Gameday XIII - GM Valen's Starfinder Society Special #6-99: The End Awakens (Tier 1-2) (Inactive)

Game Master Lysle

This table cancelled due to lack of sign-ups

This table of the Starfinder Society Special #6-99: The End Awakens is part of PbP Gameday XIII. To play at this table, one needs to sign-up here. Seats are given on a first come, first seated basis.

Grand Lodge

won't let me add my name


grimdog73 wrote:
won't let me add my name

Because the permissions are set to View Only

Grand Lodge


Sign-ups are open for GM early player access on. August 12, 2024 (limited to 1 table and 1 Special).

General player seating opens August 15, 2024.

Grand Lodge mistake..i thought you had opened it up early...oh well...I'll wait...

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