[SFS2 Playtest] Cosmic Birthday (Inactive)

Game Master Redelia

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Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

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Male Korasha Lashunta Solarian 1 | HP 20/20 | AC 18 | Fortitude +5, Reflex+7, Will +5 | Perception +5 | Speed 25 | Default Exploration: Attunement Control +5 | Active Conditions: None | ◆◇↺


Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

We will be starting out the adventure with you meeting up with the rather sketchy vesk pawnbroker Julzakama. Do you already know each other? Does a friend send you a message to contact him, or do you see his ad on the infosphere, or does he approach you at a bar? He is looking to hire adventurers. (please discuss among yourselves in discussion, and then post here)

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

On the infosphere, most of you find an ad from a pawnbroker looking for adventurers willing to face danger in return for monetary rewards.

When you contact him, he asks you to meet up with him right outside a cheap bar in the Vesk quarter of Absalom Station at a particular time.

Approaching the appointed spot, you notice what appear to be several other adventurers, although the pawn broker is not there quite yet.

This is your chance to introduce yourselves to each other...

[A Cosmic Birthday Adventure] Male Shipborn Ysoki Precog Witchwarper 1 | HP 15/15, AC 17, Fort* +4, Ref* +6, Will** +5, Perc* +3 (low-light vision),

A ratfolk, currently playing with his tail, welcomes the new arrival at their meeting place.

"Are you also here for the ad?" he asks while drawing out his comm unit and showing the ad from the infosphere. "Dagang, a spacefarer from the beyond there." he introduces and points into the direction in space to what seems the general direction of where he came from. If they follow where he is pointing out, they might mistake him for living inside a sanitary truck that is collecting while hovering above ground.

Warblooded Vesk Prismeni Envoy 1 | HP 20/20 | AC 17 (18) | Fortitude +5, Reflex+6, Will +4 | Perception +2 (low-light) | Speed 20

A hulking vesk in a fur-lined trench coat hums to himself as he walks up to the door of the cheap bar, bends down from his seven foot height to peer in the grimy window, then straightens back up again.

"Advertisement?" he purrs in a surprisingly-cosmopolitan accent. "No, love. I'm here for a job. You get to sharing strong drinks with folks you just met and the STRANGEST opportunities arise....you can call me Common Talon, or Com-Tal should you find yourself pressed for time. A pleasure to meet you Dagang." The vesk offers a sharply-clawed open hand to the ysoki.

"I make connections," he offers, predicting the obvious question, "even when those connections might not so easily join up - yes? We understand each other, I think." He looks beyond at the hovering truck. "Your ride?"

Male Korasha Lashunta Solarian 1 | HP 20/20 | AC 18 | Fortitude +5, Reflex+7, Will +5 | Perception +5 | Speed 25 | Default Exploration: Attunement Control +5 | Active Conditions: None | ◆◇↺

Monisol remembered the day he awoke to find his hand surrounded by a ring of jagged stones that seemed, impossibly, to be glowing darkness. He later saw on the infosphere that Aucturn had exploded, and a new god had come from the rubble. Could the two be related?

For days, he wandered the station, hoping to find some clue as to what was going on with him. Understandably, most seemed wary of discussing this Newborn who destroyed a planet. He at least learned greater control over this strange weapon, and could now summon or dismiss it at will.

His rambling eventually led him to a bar where a tiny ysoki and a huge vesk were talking. Perhaps this would be the key to his understanding...

Android Operative 1 | HP 18, AC 18(20/shield) Fort +5, Ref +9, Will +3, Perc* +3 (low-light vision) ◆◇↺

A generic-looking humanoid wearing a plain Second Skin suit with a few tech devices and weapons attached to the belt approaches from around the building corner. The tell-tale glowing circuitry patterns along the exposed face and hands immediately show that they are one of the biomechanical constructs referred to as Androids.

Stepping up to the group the expressionless android states ” I am here in response to the ad.” He’s eyes scan over each of you methodically ” Traveler, explore, and wanderer. Yes, group classification as Adventures. My designation is Fiver-05. Fiver is also acceptable.
Your designations are Dagang and Com-Tal. Classifications Ysoki, and Vesk.”
Fiver nods his head once.

Turning to the Lashunta ” Wanderer, do you have a preferred designation?”

? Merged Barathu Vidgamer Mystic (Akashic) 1 (AC 14, Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +9, Perception +7)

A large, semi-gelatinous gas-filled ball, from which hang a plethora of tentacles, floats into the room.

It briefly touches your minds, with a telepathic 'voice' that sounds like a chorus of individuals speaking as one.

Greetings, fellow sentients we are The-One-Who-Is-Many. However, we acknowledge that individuals prefer to have specific nomens to refer to their fellows.

With that in mind, feel free to call us Legion, for we are many.

Almost as an afterthought, they add:

We dabble in many lines of cogitation, but will prove most beneficial in recalling information, and interacting with computer systems. We also have some skill at mending flesh, both with standard surgery, and preternatural means.

Male Korasha Lashunta Solarian 1 | HP 20/20 | AC 18 | Fortitude +5, Reflex+7, Will +5 | Perception +5 | Speed 25 | Default Exploration: Attunement Control +5 | Active Conditions: None | ◆◇↺

"My name is Monisol," the lashunta answered Fiver. He extended a hand to him and the other two who seemed to be waiting here as well.

When the barathu appeared, however, Monisol felt a sort of kinship. Perhaps One-Who-Is-Many knows about That-Which-Was-Aucturn?

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

A vesk in a faded tracksuit rises from a crouch, a sly grin creeping across his face—Julzakama. He waves a credstick in one hand, the gold chains glistening around his neck in the streetlight. “Looking for work?” he asks. “Got a job for you. I just acquired a freighter with a colorful past—a great investment opportunity, the listing said, which means it’s a fixer-upper. The deal I got was maybe too good to be true. Word on the Ring is my guy towed it in from Azlanti space. Could be a big payday for salvage, but I’m up to my horns in other work and need somebody to clear it out. Help me catalog the assets. If you want in, take a shuttle up to the Armada. Use my passcode to get past the impound lock and clear out any dangers that survived quarantine. You’ll get a primo cut of salvage, of course, and a little something extra for the trouble.”

[A Cosmic Birthday Adventure] Male Shipborn Ysoki Precog Witchwarper 1 | HP 15/15, AC 17, Fort* +4, Ref* +6, Will** +5, Perc* +3 (low-light vision),

"Hello, you can call me Dagang." the ysoki tells the vesk. "So you are the one that posted this ad in the infosphere?" he tells him and shows his comm unit while flashing the digital ad on its screen in front of the vest.

"Or is it a different one?" he reviews the ad and compares it to what the vesk is offering to them.

Warblooded Vesk Prismeni Envoy 1 | HP 20/20 | AC 17 (18) | Fortitude +5, Reflex+6, Will +4 | Perception +2 (low-light) | Speed 20

”Julz, you put together quite a crew for this gig. Motley, even.” Com-tal stretches to his full height and fixes the gold-festooned pawnbroker with an intense look. His fur-lined trench coat seems to fall away from his shoulders —- is the vesk himself fur-lined??

”Wanna give us a preview of what might be on board this boat, love?” Com-Tal croons. ”I’ve got allergies to lethal surprises, don’t ya know.”

? Merged Barathu Vidgamer Mystic (Akashic) 1 (AC 14, Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +9, Perception +7)

"Those terms sound reasonable... for the most part. Is the hulk just *from* Azlanti space, or is it actually Azlanti in origin?"

Android Operative 1 | HP 18, AC 18(20/shield) Fort +5, Ref +9, Will +3, Perc* +3 (low-light vision) ◆◇↺

Fiver tilts his head to the side " How long has the freighter been in quarantine? Do you have more info on the freighter's colorful past?"

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

"I don't know more than I've told you. Finding out more is your job, if you're up for it."

Android Operative 1 | HP 18, AC 18(20/shield) Fort +5, Ref +9, Will +3, Perc* +3 (low-light vision) ◆◇↺

Fiver freezes for a moment as the glowing circuitry patterns along his face seem to go through multiple interactions before he replies " Yes agreed."

Warblooded Vesk Prismeni Envoy 1 | HP 20/20 | AC 17 (18) | Fortitude +5, Reflex+6, Will +4 | Perception +2 (low-light) | Speed 20
Julz wrote:
"I don't know more than I've told you. Finding out more is your job, if you're up for it."

”Hmph. Seems that Navindrian Ale left you with a bit of a hangover, grumpy puss.”

The vesk looks around with a zest for action in their eyes. ”Right! Five-way split on salvage with a clause for single item acquisition reservation as per standardised Space Pirating Operation Terms of Reference? —-“

Com-Tal leers at Fiver. ”That’s SSPOTTOR, if you’re keeping records, friend.” They address the gathered team again. ”I’m no gunner or engineer but I can do anything in a pinch should it be needed - including pinch. I’ve got a thing for first contact and inter-ship communications. What talents do y’all bring, eh?”

[A Cosmic Birthday Adventure] Male Shipborn Ysoki Precog Witchwarper 1 | HP 15/15, AC 17, Fort* +4, Ref* +6, Will** +5, Perc* +3 (low-light vision),

"How much are we talking about here?" Dagang is now asking the price.

? Merged Barathu Vidgamer Mystic (Akashic) 1 (AC 14, Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +9, Perception +7)

"Fair enough. Which docking bay should we go to, in order to take your shuttle out to it?"

Android Operative 1 | HP 18, AC 18(20/shield) Fort +5, Ref +9, Will +3, Perc* +3 (low-light vision) ◆◇↺

Fiver observes as Com-Tal states terms to the vesk (Julzakarma?).

The android tilts his head as he repeats back to Com-Tal SSPOTTOR for ‘Standard Space Pirating Operation Terms of Reference’. Does the second ‘T’ have a meaning or is it redundant ornamentation?”

Replying to the vesk’s second query ” I am optimal at security tasks such as combat, hacking, and stealth. Secondary abilities in piloting and maintenance. I also have extensively explored and cross-referenced the infosphere.”

Warblooded Vesk Prismeni Envoy 1 | HP 20/20 | AC 17 (18) | Fortitude +5, Reflex+6, Will +4 | Perception +2 (low-light) | Speed 20
Fiver-05 wrote:

The android tilts his head as he repeats back to Com-Tal SSPOTTOR for ‘Standard Space Pirating Operation Terms of Reference’. Does the second ‘T’ have a meaning or is it redundant ornamentation?”

Com-Tal winks at Fiver. "I was never really any good at trigonometry."

Replying to the vesk’s second query ” I am optimal at security tasks such as combat, hacking, and stealth. Secondary abilities in piloting and maintenance. I also have extensively explored and cross-referenced the infosphere.”

"That's music to my largely-vestigial ears! We will get along well, Fiver - AND we can discuss the juicy gossip of who Zo! is dating presently. I'll share with you my favourite paparazzi site on the infosphere."

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

"You'll be able to hire a shuttle at the docks. And don't worry, if you find anything worth while, I'll make it worth your while."

This is hard to believe, but the adventure has absolutely nothing about how much he is willing to pay you... With this being a playtest, I don't have a sense of what amount to make up, so we'll just have him be a bit evasive.

Anything else, before we move on?

? Merged Barathu Vidgamer Mystic (Akashic) 1 (AC 14, Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +9, Perception +7)

Agreed. I mean, it's not like the pay-out at the end will really matter to any of us ;-)

"Then we should head to the docks... The sooner we get started, the sooner we will be remunerated for our efforts."

[A Cosmic Birthday Adventure] Male Shipborn Ysoki Precog Witchwarper 1 | HP 15/15, AC 17, Fort* +4, Ref* +6, Will** +5, Perc* +3 (low-light vision),

Dagang takes the vesk's words. "If you say so. And whatever we find more worthwhile than you can offer or pay, then I will keep it for myself instead." he tells the vesk with a wink. He then prepares himself before proceeding to the docks.

"I have your contact number from the ad you posted, we'll keep in touch." he adds.

Android Operative 1 | HP 18, AC 18(20/shield) Fort +5, Ref +9, Will +3, Perc* +3 (low-light vision) ◆◇↺

Fiver's circuits light up to Com-Tal mention of Zo, " Yes I was most stressed when Zo broke with Deek a week ago. Do you follow 'Red Moon Silver Moon' series the one about a vampire and werewolf?"

Turning Fiver begins waking away " Please follow. The optimal path to the docks is this way. Keep optical and audio receptors alert for anomalies."

Warblooded Vesk Prismeni Envoy 1 | HP 20/20 | AC 17 (18) | Fortitude +5, Reflex+6, Will +4 | Perception +2 (low-light) | Speed 20

"...but they're frenemies so it couldn't possibly be that they're accessing each others' ports, if you know what I'm insinuating there. Still, Filling the Gap has never been an infosphere site that trades in hyperbolic and fatuous conjecture, and they're owned by a shell company that is rumoured to be owned by Zo! Media, so there's that..."

Com-Tal's conversation with Fiver about The Real Space-Captains of The Drift spans the entire foot-trip to the docking bay. Once they've reached their destination, Com-Tal stretches to his full height, cracks his spine a few interesting ways, and stretches his clawed hands. His trench coat falls away a bit to show that - indeed - the vesk himself is furred, not his trench coat. At any noteworthy glances, Com-Tal pithily replies: "It's reserves battery costs needed to heat a spacesuit."

The vesk seems gleeful to haggle with shuttle captains in order to get passage to the Armada.

Diplomacy Check: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13

Male Korasha Lashunta Solarian 1 | HP 20/20 | AC 18 | Fortitude +5, Reflex+7, Will +5 | Perception +5 | Speed 25 | Default Exploration: Attunement Control +5 | Active Conditions: None | ◆◇↺

Monisol lets the gossip wash over him and approaches The-One-Who-Is-Many. "Pardon me," he says tentatively to the barathu, "I know this is sudden, but I feel like I was meant to find you. You know something of... Aucturn?"

? Merged Barathu Vidgamer Mystic (Akashic) 1 (AC 14, Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +9, Perception +7)

A disjointed quiver goes through The-One-Who-Is-Many's conjoined form, and they respond cryptically in a telepathic voice that is as multi-layered as their body:

Hark, I bring you good news
For in this grand cycle
A miraculous new birth will occur
The dormant sleeper will awaken
We live in an age of wonder
Newly hatched, a connection
Infinite and grand it is
Rejoice, for Aucturn's slumber is at an end!

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

Julzakama claps his hands together. “Excellent! The passcode’s 1607. I’ve got work to do, so go book your shuttle. Send me a comm once you’re in. Good luck!”

Anything you want to do before starting the mission? Computers to check the infosphere for more information or occultism may tell you something of interest. You also could go shopping for gear.

? Merged Barathu Vidgamer Mystic (Akashic) 1 (AC 14, Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +9, Perception +7)

The-One-Who-Is-Many listens to the ethereal whispers of the crystal spheres...

Occultism: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12.

...but, impressed with their jumbled voices, heads for the docks.

[A Cosmic Birthday Adventure] Male Shipborn Ysoki Precog Witchwarper 1 | HP 15/15, AC 17, Fort* +4, Ref* +6, Will** +5, Perc* +3 (low-light vision),

Computers: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24

Dagang checks his comm unit for more information that might help with their task.

*browses infosphere, opens social media account, browses infosphere again*

Male Korasha Lashunta Solarian 1 | HP 20/20 | AC 18 | Fortitude +5, Reflex+7, Will +5 | Perception +5 | Speed 25 | Default Exploration: Attunement Control +5 | Active Conditions: None | ◆◇↺

Occultism: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17

The lashunta begins to feel a connection to the mystical.

Monisol is pleased with Legion's response... though may have been more pleased if the answer was more informative and less poetic. Still, he walks closer, and a ring of jagged stones appears around his hand, seeming to glow in black.

Mechanically, a solar weapon in the form of an Aucturnite chakram.

"Excellent, thank you. This began happening the day that Aucturn was destroyed. I'm sure there is some connection, but no one yet has been able to give me a hint as to how."

Warblooded Vesk Prismeni Envoy 1 | HP 20/20 | AC 17 (18) | Fortitude +5, Reflex+6, Will +4 | Perception +2 (low-light) | Speed 20

”I’m a bit light on gear,” the vesk admits, ”but The ‘Verse provides, amiright?”

They seem to self-reassure.

No shopping needed unless no one has a medkit.

Android Operative 1 | HP 18, AC 18(20/shield) Fort +5, Ref +9, Will +3, Perc* +3 (low-light vision) ◆◇↺

computer (or lore infosphere?) : 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18

Fiver stares into nothingness for a few moments as he accesses the infosphere.

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

Dagang finds a trail of clues that eventually leads to an infosphere site dedicated to the impending birth of a new outer god.

He (and Fiver) also uncovers credible articles about the Ghost Levels, a liminal space with gateways popping open in neighborhoods around the Spike. They learn that the Ghost Levels are part of a pocket dimension that mirrors the neighborhoods it connects to, filled with dangers such as psychic molds, trapped ghosts, hungry oozes, and dimension-hopping monsters. Access points to the Ghost Levels supposedly appear after energy surges or outages that affect the Starstone, or coincide with other strange phenomena on Absalom Station. Monisol recalls enough info to realize that these articles are trustworthy.

As you journey, you overhear stories about vampire attacks and street preachers warning about the upcoming birth of a new god.

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

You need to find a shuttle. You could use piloting, society, or diplomacy.

Warblooded Vesk Prismeni Envoy 1 | HP 20/20 | AC 17 (18) | Fortitude +5, Reflex+6, Will +4 | Perception +2 (low-light) | Speed 20
Common Talon wrote:

The vesk seems gleeful to haggle with shuttle captains in order to get passage to the Armada.

Diplomacy Check: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13

I had tried earlier, but probably didn’t succeed.

[A Cosmic Birthday Adventure] Male Shipborn Ysoki Precog Witchwarper 1 | HP 15/15, AC 17, Fort* +4, Ref* +6, Will** +5, Perc* +3 (low-light vision),

Dagang shares the interesting information with his companions before Dagang starts asking around for the closest area that has a ship that can take them to their destination.
Society: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26

Male Korasha Lashunta Solarian 1 | HP 20/20 | AC 18 | Fortitude +5, Reflex+7, Will +5 | Perception +5 | Speed 25 | Default Exploration: Attunement Control +5 | Active Conditions: None | ◆◇↺

Monisol is certainly becoming more excited for this mission, but other than enthusiasm, he has nothing that will help the team secure transport.

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

The most affordable shuttle is U-Go rideshare in Little Akiton. While searching the infosphere, you notice a pop-up breaking news story about a supply chain breakdown near Aucturn space, though the reporter has no details about the cause of the trouble.

You catch a crowded hovercab to Little Akiton. Outside your stop, a lashunta street preacher yells at you, his arms waving wildly as he rants, “Something’s coming! The star-child breaks free of its planet-womb! Repent, sinners, and leave your old ways behind! The time of its birth is nigh!” A crowd of gawkers cluster around the preacher,
some carrying hand-painted signs supporting his message
while skeptics record his antics with their datapads.

(pausing for any reactions)

? Merged Barathu Vidgamer Mystic (Akashic) 1 (AC 14, Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +9, Perception +7)

The-One-Who-Is-Many quivers approvingly.

"Preach it, Brother!"

[A Cosmic Birthday Adventure] Male Shipborn Ysoki Precog Witchwarper 1 | HP 15/15, AC 17, Fort* +4, Ref* +6, Will** +5, Perc* +3 (low-light vision),

"I actually found a site about the birth of a new outer god. Now, I am hearing about star-child. What a crazy system we live in!" Dagang tells to himself. He then approaches the preacher.

"Hey, tell me. When will this star-child be given birth? Like is it metaphorical star-child, like famous one? Or something literal?"

Male Korasha Lashunta Solarian 1 | HP 20/20 | AC 18 | Fortitude +5, Reflex+7, Will +5 | Perception +5 | Speed 25 | Default Exploration: Attunement Control +5 | Active Conditions: None | ◆◇↺

Monisol gapes at the preacher. He also records part of the 'sermon' on his datapad, though not likely for the same reason as the others.

Android Operative 1 | HP 18, AC 18(20/shield) Fort +5, Ref +9, Will +3, Perc* +3 (low-light vision) ◆◇↺

Fiver muses " God birth related to Ghost levels? Inconclusive, Causation does not mean correlation. Need more data."

In reply to the preacher " Old ways should be periodly reviewed for efficiency. Does not require a god birth event."

Warblooded Vesk Prismeni Envoy 1 | HP 20/20 | AC 17 (18) | Fortitude +5, Reflex+6, Will +4 | Perception +2 (low-light) | Speed 20

Com-Tal shoves some street food from a vendor into their mouth as they watch the street preacher. The street food is a bit too wriggly for Com-Tal to comment in the moment.

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

You are nearing the docks, and in an elevator between the residential levels and the docks.

The metal doors close with a tinny chime and the elevator lurches downward. On the way down, metal whines as the elevator screeches to a dead stop. A pregnant moment passes before an emergency alert broadcast blares out from every comm unit. The elevator shakes as the alarm shifts into a wordless scream that spikes dread into every nerve. The lights flicker and blaze to unbearable brightness, searing the image of a floating, tentacled monstrosity into view. Then it all goes dark.

I'm first going to give you a chance to see what you come up with. If everyone seems stuck, I'll provide a few specific options in a day or two.

Android Operative 1 | HP 18, AC 18(20/shield) Fort +5, Ref +9, Will +3, Perc* +3 (low-light vision) ◆◇↺

Fiver retrieves his commercial Flashlight and lights it as he calmly comments " We seem to be experiencing an anomaly."

Does it look like the elevator's control panel can be accessed or is there a service access trapdoor in the elevator?

Warblooded Vesk Prismeni Envoy 1 | HP 20/20 | AC 17 (18) | Fortitude +5, Reflex+6, Will +4 | Perception +2 (low-light) | Speed 20

"Well," Com-Tal purrs from the darkness, "you don't see THAT everyday." The vesk attempts to place the tentacled vision in their memory.

Occultism Check: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9

After a moment, a spark (of static electricity?) breaks the monotonous darkness. "Looks like we've lost power," they surmise, moving towards where the control panel of the lift was. "Shall I give her a jump-start?"

Com-Tal is a living battery. They can power electrical devices as per the following:

Living Battery:
If the item is a battery, the battery regains 2 charges per spell rank.
If the item has a usage and is powered by a battery, that item’s usage is reduced to 0 for 1 round per spell rank.
If the item needs a continuous external power source (such as an item plugged into an electrical outlet or power grid) and is currently off or lacking a power source, that item turns on for 1 round per spell rank.

[A Cosmic Birthday Adventure] Male Shipborn Ysoki Precog Witchwarper 1 | HP 15/15, AC 17, Fort* +4, Ref* +6, Will** +5, Perc* +3 (low-light vision),

"What was that?!" Dagang is confused as he quickly draws his weapon, just in case it turns real. "You also saw that?!"

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