And if we do have to have pathetic fan-service (which can surely be left to prolific amateurs) can it not be borderline jailbait?

So, yeah, a bit of a rant but it is upsetting to have a fine publication by the wonderful writers at Paizo spoiled by an obnoxious line of art.

And finally, Is Ezren the only man my players should expect to meet on Golarion? Or is it just that women outnumber them 5 to 1?

I'm generally a huge fan of Sarah Robinson's art direction but this just feels... wrong.

I can only speak for myself (actually, that's not exactly true--I can speak for at least a handful of other Paizo employees), but I am a huge fan of the art in this book. That said, I think it's great that we are fortunate enough to work with so many fine illustrators that there are enough differing styles represented in the Pathfinder line to keep almost everyone happy.

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