Who's up for a game of BLOOD PIG?

Monday, April 7, 2008

We've introduced several Varisian pastimes in the pages of Pathfinder, ranging from the goblin favorite of Killgull to the dockside fun of Knivesies. Well, in Pathfinder #9 we've got a new game for your characters to play: Blood Pig!

The basic idea of Blood Pig is pretty simple. Two teams face off against each other. Each team controls a goal and a pig. The object of the game is to get the other team's pig, then run it back across the field to place the pig in your goal. Of course, things are a bit more complicated than that, especially when the other team consists of a gang of crazed maniacs, the pig's a panicked squirming menace, and there are starving wolverines lurking in the pits that serve each team as a goal. And since the game itself was designed by one of Korvosa's more unstable and insane new crimelords, well, let's just say that a game that passes without a fair amount of bloodshed is something of a fluke. The rules, such as they are, certainly encourage violent tactics...

But don't let that scare you! After all, by this time your PCs will have faced riots and undead and all manner of peril, right? How much trouble could a pig really cause?

James Jacobs
Pathfinder Editor-in-Chief

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Curse of the Crimson Throne Korvosa Wallpapers

The Blood Pig artwork in this blog is by Julie Dillon.

Blood Pig is my favorite part of the entire CotCT AP and I hate sports, lol.

Silver Crusade

My players managed to finish the game without a single pig or rival team death. The Emperor and I pretty much shared the same reactions.

I love concept of Blood Pig and I can't wait to run this to my players. Main reason to that is that my gaming group also loves Blood Bowl so blood Pig is like BB in PF. Awesome stuff!

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