miteke's School of Spirits

Game Master miteke

School of Spirits (Gameday XIII)

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You do not need to purchase and use the tea or get the delay poison if you do not want to. That is why I was looking for a show of hands because if you do it will cost you. Please list any purchases and uses either here or in the discussion thread so I can get it all right, and whether you want me to add it to your chronicle sheet or if you prefer to take care of it outside the chronicle sheet.

Sovereign Court

”Kihel” Female N Half-Elf Bard 3 | HP 21/21 | AC 17 T 12 FF 15 Mage Armor | CMB +0, CMD +12 | F +3, R +6, W +4 | Init +2 | Perc +6 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: DelayPoison | Bard song: 15/15

Kihel is just listing out options because for spells, spellcasting service is cheaper than buying scrolls. She will buy the earplugs though.

I keep track of my expenditure on a Google sheet, so that I can consolidate all my purchase and expenditure and put them on the chronicle sheet. Please leave the Gold Spent box empty for Kihel's chronicle please.

Sounds good. I also use a google spreadsheet to track my purchases and sales. Makes life soooo much easier when a tool does the math for you.

since a communal spell was brought up, I need to know your characters responses before moving this along. I will give it a day and assume 'nays' unless told otherwise.

Sovereign Court

”Kihel” Female N Half-Elf Bard 3 | HP 21/21 | AC 17 T 12 FF 15 Mage Armor | CMB +0, CMD +12 | F +3, R +6, W +4 | Init +2 | Perc +6 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: DelayPoison | Bard song: 15/15

'Yay' from Kihel simply because Bard is weak Fort save class and cost-effectiveness of spellcasting service, and by no mean is intended to pressure anyone to spend money in any way.

Liberty's Edge

#07-05 School of Spirits Female N Elf Slayer 1 / Rogue (unch.) 2 | HP 20/20 | AC 20 T 16 FF 14 (+4 vs. AoO) | CMB +2 CMD 18 | F: +2 R: +10 W: +1 (+2 vs. ench.) | Init +5 | Perc +9 (+1 vs traps, low-light, trap spotter 10') | SM +5 | Speed 30ft

'Yay' from Rosla as well.

I will sort out her additional purchases later.

Grand Lodge

Male Lashunta Fighter-2 | hp 20/20 | AC:15 | F:5 R:2 W:-1 | I:2 P:-1 | TSRR:1 | GL | 124312-30

Yes here ... and I'll sort out Tempestas purchases as we go. I just remembered to apply a GM credit.

So far it's
Antitoxin 50
Antiplague 50
Oil of Bless Weapon 50
Courtier's Outfit 30

So Vangral, Kilel, Rosla, and Tempestus get a communal delay poison cast on them.


Grand Lodge

Male N Human Dwarf Barbarian 1 / Cleric 1| HP 24 / 24 | AC 16 / 12 T / 14 FF | CMD 16 | Fort + 7 Ref + 3 Will + 4 (+2 vs. charm and compulsion) (+2 to save vs. spells, poison, SLA) Init + 2 | Perception + 6 (Darkvision 60') | Speed 40' ft. | Conditions: None | Effects: None| Rage: 10/10 | Channels: 2/2 | Spells: 1st Level (2/2)
miteke wrote:

So Vangral, Kilel, Rosla, and Tempestus get a communal delay poison cast on them.


If it saves the group money I'm all for it.

With some of those savings I'd like to mention some 1st level scrolls/potions/oils that could help vs. an incorporeal undead: Protection vs. Evil, Shield of Faith, Magic Weapon (because non-magical weapons do 0 damage), and Hide from Undead.

Holy Weapon Balm, an alchemical weapon, can coat a magical melee weapon for one hit and gives it the ghost touch property so the hit will do full damage.

Just some options.

Sovereign Court

”Kihel” Female N Half-Elf Bard 3 | HP 21/21 | AC 17 T 12 FF 15 Mage Armor | CMB +0, CMD +12 | F +3, R +6, W +4 | Init +2 | Perc +6 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: DelayPoison | Bard song: 15/15

Dragon Rose is only 25gp and make your weapon count as magical and last 1 hour (doesn't have +1 enhancement bonus on attack like Magic Weapon, nor does it go through DR/evil like Bless Weapon).

A cheaper option if you want to PRE-buff vs incorporeal

Grand Lodge

Male N Human Dwarf Barbarian 1 / Cleric 1| HP 24 / 24 | AC 16 / 12 T / 14 FF | CMD 16 | Fort + 7 Ref + 3 Will + 4 (+2 vs. charm and compulsion) (+2 to save vs. spells, poison, SLA) Init + 2 | Perception + 6 (Darkvision 60') | Speed 40' ft. | Conditions: None | Effects: None| Rage: 10/10 | Channels: 2/2 | Spells: 1st Level (2/2)
Kihel Rosenthal wrote:

Dragon Rose is only 25gp and make your weapon count as magical and last 1 hour (doesn't have +1 enhancement bonus on attack like Magic Weapon, nor does it go through DR/evil like Bless Weapon).

A cheaper option if you want to PRE-buff vs incorporeal

Do we have anyone 'qualified' to purchase it? It has the red-outlined symbol and hovering the pointer over it lists at least 1 rank in Craft (Alchemy) and 1 rank in either Profession (Herbalist) or Knowledge (Nature).

Time to move on. Looks like everyone is getting the delay poison. Record purchases as you see fit.

Sovereign Court

”Kihel” Female N Half-Elf Bard 3 | HP 21/21 | AC 17 T 12 FF 15 Mage Armor | CMB +0, CMD +12 | F +3, R +6, W +4 | Init +2 | Perc +6 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: DelayPoison | Bard song: 15/15

for GM, about Faction Journal Card:

Kihel would like to complete the
S10 Sovereign Court wrote:

Recruit a named NPC ambassador, aristocrat, noble, or similar figure to cooperate with the faction with a successful

Diplomacy or Knowledge (nobility) check (DC = 14 + your character level + 3 for each of this goal’s checked boxes).


S10 Sovereign Court wrote:

Fulfill one of the three goals above without revealing your faction affiliation to anyone other than a present member of the

faction or a prospective NPC recruit. Checking a box for this goal does not prevent you from checking a box for another goal.

goals by recruiting Lady Miranda Dacilane, when we're done with escorting J, assuming Kihel survived.

Diplo: 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (6) + 22 = 28 DC=14+3 (PC lvl) + 0 (checked box)=17

If that's ok with you.

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