A Trickle of Submissions

Thursday, January 7, 2010

I love RPG Superstar. I love reading the RPG Superstar threads, I love reading the new ideas, I love the discussions, arguments, and the passion involved in every post. There is a small side effect to RPG Superstar, however, that I'm not sure everyone is aware of: open call submissions for Pathfinder Society vanish.

What's that mean for you? Well, let's assume 500 people submitted to RPG Superstar (I'm not going to reveal the actual number). The odds that one of those 500 people will make it past the initial round is (rounded up) 1 in 16—not bad, but still kind of a long shot. It also means that more than 450 of you won't make it—it's just a mathematical fact.

Here's another mathematical fact: of the last 10 submissions I received for the open call, I accepted 2 of them. That's 1 in 5. Those are good odds. If you don't make it past round one of RPG Superstar (or, heck, round 2, 3, 4, etc.), don't give up! There's another avenue out there to see your name on a Paizo publication and that's the Pathfinder Society Organized Play open call. Give it a shot—the worst I'm going to do is say no.

Joshua J. Frost
Events Manager

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Scarab Sages


Just wanted to drop a quick note to make sure you received my submission titled The Magistrate's Murder, which was sent on 1/19/10. I'm not applying pressure for a decision. I just want to make sure it arrived. Thanks.

I did. I hope to clear my submissions inbox soon.

Scarab Sages

Joshua J. Frost wrote:
I did. I hope to clear my submissions inbox soon.

I figured you were deep in the weeds given some of the discussion threads. Thanks for the confirmation.

The Exchange

Wow. I seem to be late to the game. I have been out of RPing for the last few years due to real life situations, but have come back to seeing e4.0. I didnt even know about Pathfinder till a few weeks ago and I am glad someone took up the banner of the 'Old-Style-. Having been a player since my first red and blue book with the 3 holes in them I have always loved the diversity you can use to make yourself diffrent. I also am a writer and thought many times about writing short stories and novels, but this will definately help me bring 2 loves together and maybe even lead to more creative achievements in the future.

I will continue reading the forumns and looking over what is and is not soemthing to be placed and already have ideas based on my home universe and style of playing for a possible string of modules, which I hope would be acceptable and enjoyable for you all to play in.

Scarab Sages

So should I be concerned that it's been almost two weeks since I sent my original submission, and a week since I resent it, and I haven't heard a thing?

It was called "One Night in Absalom"

I was able to clear 1/2 the submissions I received this week. I still have ~20 to go, including yours. :-)

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

Joshua J. Frost wrote:
I was able to clear 1/2 the submissions I received this week. I still have ~20 to go, including yours. :-)

How many got a green light?

Scarab Sages

Joshua J. Frost wrote:
I was able to clear 1/2 the submissions I received this week. I still have ~20 to go, including yours. :-)

Holy cow! Okay, works for me. I was gonna blame it on all the snow we got here in VA. Somehow the weather guessers got it right... how odd.

yoda8myhead wrote:
Joshua J. Frost wrote:
I was able to clear 1/2 the submissions I received this week. I still have ~20 to go, including yours. :-)
How many got a green light?



There were a few that I requested changes/re-writes and hope to see submitted again. On the rest, I provided specific reasons why I didn't green light them--everything from "we're already doing something like this" to "here are some helpful tips for improving your writing."

In all, this is a much more positive experience than the original open call and I'm getting better submissions--though less of them. (Which is okay!)

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

Joshua J. Frost wrote:
On the rest, I provided specific reasons why I didn't green light them--everything from "we're already doing something like this" to "here are some helpful tips for improving your writing."

You forgot:

"You talentless hack, Sebastian, please, for the love of god, stop sending us this innane dribble. Also, given the level of deviance present in your submission, I've alerted the local authorities and asked that they detain and/or commit you. DIAF."

I can't seem to write anything that doesn't have Josh Frost as the BBEG...

Sebastian wrote:
"You talentless hack, Sebastian, please, for the love of god, stop sending us this innane dribble. Also, given the level of deviance present in your submission, I've alerted the local authorities and asked that they detain and/or commit you. DIAF."

Why did you post the edited version? The real version was much, much better!

And illegal in 7 states!

Kruelaid wrote:
I can't seem to write anything that doesn't have Josh Frost as the BBEG...

I am not shocked. :-)

RPG Superstar 2012

Joshua J. Frost wrote:
Kruelaid wrote:
I can't seem to write anything that doesn't have Josh Frost as the BBEG...
I am not shocked. :-)

You two have a history? :)


Joshua J. Frost wrote:
Kruelaid wrote:
I can't seem to write anything that doesn't have Josh Frost as the BBEG...
I am not shocked. :-)

Joshua, how long will the open submission stay open? I want to submit, but I'm working on a few other things at the moment.



Scarab Sages

I wanted to touch base with you concerning my submission. You moved through a lot of material in a short time which is an impressive feat. I have not seen anything from Paizo, which makes me worried I missed something given the speed you moved through your slush pile. I have additional ideas to submit but if I missed a constructive rejection I don't want to die on the same hill.

I've always assumed no news is good news in the writing world, so if you're still working through things no pressure at all. I simply want to make sure the ether (or a ridiculous spam filter) didn't claim an email and I'm waiting for something already sent. Thanks for your time.

I have it. I have 21 submissions to review and I'll be tackling them once the February scenarios are live. One of those 21 submissions is going to be selected as I need to select an open call scenario for July, so that will happen soon.

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