[PFS2, GameDay13] 1-21 Mistress of the Maze (GM Watery Soup)

Game Master Watery Soup

Hero Points: Aerin 1, Arfsnarf 1, Itka 2, Khunbish 1, Marigold 0, Rannarix 2
Challenge Points: 21

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Vigilant Seal

F Human (dromaar) witch 8 | HP 80/80 | AC 24 | F +15 R +13 W +14 | Perc +12 (+14 for Initiative) | Stealth +13 | Exploration: Detect Magic | speed 25 | Hero 1/3 | focus 3/3 | spells 1: 3/3 2: 3/3 3: 3/3 | 4: 3/3 | ◆◇↺ | Active Conditions: none


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