[Gameday XIII] GM Tarondor's #3-08: Foundation's Price

Game Master Tarondor

Slides / RPG Chronicles

CP: 21
Subtier: 3-4

Hero Points:
Alanossë - 2
Deerslicer - 2
Endra Densinri - 2
Hallow Orevine - 2
Purrlock Holmes - 2

Symbols > Single Action (◆), Double Action (◆◆), Triple Action (◆◆◆), Free Action (◇), Reaction (↺)

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The round plaza of the Overmarket is crowded but well kept. Long, curved stalls surround an imposing fountain in the middle of the market. On the eastern side of the plaza, an empty wooden auction platform stands as a grim reminder of the cruel practices that continue in the city. Sitting cross-legged nearby, a young girl displays a handmade sign proudly stating, “Melika, local guide, two copper pieces."

What would you like to do?

Horizon Hunters

male goblin ranger 4 | HP 54/58, Hero Points: 1 | AC 20 | Fort +10; Ref +11; Will +10 | Perc: +10 (+12 to seek target), darkvision | Exploration: Searching | Prey: Bosun| Active Conditions: None
HP 40/40 | AC 19 | Fort +8; Ref +8; Will +7 | Perc: +7, low-light vision, scent (imprecise) 30 ft.

Deerslicer pointedly avoids looking at any signs, even ones being held by young girls. Though he can't read them, he's concerned that even his eyes lingering on the loathsome "writing" might corrupt his soul. Coincidentally, though, he says as he passes by the young girl with the sign, "It be easier to find our way round d'is place if we able to hire a guide or somet'in."

Grand Archive

LN Leshy Inventor 2 (They/He) | HP 28/28 | AC 18/20 | Fort +8 Ref +4 Will +6 | Perc +4 Low-Light Vision | Stealth +4 Speed 30 (35 in Overdrive) | Gourd: Warhammer | Hero Points: 1/3 | Steel Shield HP: 20/20 | Ageless Spirit: Acrobatics | Focus Points: 1/1 | Active Conditions: None
Deerslicer wrote:
"It be easier to find our way round d'is place if we able to hire a guide or somet'in."

"Agreed." They turn and walk towards the girl, likely not much taller than she would be standing, holding out a couple of copper coins. "We have a few specific things we need to find. Would you be able to help?"

Horizon Hunters

female arctic elf scout fighter 4 | ♥️50 | ⛨21; resist cold 2 | F +8 R +12 W +9 | Perc +9; low-light vision | Stealth +10 | speed 30 ft. | Arrows 17 | Exploration: Avoid Notice | ⚕none

A brass stopper, a silver chain, and a cold iron container. Do you think you could take us to the stalls where we might acquire them?

She gestures at the coins Hallow is holding.

The girl watches you approach with an appraising look. "Hiya! Yeah, I can. I know everyone in the Overmarket and more than half their inventory, too. I got a list'a advertisements for today and you can have it for two bits. And I'll go along an' show you what's where."

She takes Hallow's coins after eyeing the living scarecrow dubiously. She thrusts a small scrap of paper into his gnarled hand. See Handout #2, below.

For 2 copper pieces, you get her list of advertisements as well as the girl as a guide.

"Yah, alright then," she says, hopping up and tucking her advertisements into her threadbare pockets. "Let's go. I'm Melika, by the way."

"I saw a cool carafe in Ary's this morning. Maybe that's what you're looking for? And Elyon uses all sorts of metals. I bet he might have a lead on the other things."


Searching for the greatest treasures? Visit the Overmarket and be ready to weep with joy at the incredible prices!

Jalal’s Books: Spellbinding stories and bookbinding of the finest quality.

First World Metalworks by Ary: Visiting her stall is just like stepping through a portal to the world of the fey.

Firrah’s Expeditions: Purveyor of fine goods and silks. Here only for a limited time!

Glittering Prisms: Metals, gems, and glassware by the talented Elyon.

Drawn to Scale: For all your map-making needs, ask Basu.

Tinctures and Tonics: A craft almost as old as Lissom himself!

Dreams of Prada Hanam: Seek wisdom and potions from Raha Shul, the astounding arcanist


GM's Reminder, 'cause its been a while: Safa recommended that you consult Rasa Shul to find out more about the items.

Horizon Hunters

female arctic elf scout fighter 4 | ♥️50 | ⛨21; resist cold 2 | F +8 R +12 W +9 | Perc +9; low-light vision | Stealth +10 | speed 30 ft. | Arrows 17 | Exploration: Avoid Notice | ⚕none

I guess we should head to Dreams of Prada Hanam, so that we can ask Rasa Shul about these items. We may as well be completely informed about them so that we don't waste coin on something that we think is right. Endra suggests.

Horizon Hunters

male goblin ranger 4 | HP 54/58, Hero Points: 1 | AC 20 | Fort +10; Ref +11; Will +10 | Perc: +10 (+12 to seek target), darkvision | Exploration: Searching | Prey: Bosun| Active Conditions: None
HP 40/40 | AC 19 | Fort +8; Ref +8; Will +7 | Perc: +7, low-light vision, scent (imprecise) 30 ft.

Deerslicer nods. "Sound like plan to me."

Horizon Hunters

Male Elf CG Fighter / 3rd | HP:39/39 | AC:20 | DC: 18 | F:+6 R:+9 W:+4 | Init:+8 | Per: +6 | Hero: 1

Alanossë silently nods in agreement and follows Endra to see the arcanist…

My bad. I said it both ways. It's Raha Shul.

"Right!" says Melika, skipping ahead on bare feet and walking backwards so she can watch you. "That's on the west side. Come on, it's fastest through here."

The young girl leads you through a bewildering market filled with stalls, tents, shacks and carts hawking every kind of ware imaginable. Strange birds screech from hanging cages while merchants shout their prices at any passerby. The crowd is thick and close about you, but Melika skirts easily around them, wading through the crowd like a fish through water.

She stops in front of a colorful tent adorned with strange alchemical symbols and adorned with sparking strands of small crystals that catch and refract the light. "This is the place. Raha Shul's tent."

Inside, you find a middle aged woman in a cloud of strange incense. "Welcome, travelers," she says, "to the Dreams of Prada Hanam. I sense you are need of curative tinctures."

"Nah," says Melika. "They want information."

The woman eyes you speculatively. "What information do you seek?" she asks.

Horizon Hunters

female arctic elf scout fighter 4 | ♥️50 | ⛨21; resist cold 2 | F +8 R +12 W +9 | Perc +9; low-light vision | Stealth +10 | speed 30 ft. | Arrows 17 | Exploration: Avoid Notice | ⚕none

Endra leans on her longbow, nodding in confirmation to Melika's statement.

Our quest, is to obtain a brass stopper, a silver chain, and a cold iron container in this market. We were told you might have insight about these items. What are they really? Perhaps some are not as obvious as they seem by name. Where can they be found?

A knowing smile crosses Raha's face. "Ah. And you act for another, yes? Then learn. These items are not valuable by themselves, but can be used together to create a prison for genies. Such a bottle allows even the untrained to trap a genie, but making the binding permanent requires expending considerable additional resources—and no small amount of willpower — to create a powerful genie seal. Without it, the bottle is just a snare for unaware genies, who tend to seek quick vengeance against the would-be prankster who tricked them."

"You see, fine travelers, you have been asked to assemble the parts for a genie enslavement. Ah. I see that this is not to your liking, eh? Well, if you assemble those three objects and bring them to me, I will trade you for valuable alchemical items, hmm?"

Deerslicer & Endra:
You notice a greedy sparkle twinkle in Raha's eyes. You suspect she plans to sell these items for a large profit.

Horizon Hunters

male goblin ranger 4 | HP 54/58, Hero Points: 1 | AC 20 | Fort +10; Ref +11; Will +10 | Perc: +10 (+12 to seek target), darkvision | Exploration: Searching | Prey: Bosun| Active Conditions: None
HP 40/40 | AC 19 | Fort +8; Ref +8; Will +7 | Perc: +7, low-light vision, scent (imprecise) 30 ft.

Deerslicer frowns. "Brass stopper, silver chain, an' cold iron container ... me not makey makey person, but d'ese not seem like hard t'ings t' make. We lookin' for special t'ings then, for genie prison, or just any ones will do?"

Horizon Hunters

female arctic elf scout fighter 4 | ♥️50 | ⛨21; resist cold 2 | F +8 R +12 W +9 | Perc +9; low-light vision | Stealth +10 | speed 30 ft. | Arrows 17 | Exploration: Avoid Notice | ⚕none

Endra frowns.

But it wasn't you that originally gave us the task. At the very least, we will bring the results to... they who set us forth on this.

Thinking it over further, she muses

If these items can be used to enslave a genie, can they also be prepared to cancel out an existing such mechanism?

She looks at Raha's face expectantly.

Sense motive (perception+9)

Raha shrugs. "I don't think so, no. And no, any well-made items of this sort can be the basis of the enslavement. The real trick, as I say, is not in the items but the ritual."

Endra can see that Raha is greedy, but doesn't think she's being dishonest. She's too eager to impress you with what she knows.

Also, that's all she knows. The organizers are pressing me to get a move on!

Horizon Hunters

female arctic elf scout fighter 4 | ♥️50 | ⛨21; resist cold 2 | F +8 R +12 W +9 | Perc +9; low-light vision | Stealth +10 | speed 30 ft. | Arrows 17 | Exploration: Avoid Notice | ⚕none

Then I think we proceed to find the items with Melika? If so ready to move on.

Okay, these are likely readily available in the market, and I take it you'll help us with the ritual.

Grand Archive

LN Leshy Inventor 2 (They/He) | HP 28/28 | AC 18/20 | Fort +8 Ref +4 Will +6 | Perc +4 Low-Light Vision | Stealth +4 Speed 30 (35 in Overdrive) | Gourd: Warhammer | Hero Points: 1/3 | Steel Shield HP: 20/20 | Ageless Spirit: Acrobatics | Focus Points: 1/1 | Active Conditions: None
GM Tarondor wrote:

Raha shrugs. "I don't think so, no. And no, any well-made items of this sort can be the basis of the enslavement. The real trick, as I say, is not in the items but the ritual."

Endra can see that Raha is greedy, but doesn't think she's being dishonest. She's too eager to impress you with what she knows.

Also, that's all she knows. The organizers are pressing me to get a move on!

"What if they were 'accidentally' damaged? How well-made do they need to be?"

Horizon Hunters

male goblin ranger 4 | HP 54/58, Hero Points: 1 | AC 20 | Fort +10; Ref +11; Will +10 | Perc: +10 (+12 to seek target), darkvision | Exploration: Searching | Prey: Bosun| Active Conditions: None
HP 40/40 | AC 19 | Fort +8; Ref +8; Will +7 | Perc: +7, low-light vision, scent (imprecise) 30 ft.

We need to get these things and give them to the genie, though, right? Though the genie directed us to Raha, she didn't direct us to hand the items over to Raha did she? If she helps us with the ritual and has her own genie prison, does that fulfill the second quest/mission?

Deerslicer nods to Endra. "Yeah, me not care all d'at much if it not matter how good d'ey are. We find best we can find and it seem like d'at will work for what we need." He motions for Melika to lead the way.

Horizon Hunters

female arctic elf scout fighter 4 | ♥️50 | ⛨21; resist cold 2 | F +8 R +12 W +9 | Perc +9; low-light vision | Stealth +10 | speed 30 ft. | Arrows 17 | Exploration: Avoid Notice | ⚕none
Deerslicer wrote:
We need to get these things and give them to the genie, though, right? Though the genie directed us to Raha, she didn't direct us to hand the items over to Raha did she? If she helps us with the ritual and has her own genie prison, does that fulfill the second quest/mission?

Right. We could just return them after.

Endra gets the sense that Raha really wants to claim the results of their gathering, and just wants to speed the locating of the items. The genie can inform them if they really need to squeeze the composing ritual out of her.

I'd read what Safa said to you again. You might need to read between the lines. She certainly didn't ask for any ritual.

"I'm certainly not the sort to perform such rituals," Raha says. "But I assume the items must be intact for them to be useful."

After you leave, Melika skips ahead of you, looking over her shoulder. "Where're we going next? To Ary's to see that carafe? Or somewheres else?"

Horizon Hunters

female arctic elf scout fighter 4 | ♥️50 | ⛨21; resist cold 2 | F +8 R +12 W +9 | Perc +9; low-light vision | Stealth +10 | speed 30 ft. | Arrows 17 | Exploration: Avoid Notice | ⚕none
GM Tarondor wrote:
“Second, he demands you acquire a brass stopper, a silver chain, and a cold iron container from the Overmarket. He asked me to ensure you acquire these objects, so acquire them you must.” They pause with a cunning smile. What you do with them once you acquire them is not my concern, but I urge you to seek Raha Shul so that the purpose of these objects may become clear and you can make the right choice.”

As they walk along, Endra muses.

Perhaps Safa meant for us to make it hard for others to gather these items for... the nefarious purpose. Even depleting the stock of just one locally would impede the creation of the enslavement devices significantly.

Not sure if that's the right direction.

Horizon Hunters

Male Elf CG Fighter / 3rd | HP:39/39 | AC:20 | DC: 18 | F:+6 R:+9 W:+4 | Init:+8 | Per: +6 | Hero: 1

”Perhaps we should visit Ary’s to check for said items…”

Radiant Oath

LG Male Catfolk | Back-Alley Doctor | Investigator Lvl 1 | ◆◇↺ | Exploration Activity: Avoid Notice | HP 27/27 | AC 16 | F/R/W: 5/8/8 | Perc +8 Lowlight | 25 feet | Class DC 17 | Arcana/Crafting/Occultism/Society/Lore (PFS, Underworld, Catfolk): +7, Acrobatics/Stealth/Survival/Nature/Medicine/Religion: +6, Diplomacy: +5, Athletics: +4, Thievery(U): +3, Performance(U)/Deception(U)/Intimidation(U): +2

Purrlock shrugs and follow.

Apologies for ghosting the table. Last week I had a bit of a mental health crazy week. Nothing major but I finally realized what was bothering me. Took the weekend to recharge.

Remember that Safa is constrained by the instructions of her master. She can only say so much.

Melika guides you through the thronging Overmarket, past amazing shops and tiny tents, to a modest stall.

Metal creations ranging from refined silverware to sturdy iron pokers rest on shelves and hooks along the back wall of this tiny shop, all decorated with intricate patterns. Behind the counter, a gnome with strong arms and a mane of untamed, deep-green hair absentmindedly inspects a leaf-shaped earring, visibly dissatisfied with the result.

She looks at a tall iron carafe displayed prominently on a small, raised shelf and sighs.

As she turns around, her face lights up with a wide, welcoming smile.

“Welcome to First World Metalworks. I imagine it, you buy it!”

Horizon Hunters

female arctic elf scout fighter 4 | ♥️50 | ⛨21; resist cold 2 | F +8 R +12 W +9 | Perc +9; low-light vision | Stealth +10 | speed 30 ft. | Arrows 17 | Exploration: Avoid Notice | ⚕none

If it's cold iron, yes we do. How much?

Endra asks listlessly. She's bracing for every purchase to potentially be a haggling encounter.

re:haggling: Good instincts!

Ary follows Endra's gaze and realizes she's talking about the carafe. "Oh, good eye, Ma'am. Yes, it is made from cold iron. Isn't it a beauty? I tried to honor the folk of the First World in its design. I couldn't sell it though. It was commissioned by a noble gentlemen. He hasn't been by to pick it up but I'm holding it until he does."

Horizon Hunters

female arctic elf scout fighter 4 | ♥️50 | ⛨21; resist cold 2 | F +8 R +12 W +9 | Perc +9; low-light vision | Stealth +10 | speed 30 ft. | Arrows 17 | Exploration: Avoid Notice | ⚕none

Endra chuckles nervously, then subtly nudges the smooth operating "faces" of the party, Alanossë and Purlock to Activate!

Grand Archive

LN Leshy Inventor 2 (They/He) | HP 28/28 | AC 18/20 | Fort +8 Ref +4 Will +6 | Perc +4 Low-Light Vision | Stealth +4 Speed 30 (35 in Overdrive) | Gourd: Warhammer | Hero Points: 1/3 | Steel Shield HP: 20/20 | Ageless Spirit: Acrobatics | Focus Points: 1/1 | Active Conditions: None

Hallow leans forward to examine the wares--while they lack haggling skills, they understand craftsmanship, and hop to use that to help.

Would I be able to make a Crafting check or something to examine things and maybe use that to help the haggling?

Possibly, yes. But it's not time for rolling. It's time for some role-playing. Somebody's gotta talk.

Horizon Hunters

Male Elf CG Fighter / 3rd | HP:39/39 | AC:20 | DC: 18 | F:+6 R:+9 W:+4 | Init:+8 | Per: +6 | Hero: 1

Alanossë shrugs. ”If the buyer hasn’t come by to pick it up, he must not want it…we might take it off your hands for the right price…how much do you want for it?”

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15

Grand Archive

LN Leshy Inventor 2 (They/He) | HP 28/28 | AC 18/20 | Fort +8 Ref +4 Will +6 | Perc +4 Low-Light Vision | Stealth +4 Speed 30 (35 in Overdrive) | Gourd: Warhammer | Hero Points: 1/3 | Steel Shield HP: 20/20 | Ageless Spirit: Acrobatics | Focus Points: 1/1 | Active Conditions: None

As the leshy examines further, a crafting eyepiece (not the magic item) on a headset emerges from their armor and clicks into place over their eyes.

"Incredible craftsmanship, really. Rather rude of that nobleman to take such a piece for granted."

As with most Diplomacy checks to Make an Impression, you have to improve Ary's disposition from Indifferent to Helpful to get her to give up the carafe. Alanossë's direct attempt has failed, but it wasn't a critical failure. There are other ways to improve Ary's disposition, however.

1. You have the magic orb given to you by Safa. That could be traded with any of the Overmarket sellers.

A DC 15 Crafting check can impress Ary with your skill and knowledge.

A DC 13 Nature check permits you to engage Ary's love of the First World.

A separate DC 13 Nature reveals that:
Cold iron is deadly to many creatures from the First World and her carafe would potentially be quite dangerous to the very creatures she adores.

And of course, there's this:

Melika tugs on Alanossë's sleeve and whispers "Ary loves the First World? I seen a beautiful sketch'a a strange forest over at Drawn to Scale. I bet she'd like that."

Grand Archive

LN Leshy Inventor 2 (They/He) | HP 28/28 | AC 18/20 | Fort +8 Ref +4 Will +6 | Perc +4 Low-Light Vision | Stealth +4 Speed 30 (35 in Overdrive) | Gourd: Warhammer | Hero Points: 1/3 | Steel Shield HP: 20/20 | Ageless Spirit: Acrobatics | Focus Points: 1/1 | Active Conditions: None

Hallow immediately starts asking Ary about her metalworking methods as a fellow smith, as well as showing off their own handiwork with their armored exoskeleton and its mechanics.

Crafting: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (19) + 8 = 27

Are we allowed to try multiple methods each?

Horizon Hunters

female arctic elf scout fighter 4 | ♥️50 | ⛨21; resist cold 2 | F +8 R +12 W +9 | Perc +9; low-light vision | Stealth +10 | speed 30 ft. | Arrows 17 | Exploration: Avoid Notice | ⚕none

Endra smiles at Melika, whispering

Good tip. We might just go acquire that.

She thinks on what she knows of the First World.

Engage Ary's love of the First World (DC 13 Nature): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15

Endra speculates at what the original commissioning customer might have wanted it to be cold iron for. Perhaps he needed to contain something from the First World. But what? Perhaps Ary has an interesting guess.

Radiant Oath

LG Male Catfolk | Back-Alley Doctor | Investigator Lvl 1 | ◆◇↺ | Exploration Activity: Avoid Notice | HP 27/27 | AC 16 | F/R/W: 5/8/8 | Perc +8 Lowlight | 25 feet | Class DC 17 | Arcana/Crafting/Occultism/Society/Lore (PFS, Underworld, Catfolk): +7, Acrobatics/Stealth/Survival/Nature/Medicine/Religion: +6, Diplomacy: +5, Athletics: +4, Thievery(U): +3, Performance(U)/Deception(U)/Intimidation(U): +2

Nature: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18
Nature, 2nd check: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11

Purrlock entertains Ary with tales of the First World.

Grand Archive

LN Leshy Inventor 2 (They/He) | HP 28/28 | AC 18/20 | Fort +8 Ref +4 Will +6 | Perc +4 Low-Light Vision | Stealth +4 Speed 30 (35 in Overdrive) | Gourd: Warhammer | Hero Points: 1/3 | Steel Shield HP: 20/20 | Ageless Spirit: Acrobatics | Focus Points: 1/1 | Active Conditions: None

Nature (for the knowledge check): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19

Gonna wait to say anything more until she responds a bit.

Horizon Hunters

male goblin ranger 4 | HP 54/58, Hero Points: 1 | AC 20 | Fort +10; Ref +11; Will +10 | Perc: +10 (+12 to seek target), darkvision | Exploration: Searching | Prey: Bosun| Active Conditions: None
HP 40/40 | AC 19 | Fort +8; Ref +8; Will +7 | Perc: +7, low-light vision, scent (imprecise) 30 ft.

Nature (recall knowledge): 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (3) + 13 = 16

Deerslicer doesn't have an interior monologue, so says out loud, "Me bet d'at noble guy want it to hurt fey. We not do d'at, so you maybe give to us, an' we make sure it not be used 'gainst them." He strokes Gracie's ear as he talks.

Nature (persuasion): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10
Doesn't sound like he knows what he's talking about, though.

Horizon Hunters

male goblin ranger 4 | HP 54/58, Hero Points: 1 | AC 20 | Fort +10; Ref +11; Will +10 | Perc: +10 (+12 to seek target), darkvision | Exploration: Searching | Prey: Bosun| Active Conditions: None
HP 40/40 | AC 19 | Fort +8; Ref +8; Will +7 | Perc: +7, low-light vision, scent (imprecise) 30 ft.

Actually, I have 2 hero points. I'll use one here.

Nature (persuasion) re-roll: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13

Better, but still not all that persuasive.

Impressed by your knowledge of crafting and the First World, Ary smiles and pulls down the carafe. "Okay, you talked me into it. I guess I can part with this to folks who'll know how to appreciate it. Nice meeting you folks!"

The adventure doesn't list a cost, just that she becomes willing to sell. I'm handwaving the actual purchase.

You walk away from First World Metalworks with the carafe described by Safa and desired by her master. Where to next?

Horizon Hunters

female arctic elf scout fighter 4 | ♥️50 | ⛨21; resist cold 2 | F +8 R +12 W +9 | Perc +9; low-light vision | Stealth +10 | speed 30 ft. | Arrows 17 | Exploration: Avoid Notice | ⚕none

We don't know where to buy the other two items, right?

Maybe Drawn to Scale, as Melika suggested.

Horizon Hunters

Male Elf CG Fighter / 3rd | HP:39/39 | AC:20 | DC: 18 | F:+6 R:+9 W:+4 | Init:+8 | Per: +6 | Hero: 1

Alanossë nods in agreement with Endra and follows her to the map shop…

"Oh, that was just to get a picture for Ary so she'd trade with you," says Melika. "But you did that on your own. So, you're still looking for a chain and stopper, right? Maybe we should see Elyon. He uses all sorts of cool metals."

Horizon Hunters

female arctic elf scout fighter 4 | ♥️50 | ⛨21; resist cold 2 | F +8 R +12 W +9 | Perc +9; low-light vision | Stealth +10 | speed 30 ft. | Arrows 17 | Exploration: Avoid Notice | ⚕none

Endra nods.

Oh right! I thought the picture would be interesting anyway, but we can move on. To Elyon it is!

Horizon Hunters

male goblin ranger 4 | HP 54/58, Hero Points: 1 | AC 20 | Fort +10; Ref +11; Will +10 | Perc: +10 (+12 to seek target), darkvision | Exploration: Searching | Prey: Bosun| Active Conditions: None
HP 40/40 | AC 19 | Fort +8; Ref +8; Will +7 | Perc: +7, low-light vision, scent (imprecise) 30 ft.

Deerslicer nods. "Yeah, let's go check it out."

Melika leads you through the throng to a new location.

The thin stall is covered with elegant crystal creations. The glow of an everburning torch creates multicolored beams as the warm light bounces off beautiful earrings, delicate figurines, and thin vials. Topping an elegant decanter, a brass stopper stands out like a setting sun atop a crystal waterfall.

Sitting on the left side of the stall, a shivering elf covered in a heavy robe looks up and smiles. “Welcome to the G-g-glittering Prisms,” he says, his teeth chattering as he rubs his blue-tinged fingers together.

Horizon Hunters

female arctic elf scout fighter 4 | ♥️50 | ⛨21; resist cold 2 | F +8 R +12 W +9 | Perc +9; low-light vision | Stealth +10 | speed 30 ft. | Arrows 17 | Exploration: Avoid Notice | ⚕none

Endra frowns slightly at the fellow elf.

Can we... help you warm up some how?

Horizon Hunters

Male Elf CG Fighter / 3rd | HP:39/39 | AC:20 | DC: 18 | F:+6 R:+9 W:+4 | Init:+8 | Per: +6 | Hero: 1

Alanossë furrows his brow upon seeing a fellow Elf freezing…especially since he himself is not cold nor can he see a reason for it…

”Aye, what ails you, my friend?” he asks the shivering Elf…

Medicine Check (DC 10):
Elyon is genuinely exhibiting all the symptoms of being unnaturally cold, despite the hot climate.

"N...not really sure," he says, shivering. "I paid Lissom the apothecary to craft a cure, but the acerbic he hasn't delivered the
remedy; he’s holding a grudge due to an argument we had a few days ago."

Radiant Oath

LG Male Catfolk | Back-Alley Doctor | Investigator Lvl 1 | ◆◇↺ | Exploration Activity: Avoid Notice | HP 27/27 | AC 16 | F/R/W: 5/8/8 | Perc +8 Lowlight | 25 feet | Class DC 17 | Arcana/Crafting/Occultism/Society/Lore (PFS, Underworld, Catfolk): +7, Acrobatics/Stealth/Survival/Nature/Medicine/Religion: +6, Diplomacy: +5, Athletics: +4, Thievery(U): +3, Performance(U)/Deception(U)/Intimidation(U): +2

Medicine: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22

"Hmm... Something is strrrange here. Elyon is genuinely exhibiting all the symptoms of being unnaturally cold, despite the hot climate."

Horizon Hunters

female arctic elf scout fighter 4 | ♥️50 | ⛨21; resist cold 2 | F +8 R +12 W +9 | Perc +9; low-light vision | Stealth +10 | speed 30 ft. | Arrows 17 | Exploration: Avoid Notice | ⚕none

Oh... so do you think we could help smooth over the argument if we spoke with this apothecary? Endra offers.

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