Gameday XIII - Pathfinder Society Scenario #2: The Hydra's Fang Incident

Game Master Shadow Dragon

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”Lem” | Male CG Small Halfling Bard 1 | HP 11/11 | AC 15, T 13, FF 13 | CMD 10| F +3 R +5 W +3; +2 vs. fear | Init +2 | Perc +2 | Speed 20ft | Spells 1st 2/2 | Bardic Performance 0/8 | Active Conditions: None.

Pip tries to take the first rope up, following the silver-tongued Avi, ”I’m comin, these short legs are surprisingly just as terrible at helping me climb as you would think.”

Take 10: 10 + 1 = 11

If no Take 10:
Climb: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

Yes take 10 is allowed.

Nails makes another solid throw as the grappling hook connects with the railing giving the group two paths up to the [i[Hydra's Fang[/i].

As Avi reaches the top one of the brigands sees him and says, "Hey you're not one of the crew - he just impersonated Bubba!"

Avi sees: Thick coils of rope, block and tackle, cleats, and other assorted objects, along with hatches and slightly raised cabins, effectively make the deck into an obstacle course.

And the fight is ON!


Ini Avi: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19
Ini Nails: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11
Init Pip: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8
Init Andros: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8
Init Brigands!: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
Init Fancy Brigand?: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10

I updated the map. There is not that much stuff on the deck of the ship; there wasn't a map in the scenario. Although the text states the deck is an "obstacle course" it does not list any movement issues. I'm going to say that the stairs are stairs and thus follow those rules. Enough items are on the deck to prevent run actions. Given the speed difference between Avi and Pip, Pip would still be climbing the rope. Since Pip elected to follow Avi uo the first rope it leaves the second rope available for Nails or Andros to climb next.

Round 1 - All Aboard?
Fancy Brigand?

Avi is up!

Dark Archive

LN Dwarf Monk 3 | Mods: Combat Reflexes, Sky Sentinel | HP 30 (-12) | AC/Tch/FF 16/15/14 | CMD 19 | F/R/W +9/+7/+7 (+4 v. spells/spell-like, +2 v. poisons) | Speed 30ft | Ki Points: NA, Stunning Fist 0/3 | +2 Star Folio Re-Roll 1/1, Enduring Scholar (+2) 1/1 | Perc: +7 (DV), SM: +7 | Init: +2

Nails attempts to scurry the crap up the second rope after he hears the bluff has failed.

Accelerated Climb (trait makes penalty -2) first 15 ft: 1d20 + 6 - 2 ⇒ (9) + 6 - 2 = 13
Accelerated Climb (trait makes penalty -2) second 15 ft: 1d20 + 6 - 2 ⇒ (6) + 6 - 2 = 10

Nails looks more monkey than monk as he shimmies up the rope!

Nails is at the top of the railing!

The Concordance

male ganzi sorcerer (mongrel mage) 4 | ♥️26 | ⛨15 t13 ff13; Mage armor ⛨18 t13 ff16 | Resist acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5, fire 5, sonic 5 | CMB 2, CMD 15 | F +4, R +4, W +5; +2 vs. polymorph effects | Init +6 | Perception +0; darkvision 60ft, low-light vision | Speed 30ft | Spells ☐☐☐☐☐☐☐1st ☑☐☐☐2nd | Starsoul bloodline: minute meteors☑☑☑☑☑☑☑ | mongrel reservoir☑☑☑☑☑☑☐ | acid arrow☑ | Active conditions: none

Bubba sends his regards...

[standard] Cast Spell-Like Abilities acid arrow vs PINK
Ranged touch PINK, acid damage: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 92d4 ⇒ (1, 4) = 5
If successful, the acid lasts one more round for another 2d4

After he hops to a box further away so his time can climb aboard the ship.

[move] 5ft

Avi's acid arrow misses the mark and sizzles against the deck.

The fancy-dressed brigand gasps and swoons and sprints away!

Pip and Andros are UP!

”Lem” | Male CG Small Halfling Bard 1 | HP 11/11 | AC 15, T 13, FF 13 | CMD 10| F +3 R +5 W +3; +2 vs. fear | Init +2 | Perc +2 | Speed 20ft | Spells 1st 2/2 | Bardic Performance 0/8 | Active Conditions: None.

Pip climbs. Maybe.

Climb 5 ft: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10
Climb 5 ft: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 1 = 18

Pip Muzak wrote:

Pip climbs. Maybe.

[dice=Climb 5 ft]d20+1
[dice=Climb 5 ft]d20+1

Pip's diminutive stature doesn't slow him down in the slightest as he climbs up ten feet of the rope!

Grand Lodge

male human cleric(Sarenrae)1, HP 12/12, AC/T/FF 18/11/17, F +4, R +2, W +6, Init +1, Perc +4

Andros scrambles up the rope,

Andros Therinor wrote:
Andros scrambles up the rope,

Another rules oddity. I suspect the 'rules' would stipulate that, since combat has started, Andros cannot take 10 on his Climb check. But there's literally nothing threatening Andros, the grappling hook, or the rope. I'm going to rule since nothing is a 'threat' to him (at this point) he can take 10 and Climb.

One of the brigands shouts, "You killed my brother Bubba!"
One brigand (Yellow) fires his bow at Avi before the other (Purple) steps in and tries to shiv him:

Brigand Ranged: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 121d6 ⇒ 5

Brigand Melee: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 61d8 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11

But apparently they are so worried about a powerful sorcerer being their target neither hits!

Round 2 - All Aboard?
Fancy Brigand?

Avi and Nails are UP!

The Concordance

male ganzi sorcerer (mongrel mage) 4 | ♥️26 | ⛨15 t13 ff13; Mage armor ⛨18 t13 ff16 | Resist acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5, fire 5, sonic 5 | CMB 2, CMD 15 | F +4, R +4, W +5; +2 vs. polymorph effects | Init +6 | Perception +0; darkvision 60ft, low-light vision | Speed 30ft | Spells ☐☐☐☐☐☐☐1st ☑☐☐☐2nd | Starsoul bloodline: minute meteors☑☑☑☑☑☑☑ | mongrel reservoir☑☑☑☑☑☑☐ | acid arrow☑ | Active conditions: none

Avi steps back and focuses on the mongrel blood coursing through his body. He lends vitality to the weakly present bloodline so that it surges with energy, his eyes gaining a slight glowing sheen.

[5ft-step] S
[swift] activate bloodline (1 mongrel reservoir point) to use 1st-level bloodline power and bloodline arcana at full sorcerer level, duration 4 rounds

After gaining that safe distance he points to the heavens and calls down a small column of rock and fire onto the nearest pirate.

[standard] Minute Meteors (Sp) in PINKs square
Fire damage, DC16 reflex negates: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4

Dark Archive

LN Dwarf Monk 3 | Mods: Combat Reflexes, Sky Sentinel | HP 30 (-12) | AC/Tch/FF 16/15/14 | CMD 19 | F/R/W +9/+7/+7 (+4 v. spells/spell-like, +2 v. poisons) | Speed 30ft | Ki Points: NA, Stunning Fist 0/3 | +2 Star Folio Re-Roll 1/1, Enduring Scholar (+2) 1/1 | Perc: +7 (DV), SM: +7 | Init: +2

Nails hops over the railing and quickly makes his way to the nearest target, ending his move with a side kick into the brigand’s solar plexus. At least that is his intent.

IUS: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21 for B: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5

Last use of Stunning Fist here. If hits, enemy has DC 15 Fort Save or is stunned for 1 round.

Nails hammers Bubba's brother so hard the brigand has to take a standing eight count.

Fort: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6

And drops the longsword he tried to stab Avi with.

I forgot to resolve Avi's action before Nails went.

Avi summons mini meteors to hit Bubba's brother in the head to help him forget the death of his brother:

Reflex: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 = 21

But Bubba's brother avoids the hits. Meanwhile the fancy brigand makes it to the stairs and descends below the top deck to...somewhere...

Pip and Andros are UP! Purple has taken 5 HP in damage.

”Lem” | Male CG Small Halfling Bard 1 | HP 11/11 | AC 15, T 13, FF 13 | CMD 10| F +3 R +5 W +3; +2 vs. fear | Init +2 | Perc +2 | Speed 20ft | Spells 1st 2/2 | Bardic Performance 0/8 | Active Conditions: None.

Pip climbs ten more feet with his two actions (take ten).

Grand Lodge

male human cleric(Sarenrae)1, HP 12/12, AC/T/FF 18/11/17, F +4, R +2, W +6, Init +1, Perc +4

Andros keeps climbing

Andros Therinor wrote:
Andros keeps climbing

Andros and Pip put their rigorous calisthenics training to good use and continue their ascents.

The Purple brigand is dazed and confused and not just due to the death of his brother Bubba; Nails KO shot still has him reeling.

The Yellow brigand can't stand the sight of two interlopers threatening his body so he shoots at Avi the magic maker!

Brigand Ranged: 1d20 + 2 - 4 ⇒ (3) + 2 - 4 = 11d6 ⇒ 3

But instead his arrow goes flying off into the darkness - what a goof.

Round 3 - All Aboard?
Fancy Brigand?
Brigands! [Purple -5, Yellow unharmed]

Avi and Nails are UP! As a quick reminder Purple is still stunned until Nails goes and here's the quick summary of effects: "A stunned creature drops everything held, can’t take actions, takes a –2 penalty to AC, and loses its Dexterity bonus to AC (if any)."

The Concordance

male ganzi sorcerer (mongrel mage) 4 | ♥️26 | ⛨15 t13 ff13; Mage armor ⛨18 t13 ff16 | Resist acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5, fire 5, sonic 5 | CMB 2, CMD 15 | F +4, R +4, W +5; +2 vs. polymorph effects | Init +6 | Perception +0; darkvision 60ft, low-light vision | Speed 30ft | Spells ☐☐☐☐☐☐☐1st ☑☐☐☐2nd | Starsoul bloodline: minute meteors☑☑☑☑☑☑☑ | mongrel reservoir☑☑☑☑☑☑☐ | acid arrow☑ | Active conditions: none

Avi, frustrated at the pirate's agility, frowns and tries again.

activate bloodline round 2/4
[standard] Minute Meteors (Sp) in PINKs square
Fire damage, DC16 reflex negates: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6

Reflex, Stunned: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (16) + 0 = 16

Although stunned the brigand manages to get out of the way!

Nails is UP!

Dark Archive

LN Dwarf Monk 3 | Mods: Combat Reflexes, Sky Sentinel | HP 30 (-12) | AC/Tch/FF 16/15/14 | CMD 19 | F/R/W +9/+7/+7 (+4 v. spells/spell-like, +2 v. poisons) | Speed 30ft | Ki Points: NA, Stunning Fist 0/3 | +2 Star Folio Re-Roll 1/1, Enduring Scholar (+2) 1/1 | Perc: +7 (DV), SM: +7 | Init: +2

Nails unleashes a flurry of a beat down upon the briggand!

”Ya got sometin on ya face. My fist!”

His comedic timing isn’t great.

IUS Flurry 1: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15 for B: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4


IUS Flurry 2: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8 for B: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4

Nails the Unbreakable wrote:

Nails unleashes a flurry of a beat down upon the briggand!

”Ya got sometin on ya face. My fist!”

His comedic timing isn’t great.

Nails sticks and moves and fires a straight right which hammers the brigand!

Purple brigand is at -9. Fancy Brigand is off the board so Pip and Andros are UP! I'm going to assume they both continue to climb, take 10, and move another 10' to the top where they can safely 'fall off' the railing as a free action, putting them on the deck.

The brigands attack:

Brigand Ranged - Nails: 1d20 + 2 - 4 ⇒ (19) + 2 - 4 = 171d6 ⇒ 1

Brigand Melee - Nails: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 111d8 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5

Purple takes a swing at Nails while shouting, "It's the big one, I'm coming to join you Bubba!" and drops over dead from the failed effort.

Yellow hits Nails in the toe hoping it will slow down the implacable dwarf.

Nails takes a whopping (checks notes) 1 point of damage. Avi and Nails are UP!

Round 4 - All Aboard?
Fancy Brigand?
Brigand! [Yellow unharmed, Purple flatlines]

Dark Archive

LN Dwarf Monk 3 | Mods: Combat Reflexes, Sky Sentinel | HP 30 (-12) | AC/Tch/FF 16/15/14 | CMD 19 | F/R/W +9/+7/+7 (+4 v. spells/spell-like, +2 v. poisons) | Speed 30ft | Ki Points: NA, Stunning Fist 0/3 | +2 Star Folio Re-Roll 1/1, Enduring Scholar (+2) 1/1 | Perc: +7 (DV), SM: +7 | Init: +2

Nails grunts as Pip finally makes it up, ”No jokes left Pip? No worries, my fists’ll do the talking.” He darts over and makes a quick jab at the crossbower’s jaw.

IUS + Charge: 1d20 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 4 + 2 = 18 for B: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4

AC -2

Incredulous that Nails managed to charge at him after being shot in his pinky toe, the remaining brigand gets smashed in the face!

Yellow now at -4, Avi is UP!

The Concordance

male ganzi sorcerer (mongrel mage) 4 | ♥️26 | ⛨15 t13 ff13; Mage armor ⛨18 t13 ff16 | Resist acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5, fire 5, sonic 5 | CMB 2, CMD 15 | F +4, R +4, W +5; +2 vs. polymorph effects | Init +6 | Perception +0; darkvision 60ft, low-light vision | Speed 30ft | Spells ☐☐☐☐☐☐☐1st ☑☐☐☐2nd | Starsoul bloodline: minute meteors☑☑☑☑☑☑☑ | mongrel reservoir☑☑☑☑☑☑☐ | acid arrow☑ | Active conditions: none

Avi incants a ball of flame onto the remaining brigand, and then glides a bit closer.

[standard] Cast flaming sphere (marked on map)
Fire damage, DC16 reflex negates: 3d6 ⇒ (2, 1, 1) = 4
[move] 20ft

The brigand gulps as fire seeks to engulf him:

Reflex: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 1 = 15

But doesn't quite manage to get out of the way and is burned.

Good grief that's like one of my damage rolls! Yellow down 4.

Once again no one knows what the fancy brigand is up to...

Pip and Andros are UP! And on the map so feel free to join the fray or whatever else you want to do. :)

”Lem” | Male CG Small Halfling Bard 1 | HP 11/11 | AC 15, T 13, FF 13 | CMD 10| F +3 R +5 W +3; +2 vs. fear | Init +2 | Perc +2 | Speed 20ft | Spells 1st 2/2 | Bardic Performance 0/8 | Active Conditions: None.

Pip draws his short sword and moves up, ”Climbing is hard.”

Grand Lodge

male human cleric(Sarenrae)1, HP 12/12, AC/T/FF 18/11/17, F +4, R +2, W +6, Init +1, Perc +4

Andros gets up and draws his scimitar. Where is he? he asks as he moves to the others

Yellow looks at Nails and says, "Hitting people with garbage cans eh? Now I've gotta cut ya!", drops his bow, draws his sword, and attacks Nails:

Brigand Melee: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 141d8 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10

But misses. "No fair! Your beard got in my way you cheater."

Round 5 - All Aboard?
Fancy Brigand?
Brigand! [-4]

Avi and Nails are UP!

The Concordance

male ganzi sorcerer (mongrel mage) 4 | ♥️26 | ⛨15 t13 ff13; Mage armor ⛨18 t13 ff16 | Resist acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5, fire 5, sonic 5 | CMB 2, CMD 15 | F +4, R +4, W +5; +2 vs. polymorph effects | Init +6 | Perception +0; darkvision 60ft, low-light vision | Speed 30ft | Spells ☐☐☐☐☐☐☐1st ☑☐☐☐2nd | Starsoul bloodline: minute meteors☑☑☑☑☑☑☑ | mongrel reservoir☑☑☑☑☑☑☐ | acid arrow☑ | Active conditions: none

Avi is surprised the brigand doesn't try to leave the flames, but he's happy to leave his fireball there to burn him.

Fire damage, DC16 reflex negates: 3d6 ⇒ (1, 3, 5) = 9

He then tries to fog his mind...

[standard] Cast daze (DC 14)

Dark Archive

LN Dwarf Monk 3 | Mods: Combat Reflexes, Sky Sentinel | HP 30 (-12) | AC/Tch/FF 16/15/14 | CMD 19 | F/R/W +9/+7/+7 (+4 v. spells/spell-like, +2 v. poisons) | Speed 30ft | Ki Points: NA, Stunning Fist 0/3 | +2 Star Folio Re-Roll 1/1, Enduring Scholar (+2) 1/1 | Perc: +7 (DV), SM: +7 | Init: +2

Yellow is down 8. But if he is still up with that damage his attack does hit Nails, who had charged. I’ll wait to see the results of that and the Reflex to act.

He would've moved if the effect was sitting there but I didn't move him so that's my fault. :)

Reflex: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10

The brigand burns! And falls over dead while on fire. Although having fires on ships when one can't swim well isn't an ideal situation...

What do the heroes do next?

Dark Archive

LN Dwarf Monk 3 | Mods: Combat Reflexes, Sky Sentinel | HP 30 (-12) | AC/Tch/FF 16/15/14 | CMD 19 | F/R/W +9/+7/+7 (+4 v. spells/spell-like, +2 v. poisons) | Speed 30ft | Ki Points: NA, Stunning Fist 0/3 | +2 Star Folio Re-Roll 1/1, Enduring Scholar (+2) 1/1 | Perc: +7 (DV), SM: +7 | Init: +2

Nails moves around the fire and peeks down the stairs.

Nails the Unbreakable wrote:
Nails moves around the fire and peeks down the stairs.

Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8

Nails can sees stairs down into the hold and the sounds of the harbor.

”Lem” | Male CG Small Halfling Bard 1 | HP 11/11 | AC 15, T 13, FF 13 | CMD 10| F +3 R +5 W +3; +2 vs. fear | Init +2 | Perc +2 | Speed 20ft | Spells 1st 2/2 | Bardic Performance 0/8 | Active Conditions: None.

Pip pulls Nails’ wand of healing out in his other hand and moves up, ”Wait a tic, let’s not go in hurt.”

Can someone move me 20 ft closer to Nails? My phone has gone to crap. Long story.

Pip Muzak wrote:

Pip pulls Nails’ wand of healing out in his other hand and moves up, ”Wait a tic, let’s not go in hurt.”

Can someone move me 20 ft closer to Nails? My phone has gone to crap. Long story.

I moved Pip 20' closer to Nails.

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