Illustration by Jon Hodgson

The Unluckiest Owlbear: Part VI

Monday, May 17, 2010

It's been a long, strange, and humiliating trip for the poor unlucky owlbear. He's been shot dead, turned into a pigeon roost and object of mockery for slack-jawed yokels, torn down and broken apart by barbarians, and defiled by wandering wolves. But as is always the case with that pesky circle of life thing that nature loves so much, eventually he gets to return to his beloved woods. And hopefully warn future generations of owlbears of the dangers he faced.

Or maybe not. Maybe his forgotten head will just serve as a dinner platter for the next one to come along...

James Jacobs
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Tags: Jon Hodgson Kingmaker Monsters Owlbears Pathfinder Adventure Path River Kingdoms Wallpapers

See! Kind of a happy ending! Sort of...

Dark Archive

Between the time when the oceans drank the Azlanti, and the rise of the sons of Brevoy, there was an age undreamed of.
And onto this, Beaky, destined to be the totem stone of a fledgling nation. It is I, a mouse, who alone can tell thee of his saga. Let me tell you of the days of high adventure!

Dark Archive

And thus yet another great Saga draws to a close ...

In tribute to this epic tale a link to the Owlbear, right here on Paizo.

Silver Crusade

That is awesome!!

Why do I see a kiddie book out of this whole thing, heck I'd buy it!

This makes me want a plush Unluckiest Owlbear, preferably with an openable "beak" and a "stomach" compartment. Then I can make him eat miniatures of adventurers. :)

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
This makes me want a plush Unluckiest Owlbear, preferably with an openable "beak" and a "stomach" compartment. Then I can make him eat miniatures of adventurers. :)

Whilst I really enjoyed painting this series, it has been the forum comments from all of you guys that have kept me warm at night! :)

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
This makes me want a plush Unluckiest Owlbear, preferably with an openable "beak" and a "stomach" compartment. Then I can make him eat miniatures of adventurers. :)

That's would be pretty cool.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

"Pause, o Owlbear passing by,
For as you are now so once was I.
And as I am now so shall you be,
So be ready for death and follow me."

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