The Doctor is In

Monday, February 18, 2008

How sick would you have to be before you'd drink the tonic this man is offering you?

In Pathfinder #8's "Seven Days to the Grave," your characters get to find out. The cheery chap pictured here is one of the Queen's Physicians, part of Queen Ileosa's official response to the plague that strikes Korvosa in the second installment of the Curse of the Crimson Throne Adventure Path. Of course, we can't take full credit for the costume design for this guy—it's more or less whole-cloth from the actual plague doctor suits worn in medieval times during the black death. Think of it as an early haz-mat suit. Unfortunately for the real-world doctors who wore these suits, they did relatively little to protect them from infection. Sure makes them look creepy, though!

James Jacobs
Pathfinder Editor-in-Chief

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