GM 7thGate |
Welcome to the 10-11 tier of The Cosmic Captive special for Gameday XIII! If you have signed up for this game in the Gameday XIII Event Listing spreadsheet please feel free to dot and delete in Gameplay, and fill out your info at RPG Chronicles Link
Once you're here, let me know a bit about your character; what are they like, what are their usual roles in a party, and do they have any uncommon rules interactions or unusual abilities I should brush up on?
I'm looking forward to playing with all of you, hopefully it will be a fun time!
Saya of Eledir |
Glad to be here!!
I'll be playing Saya, A Urban Skald, with a mama Hen complex.
She usually goes giving defense and ofensive capabilties to the party, she is more into Defense to the rest of the group, but that can vary depending on the situation.
Hppe to have fun with you all .
Sukit |
I'll be using a replay on this one, a final send off for Sukit Von Maur.
Sukit is a tankity tank who takes offense at the idea that someone considers themself to be more into defense than he is.
I see his AC is lower than it should be, so I'll need to update his information online before the game.
Sukit |
As far as unusual things Sukit has the equivalent of medium fortification (50% chance to negate critical hits and sneak attacks)
He also uses the Mobile Bulwark Style which allows him to "set the edge" as a move action with his tower shield.
GM 7thGate |
Hi Saya and Sukit!
I remember you were in my Tapestry's Trial game Sukit, though with Lorian talking past most of the encounters your AC didn't get much of a workout. I suspect we'll get a bit more action in this one...though I'm not sure anything is going to have much of a chance hitting you. Especially if Saya's nearby.
I like the bodyguard build Saya, I had a character who built around aid other that worked as part of a fixed group with teamwork feats; he used Covering Fire to aid everyone's AC with ranged dagger attacks instead of bodyguard, but I recognized a lot of the items and traits and things reading through your sheet. Is that +10 AC from a AC Aid Other with Arcane Strike active?
Patrick Herschel |
Hello. I'm Professor Patrick Hershel. Sage Sorcerer. Following in the footsteps of Ralzeros the Overwatched. I'll be at the back .... over there .... way over there.
((PC needs levelling up))
Anthys |
Anthys is a fairly low-op well-rounded fighter that 7thGate knows well.
He was built for a teamwork experiment, and has since picked up solo tactics to make good use of his teamwork feats.
Not as good AC as Sukit, but still pretty hard for most enemies to hit. His statistics are very dependent on positioning, and his abilities tend to be more tactical rather than just raw numbers (such as Difficult Swings).
If he is adjacent to 3 allies, he gains (all include increases from his Ring of Tactical Precision):
+3 AC if one of them has a heavy shield or tower shield, or +2 for a light shield or buckler (Shield Wall);
+3 to any attack, save, skill check, or ability check 1/round (Scion of the Lost Empire);
+4 sacred bonus to AC and saves vs evil foes (Lastwall Phalanx, shareable);
+4 untyped bonus to saves (Shake it Off); and,
+1 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves (from Heart of the Streets human option).
Even summoned creatures or Shadow Conjurations count as allies.
So from AC 27 and saves +9/+5/+5 he goes to, against an evil foe, AC 34-35 and saves +17/+14/+13 with an extra +3 on a save 1/round. That's with no Cloak of Resistance. He really benefits by being adjacent to allies.
He also gets +3 to hit and damage vs any foe damaged by an ally within the past round (Blood for the Empire). He moves through the squares adjacent to allies without provoking AOOs (Escape Route, shareable).
He also has Difficult Swings, so if he is between a caster and an enemy and makes a full attack, the enemy cannot simply 5' step around him to attack the caster.
Honestly, I think he will kind of be redundant given that Sukit is in the party (Sukit is better in every meaningful way - higher level, higher AC, higher Str). But, I played him alongside 7thGate for a long time in a campaign so I thought it would be fun to bring him in, and maybe he'll surprise me and be useful. Maybe by pulling out a key feat via Barroom Brawler (5/day).
Sukit |
Stay by Sukit and you'll get that +3 shield bonus, and maybe some cover.
Sukit was built on a simple premise, how hard to hit can I make a simple build. {Contrary to our former VC's paladin/hellknight/other high AC combination} His offense is essentially high strength, power attack, and a dash of crit fishing.
GM 7thGate |
Anthys! Good to see you again. I was just thinking about you when looking at Sukit and Saya, since there was that high AC+Aid Other AC possibilities going on.
I don't think you're necessarily going to be that redundant with Sukit; you synergize really well with Sukit and Saya. You can get +11 AC aids from Saya, Beast Totem will provide an AC boost and let you pounce to Difficult Swings targets (unless you don't want to accept raging song for RP reasons), you can swap rings of tactical precision with Saya to grant her one of your feats, Sukit has the tower shield so you get shield wall. You offense isn't too much lower than Sukit's if you've got Blood for the Empire going and you have some durability sharing with the arrow catching shield and tactician with Lastwall Phalanx.
Looking forward to seeing everyone in action, it should be a good one.
Saya, since you have a ring of tactical precision as well, you can swap rings with Anyths for once of his feats while next to him. You might want to take a look and see which one you would like, I will assume you coordinate ahead of the mission and can have Anthys charge it as desired at the start.
Anthys |
Hmm... I could retrain the Greater Tactician teamwork feat gained at 9th from Escape Route to Coordinated Charge (which I didn't qualify for then, but do now).
Coordinated Charge could be a huge help for this party given Saya's abilities.
Anthys does not have amazing Initiative (I could maybe find ways to boost it a bit), but once his turn does come around he could share out that feat as a swift action, then Pounce (assuming Raging Song with Beast Totem), thereby triggering Pounce from everyone else.
Basically, we could all Pounce 2/round (once on our turns, once as an immediate action).
Escape Route is good too, but would Coordinated Charge be worth the swap?
I have a bunch of purchases I am considering, but I will wait for the rest of our group to check in. Depending on how much Druid our multiclassed Druid has, I may skip an Amulet of Natural Armor and instead get a couple of scrolls of Channel the Gift for Barkskin.
GM 7thGate |
That has some potential for incredible damage output. If you ever get a surprise round, you can delay/reorder so everyone full attacks, and could dimension door out so a few people could even charge the same target again, to double full attack. In the surprise round.
I like it. Just need someone with hellcat pounce to make things super silly.
Saya of Eledir |
Hi Saya and Sukit!
I remember you were in my Tapestry's Trial game Sukit, though with Lorian talking past most of the encounters your AC didn't get much of a workout. I suspect we'll get a bit more action in this one...though I'm not sure anything is going to have much of a chance hitting you. Especially if Saya's nearby.
I like the bodyguard build Saya, I had a character who built around aid other that worked as part of a fixed group with teamwork feats; he used Covering Fire to aid everyone's AC with ranged dagger attacks instead of bodyguard, but I recognized a lot of the items and traits and things reading through your sheet. Is that +10 AC from a AC Aid Other with Arcane Strike active?
Yes, its like that, The thing about Saya is that everytime i play her, i need to restudy her, but indeed since its a swift its very strange taht she is not able to put Arcane strike on ( Save inmediate actiosn turn )
Will need to study the numbers again by when the time comes
She actaully helps with AC in multiple forms, althought i've been doing more Str buffs rather than dex on the last games
Sorry for the late reply , been some hectic weeks.
Lunnette Moonshine |
Data on description and ready to go
Lunnette is a druid, oracle and sorcerer, a devotee of Calistra, she is decent healer that can keep you alive, but don't expect her to bring you back to full health with a single spell, so don't be reckless, her main asset is her oversized wasp El YAMA, a large size Wasp sporting a "luchador" mask for some reason, her buffs normally go to her wasp, but she carries a few scrolls that can help the party as well
Anthys |
Anthys will make a few purchases. Got a bunch of boons that I will mark off.
Prior total: 12,528.5
Cloak of Resistance +3 (8,100 with boon)
Armor to +2 (3,000)
Retraining Greater Tactician feat from Escape Route to Coordinated Charge (4 prestige and 400 GP thanks to boon)
Scroll of Channel the Gift x2 (2 PP, but free due to boon)
Total remaining: 1,028.5
GM 7thGate |
And we're off!
I put the google slides linked from my profile and the campaign description, please go ahead and fill out slide 2 with any tokens you need for yourself and animal companions/familiars, along with your init/perception/sense motive rolls.
Mostly looks good Lunnette, I just wanted to ask what are your Oracle mystery/curse/revelations are. Patrick, I think your character sheet isn't updated to level 10 yet, so please go ahead with that when able.
Saya of Eledir |
And we're off!
I put the google slides linked from my profile and the campaign description, please go ahead and fill out slide 2 with any tokens you need for yourself and animal companions/familiars, along with your init/perception/sense motive rolls.
Mostly looks good Lunnette, I just wanted to ask what are your Oracle mystery/curse/revelations are. Patrick, I think your character sheet isn't updated to level 10 yet, so please go ahead with that when able.
Hello. I tried to edit the information on the slide 2, and it doesn't allow me to change any of the text there. Could ypu please check that?
Or maybe i did something wrong. I cliked on the Player X and tried to edit, but it doens't allow me to overwrite.
Lunnette Moonshine |
And we're off!
I put the google slides linked from my profile and the campaign description, please go ahead and fill out slide 2 with any tokens you need for yourself and animal companions/familiars, along with your init/perception/sense motive rolls.
Mostly looks good Lunnette, I just wanted to ask what are your Oracle mystery/curse/revelations are. Patrick, I think your character sheet isn't updated to level 10 yet, so please go ahead with that when able.
Sure, Mistery is Life, Revelations are Channel positive energy and Life Link (I have extra revelation as a feat) and the curse is Covetous, Lunnette likes the good life
GM 7thGate |
The package is just for pathfinders. The caster will include your animal companion or familiar in the Planetary Adaptation spell at no extra charge, however, if you elect to get it.
GM 7thGate |
Yes, you can make any purchases you would like to make. The merchants have a full alchemical items stock to select from and can get you additional air crystals.
GM 7thGate |
Since this is a high level game, and there are a lot of possible buffs moving around, I put together a spreadsheet to track how much time is left on each of the buffs on each of you and to have a common place to review what buffs are on.
Buff durations are measured in minutes, and all of them are set to duration - time since start so we can track how much time is left.
GM 7thGate |
I missed that it was a 5 ft step, I thought it was a move. No AOO if it was a 5 ft, can remove that damage.
Reading the ability and cursed wound, I believe you would take the damage and the healing would fail. Cursed wounds doesn't stop the ability, it just prevents the healing from working. You will need to stop the life link until the cursed wound is fixed.
Lunnette Moonshine |
Not to start a discussion but... (sorry for doing so)
Life Link (Su): As a standard action, you may create a bond between yourself and another creature. Each round at the start of your turn, if the bonded creature is wounded for 5 or more hit points below its maximum hit points, it heals 5 hit points and you take 5 hit points of damage. You may have one bond active per oracle level. This bond continues until the bonded creature dies, you die, the distance between you and the other creature exceeds medium range, or you end it as an immediate action (if you have multiple bonds active, you may end as many as you want as part of the same immediate action).
Please see the part in bold, if he is not healing, then I believe I'm not taking damage, as per RAW, the healing comes first then the damage
Saya of Eledir |
On the current situation, are we able to try to heal or no?
Saya has CLW on her known spells. so at least it would be a worthy shot to try to heal the wasp a bit
She also carries scrolls of heal . but at this point that would be an overkill for the same CL and a UMD Check
Cah she try to cast the CLW then ?
GM 7thGate |
You can heal before moving on. Go for as many tries as you want to attempt, DC 26 Caster Level check to heal.
For Cursed Wound:
The damage a clay golem deals doesn’t heal naturally and resists magical healing. A character attempting to use magical healing on a creature damaged by a clay golem must succeed on a DC 26 caster level check, or the healing has no effect on the injured creature.
I'm reading this as:
it heals 5 hit points (which has no effect because of cursed wounds) and you take 5 hit points of damage.
There's nothing in the Cursed Wound ability that would stop other parts of a healing ability from working; a Heal spell would still fix status effects, for example, even if the caster level check failed and it wasn't able to heal the cursed wound.
Essentially the life energy is flowing through the link to try and close the wound but is just dispersed by the curse instead of healing it.
Lunnette Moonshine |
You can heal before moving on. Go for as many tries as you want to attempt, DC 26 Caster Level check to heal.
For Cursed Wound:
The damage a clay golem deals doesn’t heal naturally and resists magical healing. A character attempting to use magical healing on a creature damaged by a clay golem must succeed on a DC 26 caster level check, or the healing has no effect on the injured creature.I'm reading this as:
it heals 5 hit points (which has no effect because of cursed wounds) and you take 5 hit points of damage.There's nothing in the Cursed Wound ability that would stop other parts of a healing ability from working; a Heal spell would still fix status effects, for example, even if the caster level check failed and it wasn't able to heal the cursed wound.
Essentially the life energy is flowing through the link to try and close the wound but is just dispersed by the curse instead of healing it.
That's awfully convenient against the player, I don't like it one bit, but I'll run with your ruling, I don't want to held the game.
Not sure if a remove curse will help patrick, its not mentioned anywhere as well
GM 7thGate |
I really don't like the way the cursed wound ability written, I think it's suffering from not being translated well with some of the Pathfinder changes from 3.5. it's also just a weird ability. Like, why is this ex instead of supernatural?
For remove curse, there's a few weird things happening that need a ruling. First, it has curse in the name and behaves like a curse, but doesn't say it's a curse effect in the description, which most curses do. It also doesn't have a saving throw or follow the usual curse template.
I'm with fine with ruling it is a curse effect based on the name, which leads into the next question, which is what is the DC to remove it? There's no save so it doesn't have a defined DC to make the check against. Does that mean it should automatically succeed, automatically fail, or use some default like the golems HD?
3.5, where this ability was written did not have a CL check on remove curse by default, so it would have automatically succeeded. I am going to go with this option.
You can use remove curse, and it will automatically pass the CL check due to not having a saving throw.
GM 7thGate |
There's also the question of whether its the wounds themselves that can't be healed or all healing for any wound. It is implied it should be the wounds themselves but read strictly it would apply to any healing for any wound as long as the creature has taken damage from the golem.
Pathfinder 2e defined this ability much better (it has the same ability, since it was reimplementing the creature as its been done in every edition since AD&D); in that system its explictly a curse effect, it has a saving throw, it affects any healing as opposed to just the damage from the golem, and the counteract level check is defined.
Saya of Eledir |
I'll be into heavy traveling over the next two weeks, I will try to check forums at night when i return to hotel .
This would be particualrly dificult next mojnday and thrusday that is when the traveling takes part on next week.
Just inc ase you need to bot Saya.
Lunnette Moonshine |
Slightly confused on why YAMA is prone if he was flying above the Earth elemental...even if I fail the fly check he wouldn't land (which he can't since its a DC 10 and he has 15) he will just drop 10 feet and if he was flying above the elemental he was at least 15 ft high (20 since I was using the high ground +1)
Lunnette Moonshine |
I believe it's a function of the Awesome Blow feat. Automatically knocks you prone if it beats your CMD.
Now explain how a flying creature not touching the ground is prone, YAMA was flying at least 15 feet from the ground, Awesome blow pushes you 10 feet there is no way YAMA is touching the ground to fall prone.. makes no sense at all
By definition, prone is: The character is lying on the ground. A prone attacker has a –4 penalty on melee attack rolls and cannot use a ranged weapon (except for a crossbow). A prone defender gains a +4 bonus to Armor Class against ranged attacks, but takes a –4 penalty to AC against melee attacks.
Standing up is a move-equivalent action that provokes an attack of opportunity.
But there is no way YAMA can be "lying on the ground"
GM 7thGate |
Reading more into it, I am fine with ruling that flying should prevent the prone. Pathfinder seems to use immune to trip in a lot of places it probably should instead have immunity to prone, which isn't a thing as far as I can tell; if not read as equivalent, awesome blow could also make a gelatinous cube prone, for example.
El Yama can stay flying and non-prone.
GM 7thGate |
They do not, I'll get the damage tracking corrected, sorry for forgetting stoneskin.