Zirnakaynin Toolkit

Thursday, April 29, 2010

As you may have seen in recent blogs, I like miniatures and props when running a game. As my office is on the ground floor of the Paizo office and my Exiles of Zirnakaynin game is held in our large conference room upstairs, I have to carry this stuff upstairs for every game, and down again afterward. An interest in efficiency and expediency has resulted in me building a set of compartmentalized, easy to carry "units" of game materials. From back to front, the picture shows:

  • A cardboard box containing five large cavern terrain pieces created out of extruded polystyrene foam (painted brown, drybrushed light brown to show details, with patches painted green and glow-in-the-dark to represent phosphorescent fungi).
  • A craft kit containing cheap plastic minis, wooden tokens representing camping gear and building furnishings, various tokens from Litko Aerosystems, colored magnetic bases for miniatures, cheap plastic animals and bugs for summons, and miscellaneous map scenery like cages, barrels, and skull piles.
  • A large plastic storage bin holding my Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook, Bestiary, five foam miniatures trays (containing the PC minis, various NPC minis, monster minis, and common summonable creature minis such as elementals), two GameMastery Flip-Mats, a Pathfinder RPG GM Screen with binder clips to hold stat block pages, dry-erase markers, pens, and more Litko Aerosystems tokens, topped with four smaller foam terrain pieces (the ovoid brownie-looking things) and five larger dinosaur toys for summon monster spells.

Sean K Reynolds
Developer, Pathfinder Chronicles

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Darklands Exiles of Zirnakaynin Miniatures Monsters Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Playtest

Where can I get a big plastic case like the one in the pic (the one underneath the dinos)?

Twin Agate Dragons wrote:
Where can I get a big plastic case like the one in the pic (the one underneath the dinos)?

Any art supply store or the home organization/storage section of department stores. The scrapbooking section of many art stores is a treasure trove of useful items for game.



Twin Agate Dragons wrote:
Where can I get a big plastic case like the one in the pic (the one underneath the dinos)?

I got mine at Target. They also have a taller one that uses the same lid, it's about 18" tall.

Scarab Sages

I LOVE that binder clip idea!
It is SO zoinked!

Sovereign Court

Twin Agate Dragons wrote:
Where can I get a big plastic case like the one in the pic (the one underneath the dinos)?

I find that the plastic containers with a grid interior to hold Xmas ornaments are really handy for minis and smaller terrain features.

I got the very same craft kit for transporting Heroclix/Horrorclix minis and stuff back in the day... Ah, memories (all alone in the moooonliiight)...

Wow, JJ is right. Up close, those terrain pieces do look like tasty brownnies.

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