GM Ilmakis' #6-00: Salt of the Ocean [Gameday XIII]

Game Master Ilmakis

RPG Chronicles
Slides Game

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Please Dot.

Envoy's Alliance

Human Bard 3| HP 28/32| Fort +5 Ref +10 Will +8 | AC 20 | Perc +8 | Focus Pt 1/3| Hero Pt 1| Bard Spells 2/3 0/2

A lone Isgeri woman steps into the room, seemingly the first one to arrive. She finds a place to sit and leans her bow against the wall, running her finger along the taut string as she lets go. A few moments later, she starts to tap her foot - impatient to start and awaiting the next to arrive.

Horizon Hunters

Male Catfolk Monk 3 (Pirate) | HP 44/44 | AC 21 | F +9, R +11, W +7 | Perc +5, low-light vision, Pilgrim’s Token | Speed 35 | Default Exploration: Avoid Notice (+9) | Hero Points: 1/3 (Cat's Luck 1/1) | Active Conditions: none | ◆◇↺

A tawny-colored catfolk arrives, walking with the rolling gait of a veteran sailor. He is dressed in garish pirate’s garb, including a tricorn hat atop his dark-maned head. He wears no armor, and has no obvious weapons other than a bandolier of darts across his chest, and the rune-bearing cloths wrapped around his hands. A wayfinder hangs from a chain around his neck, and a butterfly carved from driftwood is fastened to a sash tied around his waist.

He touches a pair of fingers to the brim of his tricorn in a lazy salute, and drawls, ”Ahoy, my good Pathfinder! Coracle Jibbs, at yer service.”

Radiant Oath

2396852-2004 | NG Male Wellspring Gnome Entertainer Sorcerer 4 | Maestro Bard Dedication | Spells: -/3/4 | Focus: 1/1 | ◆◇↺ | HP 40/40 | AC 17 (18 w/Shield) | F/R/W: 8/7/9 | Perc +7 low-light | 25 feet | Class/Spell DC 20 | Hero Point: 1/3 | Exploration Activity: Detect Magic | Performance (Comedy): +11, Deception/Diplomacy/Performance/Intimidation: +10, Nature(E): +9, Medicine/Occultism: +7, Acrobatics, Lore (Herbalism/Theater): +5 |

A happy-go-lucky gnome enters the room. "Greetings and well met! Gnimishmeijinomu, at your service." Seeing the blank stares of the other two, he adds, "Oh, but you can call me Gnimish for short"

Gnimish is my second PFS 2e character. I wanted a pure caster so here we are... :)

Horizon Hunters

N male (he/him) vishkanya magus 3 HP 38/38 | AC 20 | F +8 R +9 W +7 | Perc +5 | speed 25 ft | focus 1/1| Hero 0 | Active Conditions: |

A nervous looking young man takes notes about each of you as you arrive, using what looks like a combination wizard's tome and reporter's notebook. A staff is strapped across his back.

"Erm, hello! What an interesting group. This is going to make an excellent story--details changed a bit, of course, not to worry about becoming inadvertently famous!"

Radiant Oath

Male Kobold Swashbuckler 4 - HP 50/50, AC 21 - Perception +8 - F +9/ R +12/ W +8 - Speed: 30 - Hero Points: 0/1

Good deeds'll get us in the Pathfinder Chronicles anyway, no? says a newly-arrived dark-scaled kobold. Or would that only make us famous amongst a small slice of archivists and fans?

The kobold checks his belt to make sure his hammer and daggers are properly secured before nodding to the others. Chirrit Vuthaner, at your service and pleased to meet you! Chirrit looks around. Quite a lot of Pathfinders around today. Did any of the captains give you a heads up as to what so many of us are doing here? Or is Heidmarch running today's gathering?

Venture-Captain, Online PBP


You may begin the Introduction: Into the Storm now!

Good luck, and have fun!

Table GMs, please begin the Introduction

Envoy's Alliance

Human Bard 3| HP 28/32| Fort +5 Ref +10 Will +8 | AC 20 | Perc +8 | Focus Pt 1/3| Hero Pt 1| Bard Spells 2/3 0/2

"Huh, well hello everyone. I am Keriassa of Isger - proclaimer of the deeds of Erastil, but you can call me Keri for short."

As she sees others starting to stir, she stands up and grabs her bow.

"It looks like we are going to find out why they invited us here..."


The briny smell of the ocean fills the air, mingling with the scents of tar, fish, and unwashed bodies. The docks teem with stevedores, sailors, pirates, and Pathfinders making their way toward a massive galleon that dwarfs the other vessels in the harbor. A carved dragon head juts defiantly from the front of the ship, and several smaller jolly boats hang from its side. A flag bearing the Glyph of the Open Road flaps in the wind, and a name painted in bold letters on the ship’s stern proclaims it the Snapdragon.

You are in Quent, the second-largest settlement in the Shackles, which is ruled by Tessa Fairwind, the pirate nation’s Hurricane Queen herself.

Feel free to finish your presentation, everyone starts with 1 Hero Point and I let you decide which ones of you get the bonus HP from other players :)
Let's have FUN together!

Horizon Hunters

Male Catfolk Monk 3 (Pirate) | HP 44/44 | AC 21 | F +9, R +11, W +7 | Perc +5, low-light vision, Pilgrim’s Token | Speed 35 | Default Exploration: Avoid Notice (+9) | Hero Points: 1/3 (Cat's Luck 1/1) | Active Conditions: none | ◆◇↺

"We be in the Shackles, mates. Any destination from here promises an adventure," Coracle says cheerfully. Then he catches sight of where the mob of Pathfinders is headed, and grins toothily. "Now that is a magnificent ship. Wherever we're goiing, we be traveling in style."

Radiant Oath

[GDXIII S06-00] [R] Male Venomtail Kobold Outwit Ranger 3 / Pirate | Sailor | HP 42/42 w Toughness, AC 20 w Studded Leather Armor (+1 vs Prey’s Attacks; +2 w Steel Shield raised or ↺ Command vs water creatures; ↺ Cringe), Fortitude** +8, Reflex** +11, Will** +7, Perception** +7 (darkvision), Stealth* +9 | Speed 25 ft. | Exploration Activity Defend | Active Conditions --- | ◆◇↺

"Arr! I be Schek Nek.. Jus' call me Schek!" A kobold with a greenish hue strides forward, puffin' out his chest as he makes his grand entrance. He scans the skies. "Aye, the weather be fair," he says, and checks his gears to be ready for the mission.

Horizon Hunters

N male (he/him) vishkanya magus 3 HP 38/38 | AC 20 | F +8 R +9 W +7 | Perc +5 | speed 25 ft | focus 1/1| Hero 0 | Active Conditions: |

"What an atmospheric setting! Let's...buckle our swashes on the high seas!" Jig looks over the Snapdragon, taking note of the details on the bow.

Horizon Hunters

Male Catfolk Monk 3 (Pirate) | HP 44/44 | AC 21 | F +9, R +11, W +7 | Perc +5, low-light vision, Pilgrim’s Token | Speed 35 | Default Exploration: Avoid Notice (+9) | Hero Points: 1/3 (Cat's Luck 1/1) | Active Conditions: none | ◆◇↺

"Sorry I'm late, boss," a gnome woman in plain sailor's clothes says, a bit out of breath as she hurries to catch up to the catfolk.

"Not quite late," Coracle replies, smirking. "Lucky for you. Again. You like living up to that nickname, don't you?"

The gnome shrugs in a what can you say to that way, then waves to the others near her employer. "Hi, I'm Lucky. I'm here to help Mr. Jibbs whenever he needs someone less threatening to make friends. And to make sure he doesn't get cheated at cards."

Lucky is Coracle's Hireling. She's trained in Diplomacy and Games Lore.

Venture-Captain, Online PBP


"Quiet down!" Venture-Captain Calisro Benarry hollers, her voice cutting through the din and drawing all eyes to the quarterdeck. She’s joined by Venture-Captain Eando Kline, who grimaces as a third figure joins them. The newcomer’s face bears a sly smile, as if she’s laughing at something only she knows.

"Welcome to Quent." Eando calls out. He gestures to the smiling aiuvarin woman at his side. "We’re here at the invitation of the Hurricane Queen, Tessa Fairwind, who brought a discovery of some interest to Calisro."

"Sure," Tessa interrupts with a grin and a glance at the Venture-Captain. "I know Callie recently left the Grinning Pixie, so I assumed she was just sitting around with nothing to do. I wanted to help a friend out with a possible adventure."

"I do just fine, thank you," Calisro shoots back, before turning her attention back to the Pathfinders on deck. "Tessa brought us a report from some of her scouts about a shipwreck in the Eye of Abendego. They didn’t stop to investigate—Tessa failed to mention why exactly they were in such a rush—but they noticed a Pathfinder flag flying from the mast."

Eando continues. "Now, we haven’t sent any missions into the hurricane recently, and happily we don’t have any reports of missing Pathfinder ships. So that led us into the archive. We think this ship might be the Whippoorwill. For those of you who haven’t been studying your Chronicles, the Whippoorwill was one of our very first ventures, from the first 10 years of the Society. Venture-Captain Kimma Atyi led her crew to investigate an island with strange architecture. Unfortunately, we lost touch with her in 4316 ar, and—"

"If Kimma was anything like Callie as a sailor, no surprise." Tessa interrupts again, leaving Eando gritting his teeth. The Hurricane Queen laughs before giving way to the Vigilant Seal’s leader once more.

"As I was saying, they were eventually given up for lost."

"She probably ran into Abendego’s Squall," Tessa says, sounding a touch more serious.

"Or some other mythical sea monster," says Calisro. "At any rate, because of the historic significance of this mission and the dangers of sailing into the Eye of Abendego, we’re marshaling all our forces. The Snapdragon here is the Society’s largest, most durable vessel. She’s not as pretty as my usual ship, but she can hold more people and will see everyone safely through the storm."

"As long as you don’t sail her into some rocks!" Tessa gibes.

Calisro takes a deep breath. "We’ll be fine. As I was saying, this will be a dangerous mission into the teeth of the storm, so we understand if anyone chooses to return to the docks right now."

"There’s no need to worry though, Pathfinders," Tessa says, pulling a pearl from her pouch. "I have duties here in Quent, but I’m sending some of my pirates with you to show Callie where to go. They can take over too if she falls overboard. I’m also loaning her my magical pearl of depths. That way, when she inevitably sinks the Snapdragon, you can breathe underwater long enough to swim to safety!" With those final mocking words, she saunters off the gangplank.

As sailors start casting off lines, Eando calls out. [b]"We’ll be underway in moments, Pathfinders, so if you have any questions, now’s the time to ask.

Table GMs, please begin Act 1

Radiant Oath

Male Kobold Swashbuckler 4 - HP 50/50, AC 21 - Perception +8 - F +9/ R +12/ W +8 - Speed: 30 - Hero Points: 0/1

So, a salvage mission for a centuries-lost craft. Chirrit nods as he takes in the announcement. Sounds daring.

Horizon Hunters

N male (he/him) vishkanya magus 3 HP 38/38 | AC 20 | F +8 R +9 W +7 | Perc +5 | speed 25 ft | focus 1/1| Hero 0 | Active Conditions: |

"Very daring! And with pirates. People love pirates," Jig notes excitedly as he makes notes in a well-used journal.

Horizon Hunters

Male Catfolk Monk 3 (Pirate) | HP 44/44 | AC 21 | F +9, R +11, W +7 | Perc +5, low-light vision, Pilgrim’s Token | Speed 35 | Default Exploration: Avoid Notice (+9) | Hero Points: 1/3 (Cat's Luck 1/1) | Active Conditions: none | ◆◇↺

Coracle bristles in indignation at Tessa Fairwind's very public and petty jabs at Calisro Benarry, who he looks up to both his faction leader and as a justly famed sailor. It's not until the Hurricane Queen departs that he gives his full attention to considering the audacity of their mission: to sail into the Eye of Abendego itself!

"Aye, they do," the catfolk says to Jig with a wink. "So be sure to say a good deal about yours truly in your story."

He then asks Kline and Benarry if they would have a use for another trained sailor on the outward voyage. He seems eager to help man a craft as large and impressive as the Snapdragon.

Radiant Oath

2396852-2004 | NG Male Wellspring Gnome Entertainer Sorcerer 4 | Maestro Bard Dedication | Spells: -/3/4 | Focus: 1/1 | ◆◇↺ | HP 40/40 | AC 17 (18 w/Shield) | F/R/W: 8/7/9 | Perc +7 low-light | 25 feet | Class/Spell DC 20 | Hero Point: 1/3 | Exploration Activity: Detect Magic | Performance (Comedy): +11, Deception/Diplomacy/Performance/Intimidation: +10, Nature(E): +9, Medicine/Occultism: +7, Acrobatics, Lore (Herbalism/Theater): +5 |

"Sounds intriguing! I was sent to recover an old ship called Yesterday's Tide some months back."


Added a handout to the Slides, though the same information is below.

There seem to be a few different potential tasks that could use Pathfinders' attention. What would this team like to address first?

  • Sailing Mission 1: All Hands on Deck (Skill Challenge)
  • Sailing Mission 2: Loose Lips Sink Ships (Puzzle)
  • Sailing Mission 3: Headwinds and Windfalls (Social Skills)
  • Sailing Mission 4: Win Some and Flotsam (Skill Challenge)
  • Sailing Mission 5: Red Sky in the Morning (Hazard)

    As there are still a few days of sailing left, the team should have plenty of time to rest between tasks.

    Anyone else who wants to see if they can Recall any relevant Knowledge can post their Nature or Society bonus, or an easier check if they have a relevant Lore skill (such as Sailing Lore or Shackles Lore) to remember pertinent details about the Eye of Abendego.

  • Horizon Hunters

    N male (he/him) vishkanya magus 3 HP 38/38 | AC 20 | F +8 R +9 W +7 | Perc +5 | speed 25 ft | focus 1/1| Hero 0 | Active Conditions: |

    Nature +5 and Society +8

    "Lots to do around here, I'm sure many hands will make short work."

    More of a skills guy, but I have no preference on mission.

    Radiant Oath

    Male Kobold Swashbuckler 4 - HP 50/50, AC 21 - Perception +8 - F +9/ R +12/ W +8 - Speed: 30 - Hero Points: 0/1

    Friendly competition could keep spirits up along the way. offers Chirrit as several hours out of port the kobold is already getting stir-crazy. Though I've seen morale get low from idle gossip before, and missions go down with it.

    OK with any of them, but between descriptor and name would probably vote for Mission 4 (Win Some and Flotsam) or 2 (Loose Lips) first.

    Horizon Hunters

    Male Catfolk Monk 3 (Pirate) | HP 44/44 | AC 21 | F +9, R +11, W +7 | Perc +5, low-light vision, Pilgrim’s Token | Speed 35 | Default Exploration: Avoid Notice (+9) | Hero Points: 1/3 (Cat's Luck 1/1) | Active Conditions: none | ◆◇↺

    Sailing Lore +5

    Coracle is mostly trained in physical skills, plus Intimidate, Survival, and a few Lores. His hireling can contribute Diplomacy. Most interested in 1 & 4, least in 2.

    Radiant Oath

    [GDXIII S06-00] [R] Male Venomtail Kobold Outwit Ranger 3 / Pirate | Sailor | HP 42/42 w Toughness, AC 20 w Studded Leather Armor (+1 vs Prey’s Attacks; +2 w Steel Shield raised or ↺ Command vs water creatures; ↺ Cringe), Fortitude** +8, Reflex** +11, Will** +7, Perception** +7 (darkvision), Stealth* +9 | Speed 25 ft. | Exploration Activity Defend | Active Conditions --- | ◆◇↺

    Sailing Lore +7 to Recall Knowledge about Eye of Abednego.
    I agree with Win Some Flotsam and Loose Lips

    Radiant Oath

    2396852-2004 | NG Male Wellspring Gnome Entertainer Sorcerer 4 | Maestro Bard Dedication | Spells: -/3/4 | Focus: 1/1 | ◆◇↺ | HP 40/40 | AC 17 (18 w/Shield) | F/R/W: 8/7/9 | Perc +7 low-light | 25 feet | Class/Spell DC 20 | Hero Point: 1/3 | Exploration Activity: Detect Magic | Performance (Comedy): +11, Deception/Diplomacy/Performance/Intimidation: +10, Nature(E): +9, Medicine/Occultism: +7, Acrobatics, Lore (Herbalism/Theater): +5 |

    Nature +9

    Gnimish is more on Social Skills

    Envoy's Alliance

    Human Bard 3| HP 28/32| Fort +5 Ref +10 Will +8 | AC 20 | Perc +8 | Focus Pt 1/3| Hero Pt 1| Bard Spells 2/3 0/2

    No pertinent skills and ok with any order...

    #6-00 ACTUAL MAP

    GM Rolls:
    JChCSG: 5d20 ⇒ (18, 20, 17, 12, 16) = 83

    Between you, you remember that The hurricane is known to house sea monsters, air elementals, and aquatic undead. There’s also been a recent surge in demonic forces around the Eye of Abendego. How deep these forces go, where they’re coming from, and why they’re gathering are unknown.
    The Eye of Abendego is a massive hurricane that formed off the western coast of Garund following Aroden’s death. It destroyed the nations of Lirgen and Yamasa, forming the Sodden Lands. Despite the fact it can easily smash a ship to pieces, Shackles pirates use it to ambush passing merchants or flee pursuers.

    #6-00 ACTUAL MAP

    Sailor overboard! rings out a cry from the lookout, pointing from his perch in the crow’s nest. The alarm provokes an immediate reaction as Calisro orders the helmsman to swing the ship in that direction, where a sodden figure clings to a piece of floating wreckage. Looking around, the venture- captain calls out. Pathfinders, we’ll get as close as we can, but we only have one chance in this storm! Save that sailor! If you have to, make some tethers and fish that flotsam out of the water!

    You see Mogwenni lying on a crate of supplies, slipping in and out of consciousness. You must act quickly if you want to rescue her as she passes within 30 feet of the Snapdragon!

    Each PC can take one main action (such as casting a spell, Aiding another PC, or using the Craft a Tether or Snag the Wreckage actions, which follow), while freely moving on the deck, drawing, or passing equipment, etc. PCs should go in order but can determine the order in each round.

    CRAFT A TETHER [one-action]
    You use rope and other items to create a tether. Doing so requires an Easy Crafting, Survival, or Thievery check. Critical Success The well-made tether grants a +1 circumstance bonus to rolls to Snag the Wreckage.
    Success: The PC successfully makes a tether.
    Critical Failure The PC tangles the lines. The next attempt to Craft a Tether takes a –2 item penalty.

    SNAG THE WRECKAGE [one-action]
    Once the PCs have a tether, they must attach it to the wreckage with an attack roll against an Average DC. Treat the tether as a simple thrown weapon, but allow PCs to be creative; for instance, allowing a spell attack roll if they have telekinetic projectile or an impulse attack roll with an air blast or Weapon Infusion.
    Success The PC successfully attaches the tether.
    Failure The PC fails but can use the tether in another attempt. Critical Failure The PC loses the tether in the ocean.

    #6-00 ACTUAL MAP

    ROUND 1 (bold may act)

    Envoy's Alliance

    Human Bard 3| HP 28/32| Fort +5 Ref +10 Will +8 | AC 20 | Perc +8 | Focus Pt 1/3| Hero Pt 1| Bard Spells 2/3 0/2

    "Here we can use this!" Keri yells, deftly unweaving a piece of the rigging.

    Craft a tether

    Survival check: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26

    Horizon Hunters

    Male Catfolk Monk 3 (Pirate) | HP 44/44 | AC 21 | F +9, R +11, W +7 | Perc +5, low-light vision, Pilgrim’s Token | Speed 35 | Default Exploration: Avoid Notice (+9) | Hero Points: 1/3 (Cat's Luck 1/1) | Active Conditions: none | ◆◇↺

    "Sharply done!" Coracle says, impressed by Keriassa's quick work. He promptly takes hold of the tether and aims for the flotsam.

    Snag the Wreckage
    ranged attack: 1d20 + 9 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 9 + 1 = 20 (including +1 for Keri's crit success Crafting a Tether)

    Radiant Oath

    Male Kobold Swashbuckler 4 - HP 50/50, AC 21 - Perception +8 - F +9/ R +12/ W +8 - Speed: 30 - Hero Points: 0/1

    Aye! Chirrit yells, trying to adjust his language to get in the spirit of the thing. Good tieing, good throw! I think

    Uncertain if that wreckage was properly snagged by Coracle

    If not:

    Chirrit races up next to Coracle and quickly pulls back Keri's creation before giving it another toss.

    ranged to Snag: 1d20 + 10 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 10 + 1 = 30

    Horizon Hunters

    N male (he/him) vishkanya magus 3 HP 38/38 | AC 20 | F +8 R +9 W +7 | Perc +5 | speed 25 ft | focus 1/1| Hero 0 | Active Conditions: |

    Jig ties a rope to one of his arrows and fires it into the wreckage.

    arrowed!: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13

    It splashes into the sea!

    Radiant Oath

    [GDXIII S06-00] [R] Male Venomtail Kobold Outwit Ranger 3 / Pirate | Sailor | HP 42/42 w Toughness, AC 20 w Studded Leather Armor (+1 vs Prey’s Attacks; +2 w Steel Shield raised or ↺ Command vs water creatures; ↺ Cringe), Fortitude** +8, Reflex** +11, Will** +7, Perception** +7 (darkvision), Stealth* +9 | Speed 25 ft. | Exploration Activity Defend | Active Conditions --- | ◆◇↺

    Schek creates another tether, just in case they need more.
    Survival: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23

    "Here, take this another one and throw it to them!"

    Radiant Oath

    2396852-2004 | NG Male Wellspring Gnome Entertainer Sorcerer 4 | Maestro Bard Dedication | Spells: -/3/4 | Focus: 1/1 | ◆◇↺ | HP 40/40 | AC 17 (18 w/Shield) | F/R/W: 8/7/9 | Perc +7 low-light | 25 feet | Class/Spell DC 20 | Hero Point: 1/3 | Exploration Activity: Detect Magic | Performance (Comedy): +11, Deception/Diplomacy/Performance/Intimidation: +10, Nature(E): +9, Medicine/Occultism: +7, Acrobatics, Lore (Herbalism/Theater): +5 |

    Gnimish immediately grabs Schek's tether with his mind and hurls it at the wreckage.

    Snag the Tether, TKP: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (12) + 10 = 22

    Hope that hits!

    #6-00 ACTUAL MAP

    Keriassa and Schek both are able to craft a tehter that Gnim and Coracle are able to secure on Mogwenni's makeshift raft.

    Now that she's secure, you can try to get back her cargo's raft bu doing the same!

    ROUND 2 (bold may act)

    Radiant Oath

    2396852-2004 | NG Male Wellspring Gnome Entertainer Sorcerer 4 | Maestro Bard Dedication | Spells: -/3/4 | Focus: 1/1 | ◆◇↺ | HP 40/40 | AC 17 (18 w/Shield) | F/R/W: 8/7/9 | Perc +7 low-light | 25 feet | Class/Spell DC 20 | Hero Point: 1/3 | Exploration Activity: Detect Magic | Performance (Comedy): +11, Deception/Diplomacy/Performance/Intimidation: +10, Nature(E): +9, Medicine/Occultism: +7, Acrobatics, Lore (Herbalism/Theater): +5 |

    Gnimish attempts to lasso the raft.

    TKP: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (10) + 10 = 20

    Radiant Oath

    Male Kobold Swashbuckler 4 - HP 50/50, AC 21 - Perception +8 - F +9/ R +12/ W +8 - Speed: 30 - Hero Points: 0/1

    Hold on there Gnimish Chirrit yells as they quickly try knotting some ropes together. Let's give you something solid to throw!

    Thievery to Craft Tether: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (12) + 10 = 22

    #6-00 ACTUAL MAP

    Chirit and Gnimish works together to attach a Tether to secure Mogwenni's cargo's raft.

    But the raft still need more tether to secure it!

    ROUND 2 (bold may act)


    Horizon Hunters

    N male (he/him) vishkanya magus 3 HP 38/38 | AC 20 | F +8 R +9 W +7 | Perc +5 | speed 25 ft | focus 1/1| Hero 0 | Active Conditions: |

    Assuming some else can craft a tether.

    Jig throws a tether out onto the cargo raft.

    ranged attack: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (17) + 9 = 26

    Horizon Hunters

    Male Catfolk Monk 3 (Pirate) | HP 44/44 | AC 21 | F +9, R +11, W +7 | Perc +5, low-light vision, Pilgrim’s Token | Speed 35 | Default Exploration: Avoid Notice (+9) | Hero Points: 1/3 (Cat's Luck 1/1) | Active Conditions: none | ◆◇↺

    Coracle attempts to craft a tether for Jig.

    Survival: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17

    Radiant Oath

    [GDXIII S06-00] [R] Male Venomtail Kobold Outwit Ranger 3 / Pirate | Sailor | HP 42/42 w Toughness, AC 20 w Studded Leather Armor (+1 vs Prey’s Attacks; +2 w Steel Shield raised or ↺ Command vs water creatures; ↺ Cringe), Fortitude** +8, Reflex** +11, Will** +7, Perception** +7 (darkvision), Stealth* +9 | Speed 25 ft. | Exploration Activity Defend | Active Conditions --- | ◆◇↺

    Schek creates another tether and gives it to someone that can snag it on the drifting cargo.
    Survival: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11
    Hero Point! Survival: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22

    "Here, take this another as well!"

    Venture-Captain, Online PBP


    Calisro calls out from the quarterdeck, standing proudly against the gale and driving rain. “Pathfinders, we’ve found a path through the storm, and we’re making good time!”

    Table GMs, we have Fair Winds and Following Seas.

    Envoy's Alliance

    Human Bard 3| HP 28/32| Fort +5 Ref +10 Will +8 | AC 20 | Perc +8 | Focus Pt 1/3| Hero Pt 1| Bard Spells 2/3 0/2

    Keri will try to toss another tether (if we have one)...

    Cast Sure Strike

    ranged attack: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10
    ranged attack: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25

    #6-00 ACTUAL MAP

    Working together, Schek and Keriassa are able to secure a second tether to get Mogwenni's cargo raft!

    Good Job! It's a success!

    Mogwenni tells you to keep the contents of the case as a reward for saving her. Several (labeled) bottles survived the crate’s voyage, including two elixirs of life ( lesser), two lesser antidotes, and two lesser sea touch elixirs.

    Fair Winds and Following Seas: The ship has avoided the worst of the hurricane’s wrath, making life easier for all aboard. All PCs gain a +1 circumstance bonus to all skill checks in their next Sailing Mission.

    #6-00 ACTUAL MAP

    Which mission next?

    Radiant Oath

    Male Kobold Swashbuckler 4 - HP 50/50, AC 21 - Perception +8 - F +9/ R +12/ W +8 - Speed: 30 - Hero Points: 0/1

    Hey, you would've done the same Chirrit says to Mogwenni while still accepting the gear :)

    1d3 ⇒ 3

    Chirrit votes for Mission #3: Headwinds (the Social one) next

    Radiant Oath

    2396852-2004 | NG Male Wellspring Gnome Entertainer Sorcerer 4 | Maestro Bard Dedication | Spells: -/3/4 | Focus: 1/1 | ◆◇↺ | HP 40/40 | AC 17 (18 w/Shield) | F/R/W: 8/7/9 | Perc +7 low-light | 25 feet | Class/Spell DC 20 | Hero Point: 1/3 | Exploration Activity: Detect Magic | Performance (Comedy): +11, Deception/Diplomacy/Performance/Intimidation: +10, Nature(E): +9, Medicine/Occultism: +7, Acrobatics, Lore (Herbalism/Theater): +5 |

    Gnimish's social skills are stronger, so he'll opt for that one as well...

    Horizon Hunters

    Male Catfolk Monk 3 (Pirate) | HP 44/44 | AC 21 | F +9, R +11, W +7 | Perc +5, low-light vision, Pilgrim’s Token | Speed 35 | Default Exploration: Avoid Notice (+9) | Hero Points: 1/3 (Cat's Luck 1/1) | Active Conditions: none | ◆◇↺

    Not picky, and prefer to keep things moving along, so #3 is fine with me.

    #6-00 ACTUAL MAP

    The Snapdragon suddenly lurches as a violent crosswind hits it broadside. Eando grimaces as he tries to see through the raging storm. Pathfinders, he calls out, gesturing up to the rigging. It looks like there’s some sort of elemental up there. Go see what it wants, and if you can get it to go bother some other ship!

    As you approach, the gigantic elementals speaks.

    Ahoy, pirates! I hope thou hast made thy tithes to Besmara, because thou art about to meet thy foul mistress! a booming voice calls out. Whirling winds form multiple humanoids, which cluster together as electricity crackles between them. Thou canst tell her that Wshallo—herald of Ranginori, the Zephyrous Prince—didst send thou there as punishment for thy foul behavior, the stormy figures call out in unison. Declare unto the Pirate Queen that her perfidious pirates shalt no longer be allowed to roam the Eye of Abendego, for the Duke of Thunder claims this territory!

    Over 2 rounds you need to convince the elemental that you are not pirates! You can use deception, diplomacy or intimidation.

    ROUND 1 (bold may act)

    Horizon Hunters

    N male (he/him) vishkanya magus 3 HP 38/38 | AC 20 | F +8 R +9 W +7 | Perc +5 | speed 25 ft | focus 1/1| Hero 0 | Active Conditions: |

    "Oh, Wshallo! Good to see you again. I'm surprised that you don't remember us," Jig lies through his teeth. "Why, we're the very Pathfinders that helped to free your master, Ranginori! Probably easy to mistake us for pirates, so no hard feelings! We are very dashing."

    Deception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23

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